1,041 research outputs found

    Illocutionary Acts in Stand-up Comedy

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    This research was conducted to discover the types of illocutionary acts, the most dominant type of illocutionary acts, the implication of the dominant type of illocutionary acts, and which utterances show the function of stand-up comedy in stand-up comedy performances in Indonesia. It was based on descriptive design by applying both quantitative and qualitative method. This study took ten performances of stand-up comedy which is taken randomly from the internet and there were 1378 illocutionary acts in ten stand-up comedy selected. The findings show that all types of illocutionary acts were used in stand-up comedy and the percentages were: 55.9% of representatives, 22.9% of directives, 16.2% of expressives, 3% of declaratives and 2% of commissives. There was another function of stand-up comedy in addition to entertaining, informing, and criticizing, which is insinuating. The most dominant illocutionary acts type found was representatives. It means, in delivering their material, the comics dominantly convey their belief that some proposition is true and they also indirectly provoke the audience to believe their words

    Evaluasi Terhadap Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Inovatif Pada Guru SMA Yang Tersertifikasi Dan Solusinya Dikota Surakarta

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    The aim of this research is to find to what extent senior highschool teachers has applied innovative teaching after passing the certification examination. In addition, this research has the aim to find out the problems that the teachers have in their application of innovative teaching. Based on the problems, this research proposes some recommendations for the solutions for the problems.Specifically, this research wants to find out whether there are any differences in the application of innovative teaching between the teachers who passed the portofolio ceritification exam and those who passed the exam in the Teacher Profession Education and Training (PLPG). This is a qualitative research with observation, depth-interview, questionnaire used as the instruments to get the data of the research. The objects of the research are certifiedb and non-certified senior highschool teachers of natural science, social science, Indonesian and English of both the private and state schools in SurakartaThe research has obtained the following findings. The certification program has created an impact on both certified and non-certified senior highschool teachers in Surakarta. With their limitations, they tend to implement innovative teaching. There is a difference between certified teachers and non-certified teachers. The former teach better than the later. There is a slight difference between the cerified teachers who passed the portofolio exam and the certified teachers who passed the PLPG exam. The portofolio teachers teach more innovatively than the PLPG teachers.The research has also found that the teachers are facing some problems that discourage them to implement innovative teaching. First, they are forced to prepare the students for the National Exam. Secondly, they have the wrong perception that teaching innovatively means using computers or laptops and this means being expensive. To solve the problems, there should be a continuous supervision and monitoring and evaluation for the teachers.

    Karakterisasi Beberapa Sifat Kuantitatif Plasma Nutfah Gandum (Triticum Aestivum. L)

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    The aim of the experiment were to rejuvenate and characterize of wheat germplasm. Eighty nine genotypes planted at Kuningan Field Research Instalation, West Java from June to October 2002. Plot size for each genotypes 3 x 1 m2 with spacing 25 x 10 cm. Seeds were planted with 2 seed per hole and thinned out to one plant. Several agronomic characters were observed: date of flowering, date of maturing, plant height, number of productive tiller per hill, seed weight per hill and yield per plot. The results showed that: date of flowering (mean 60.9 days with range 48-77 days), date of maturity (mean 102.7 days with range 87-119 days), plant height (mean 72.4 cm, range 53.5-88.7 cm), number of productive tiller per hill (mean 9.71, range 4.9-24.0), seed weight per hill (mean 11.96 g, range 5.3-34.5 g) and seed yield per plot (200.0- 2624.5 g). Seventeen genotypes have date of flowering <54.3 days, some of them were H40, H80, V219, and V132. There were 25 genotypes have date of harvesting ranged 87-98 days, some of them were H40 (87 days), H85 (91 days), H90 (91 days). There were 16 genotypes have plant height <65.2 cm, some of them were C3 (53.5 cm), C7 (58.4 cm), C14 (59.1 cm). Whereas the highest was C10 (88.7 cm). Nine genotypes have number of productive tiller per hill >17.5, some of them were C8 (23.6), C27 (22.7) and the greatest number was C28 (24.0). Sixty six genotypes have number of productive tiller per hill, ranged 4.9-11.2, some of them were: C34 (4.9), C24 (5.2), H85 (5.6). Seed weight per hill showed that 60 genotypes have seed weight <12.6 g, for example: H71 (5.3 g), H40 (6.6 g), C132 (5,4 g), C34 (6,7 g), whereas the heaviest was C28 (34.5 g). Sixteen three two genotypes that have yield per plot >2000 g were V192 (2016.0 g), and V167 (2624.5 g)

