144 research outputs found

    The Need Of Financial Statement Analysis In A Firm/An Orgnization

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    Financial statement analysis play a dominate role in setting the frame watt of managerial decisions through analysis and interpretation of financial statement. This paper discusses about financial „ strength and weakness of the company by properly establishing relationship between the items of balance shed and profit and loss account. In order to judge the profitability and financial soundness of the company horizontal, and vertical analyze or done. The various technique used in analyzing financial statement included 'comparative statement, common size statement, trend analysis and ratio analysis. The results suggest that the ratio approach is a highly useful tool in financial statement analysis, especially when a set of ratios is used to evaluate a firm's performance.

    A conceptual Study on various factors relating to technological change in Small Scale Industries

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    A specific level of technological advancement is the necessary pre-condition for rapid growth. It is observed that the absence of proper technological change retards the economic growth. The innovation is the most intense methods for wresting power from nature in all conceivable ways. It reinforces the offices of man. Prof. Frankel expect that the, "Innovative change is not a negligible change in the specialized know-how. It implies a great deal more than this. It ought to be gone before by sociological change likewise, an eagerness and yearning with respect to group to adjust their social, political and authoritative establishments in order to make them fit with new procedures of generation and speedier rhythm of monetary movement." Technology, as per J. P. Dewhurst, indeed, can be thought of as the adjustment in the creation procedure of material and human aptitudes. Mechanical change was shown with the 'Direct Model of Innovation', which has now been to a great extent disposed of to be supplanted with a model of mechanical change that includes advancement at all phases of research, improvement, dispersion and utilize. At the point when talked about "displaying mechanical change" frequently the procedure of advancement is implied. This procedure of nonstop change is regularly demonstrated as a bend portraying diminishing expenses after some time. (for example energy unit which have turned out to be less expensive consistently)


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    As the worldwide distribute and utilization a web and portable added towards the advancement of computerized installments as well as baking. There's the absence in terms of examination that gives far reaching union and investigation of variables influencing the utilization and reception of computerized banking and installment strategies in GCC nations. Consequently, the point due to this paper is to give anwriting survey also carry out weight and meta-examination. Through 46 audits examinations, that was observed that is excellent indicators in light of advanced installment as well as banking reception the GCCnations are believed, saw safety and saw helpfulness. In light of the broad writing audit, the reasonable of elements influencing reception computerized banking and installment techniques in Bay nations a model was put out that will set plan in the future examination

    A Multi-Level access control scheme towards software as a service in cloud computing

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    Cloud computing is a model of data computing, storage, conveyance of services and sharing source assets gave to customers on their request. Rather than obtaining real physical gadgets servers, stockpiling, or any systems administration hardware, client utilized these assets from a cloud supplier as an outsourced benefit. It characterized as a model of administration of data, assets and applications as services over Internet according to prerequisite of clients‖. Cloud processing is a way to deal with helpful and on request arrange access to a shared gathering of registering assets that can be given by specialist organization as different services. It presents another Internet-based condition for on-request access, dynamic arrangement for processing assets by utilizing different compose services on cloud. These models are alluded as Software as a Service, Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service. This paper proposing a system that distinguishes and outline the security and privacy challenges in cloud services. It features cloud-particular assaults and hazards and unmistakably outlines their alleviations and countermeasures. This is likewise feature a multilevel security structure for cloud registering that fulfills security and privacy prerequisites in the clouds and ensure them against gatecrasher assaults. The motivation behind this work is to exhibit and presented a security and privacy viewpoint that will take into contemplations while creating and utilizing the cloud condition either by people or associations

    Medical disease prediction using Grey Wolf optimization and auto encoder based recurrent neural network

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    Big data development in biomedical and medical service networks provides a research on medical data benefits, early ailment detection, patient care and network administrations.e-Health applications are particularly important for the patients who are unfit to see a specialist or any health expert. The objective is to encourage clinicians and families to predict disease using Machine Learning (ML) procedures. In addition, diverse regions show important qualities of certain provincial ailments, which may hinder the forecast of disease outbreaks. The objective of this work is to predict the different kinds of diseases using Grey Wolf optimization and auto encoder based Recurrent Neural Network (GWO+RNN). The features are selected using GWO and the diseases are predicted by using RNN method. Initially the GWO algorithm avoids the irrelevant and redundant attributes significantly, after the features are forwarded to the RNN classifier. The experimental result proved that the performance of GWO+RNN algorithm achieved better than existing method like Group Search Optimizer and Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network (GFMMNN) approach. The GWO-RNN method used the medical UCI database based on various datasets such as Hungarian, Cleveland, PID, mammographic masses, Switzerland and performance was measured with the help of efficient metrics like accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. The proposed GWO+RNN method achieved 16.82% of improved prediction accuracy for Cleveland dataset

    Degradation of the insecticidal toxin produced by Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki by extracellular proteases produced by Chrysosporium sp.

