9 research outputs found

    Ion trap nuclear resonance on

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    Laser-microwave double resonance techniques applied to a cloud of a natural mixture of \mbox{Eu}^+ isotopes confined in a Penning trap has been used to induce and detect nuclear Zeeman transitions. In spite of the complex level structure of \mbox{Eu}^+ and overlapping spectra from the two isotopes five different ΔmI=1\Delta m_I=1 transitions could be observed from which the nuclear magnetic moment can be derived. We obtain for ^{151}\mbox{Eu}^+ gI=1.377 34(6)g_I=1.377\,34(6) demonstrating the potential for high accuracy of the technique. The experiment can be considered as a feasibility test that precise spectroscopy data using the ion storage technique can be obtained of very complex ions and under unfavourable conditions.

    Semi-Emperical Predictions of the Hyperfine Structure of 179^{179}Hfl in the Model Space (5d + 6s)4^4

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    The fine structure of the low configurations of the atomic hafnium has been analysed by simultaneous parametrization of one and two body interactions for the model space (5d+6s)4\rm (5d + 6s)^4. Using the calculated eigenfunctions the magnetic-dipole AA and electric-quadrupole BB hyperfine constants were predicted to stimulate the experimental work concerning the energy level structure of 179^{179}Hf

    Reanalysis and semi-empirical predictions of the hyperfine structure of

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    On the basis of most of the earlier hyperfine-structure (hfs) experimental results, the hfs of the atomic zirconium has been reanalyzed by the simultaneous parameterization of the one- and two-body interactions for the model space (4d+5s)4(4d + 5s)^4. The values of the one- and two-body hfs parameters have been determined and the nuclear quadrupole moment, free of Sternheimer corrections up to second order, Q(91Zr)=−0.23(2)bQ(^{91}{\rm Zr}) = -0.23(2)b has been evaluated. Moreover, the values of the magnetic-dipole A and the electric-quadrupole B constants for all known levels of this model space have been predicted

    Ion trap nuclear resonance on 151Eu+\mathsf{^{151}Eu^ + }

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    Experimental and theoretical challenges for the trapped electron quantum computer

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    We discuss quantum information processing with trapped electrons. After recalling the operation principle of planar Penning traps, we sketch the experimental conditions to load, cool and detect single electrons. Here we present a detailed investigation of a scalable scheme including feasibility studies and the analysis of all important elements, relevant for the experimental stage. On the theoretical side, we discuss different methods to couple electron qubits. We estimate the relevant qubit coherence times and draw implications for the experimental setting. A critical assessment of quantum information processing with trapped electrons concludes the paper