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    Aims:  Some Cry proteins produced by the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) or by transgenic Bt plants persist in agricultural soils for an extended period of time, which may pose a hazard for nontarget soil organisms. The aims of our study were to screen for soil fungi capable of degrading the Cry1Ac toxin and to identify the mechanisms that lead to the inactivation of this protein.Methods and Results:  Of the eight fungal strains screened, only one, Chrysosporium sp., was found to produce extracellular proteases capable of degrading the 66-kDa Cry1Ac at the N-terminal end of amino acid 125 (alanine). The proteolytic products of the Cry1Ac toxin did not exhibit any insecticidal activity against Helicoverpa armigera, in contrast to its high toxicity exhibited in the native form.Conclusions:  Proteases elaborated by the Chrysosporium sp. degrade the Cry1Ac toxin in a way that it looses its insecticidal activity against H. armigera.Significance and Impact of the Study: Chrysosporium sp., a specific soil micro-organism capable of producing proteases that degrade the Cry1Ac toxin into inactive products under controlled conditions is being reported for the first time. Application of this observation needs to be further tested in field conditions

    Analysis of Antibody and Cytokine Markers for Leprosy Nerve Damage and Reactions in the INFIR Cohort in India

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    Leprosy is one of the oldest known diseases. In spite of the established fact that it is least infectious and a completely curable disease, the social stigma associated with it still lingers in many countries and remains a major obstacle to self reporting and early treatment. The nerve damage that occurs in leprosy is the most serious aspect of this disease as nerve damage leads to progressive impairment and disability. It is important to identify markers of nerve damage so that preventive measures can be taken. This prospective cohort study was designed to look at the potential association of some serological markers with reactions and nerve function impairment. Three hundred and three newly diagnosed patients from north India were recruited for this study. The study attempts to reflect a model of nerve damage initiated by mycobacterial antigens and maintained by ongoing inflammation through cytokines such as Tumour Necrosis Factor alpha and perhaps extended by antibodies against nerve components

    Delivery of drinking, eating and mobilising (DrEaMing) and its association with length of hospital stay after major noncardiac surgery: observational cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Enhanced recovery pathways are associated with improved postoperative outcomes. However, as enhanced recovery pathways have become more complex and varied, compliance has reduced. The ‘DrEaMing’ bundle re-prioritises early postoperative delivery of drinking, eating, and mobilising. We investigated relationships between DrEaMing compliance, postoperative hospital length of stay (LOS), and complications in a prospective multicentre major surgical cohort. METHODS: We interrogated the UK Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme dataset. Analyses were conducted in four stages. In an exploratory cohort, we identified independent predictors of DrEaMing. We quantified the association between delivery of DrEaMing (and its component variables) and prolonged LOS in a homogenous colorectal subgroup and assessed generalisability in multispecialty patients. Finally, LOS and complications were compared across hospitals, stratified by DrEaMing compliance. RESULTS: The exploratory cohort comprised 22 218 records, the colorectal subgroup 7230, and the multispecialty subgroup 5713. DrEaMing compliance was 59% (13 112 patients), 60% (4341 patients), and 60% (3421), respectively, but varied substantially between hospitals. Delivery of DrEaMing predicted reduced odds of prolonged LOS in colorectal (odds ratio 0.51 [0.43–0.59], P<0.001) and multispecialty cohorts (odds ratio 0.47 [0.41–0.53], P<0.001). At the hospital level, complications were not the primary determinant of LOS after colorectal surgery, but consistent delivery of DrEaMing was associated with significantly shorter LOS. CONCLUSIONS: Delivery of bundled and unbundled DrEaMing was associated with substantial reductions in postoperative LOS, independent of the effects of confounder variables. Consistency of process delivery, and not complications, predicted shorter hospital-level LOS. DrEaMing may be adopted by perioperative health systems as a quality metric to support improved patient outcomes and reduced LOS
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