    Plasma Nutfah Jagung Sebagai Sumber Gen Dalam Program Pemuliaan

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    In December 2005, maize germplasm collection at the institute were 886 accessions consisted of 581 local varieties, 165 introduced varieties, 107 inbred, lines, and 33 old and the present improved varieties. Required traits in varietal improvement or development are drought tolerant, tolerant to Al-toxicity, early maturity, have better quality, resistant to downy mildew disease, resistant to insect Atherigona exigua and high yield. Maize germplasm must be characterized accordingly. Evaluation for Al toxicity was conducted at Tamanbogo, Lampung, 100-200 accessions of maize germplasm and tolerance to drought were conducted in Jakenan and Imogiri Central Java, 63-100 accessions. Evaluation for downy mildew resistance was conducted at Cikeumeuh Bogor, 100-200 accessions. Evaluation for resistance to seedingfly was conducted at Cikeumeuh, 75-100 accessions. The results of evaluation conducted from 1999-2004 were: 30 accessions tolerant to drought, 21 accessions. tolerant to Al-toxicity, 70 accessions resistant to downy mildew disease (Peronosclerospora maydis), 22 accessions resistant to seeding fly (Atherigona exigua), 126 accessions had very early maturity <80 days (consisted of 31 accessions had yellow seed, 35 accessions had white seed, and 60 accessions had other colour seed). Accessions having good characters, need to be further tested prior to their use in the breeding program, particularly the accessions resistant to Atherigona exigua in monoculture test

    Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Plus Arang Dan Pupuk Organik Mikoriza Plus Arang Pada Media Tumbuh Anakan Shorea Crysophylla

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    Tulisan ini menyajikan hasil penelitian penggunaan pupuk organik plus arang (POA) dan pupuk organik mikoriza plus arang (POAM) pada media tumbuh anakan Shorea crysophylla selama 6 bulan di rumah kaca. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan POA dan POAM terhadap respon pertumbuhan anakan Shorea crysophylla. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan 1 tablet pupuk organik mikoriza plus arang (POAM) memberikan perbedaan nyata pada pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter anakan Shorea crysophylla dan juga dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tinggi sebesar 43,9% dan diameter sebesar 49,3% dibandingkan tanpa POAM. Penambahan pupuk organik plus arang (POA) kurang efektif terhadap peningkatan pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter anakan Shorea crysophylla, dibandingkan POAM Untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan anakan Shorea crysophylla, cukup diberi 1 tablet POAM tanpa harus ditambah POA. Tablet POAM sangat berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pertumbuhan diameter daripada pertumbuhan tinggi

    Pengaruh Media Dan Tempat Tumbuh Terhadap Pertumbuhan Anakan Eucalyptus Urophylla Dan Eucalyptus Pellita

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    Tulisan ini menyajikan hasil penelitian penggunaan pupuk organik dan pupuk organik mikoriza dari sludge industri pulp pada dua jenis anakan Ekaliptus selama lima bulan di Rumah Kaca. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan pupuk organik, tablet pupuk organik mikoriza dan tempat sapih terhadap pertumbuhan anakan Eucalyptus urophylla dan Eucalyptus pellita.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tempat sapih berupapolybag memberikan pengaruh yang terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman di bandingkan polytube, ditandai dengan terjadinya peningkatan pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter. Komposisi media dengan campuran tanah + PO + tablet POM merupakan yang terbaik, diikuti campuran tanah + tablet POM dan campuran tanah + PO. Penambahan tablet POM pada media tanam anakanEucalyptus urophylla dan Eucalyptus pellita menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan tanaman lebih baik dibandingkan tanpa tablet POM

    Makna Obesitas

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    Obesitas adalah gangguan medis yang ditandai oleh adanya penimbunan lemak dalam tubuh sebagai akibat dari ketidakseimbangan antara energi yang masuk dan energi yang keluar. Penyebab obesitas bersifat multifaktorial, yakni dari adanya hubungan antara faktor biologis, psikologis, dan faktor sosial atau lingkungan. Obesitas memberi beberapa dampak bagi individu yang mengalaminya. Dampak fisik membuat individu obesitas berisiko terkena penyakit kronis, dampak sosial membuat individu rentan terkena stigma negatif dari masyarakat, dan dampak psikologis dapat menimbulkan perasaan negatif seperti kecemasan, rasa malu, serta memiliki gambaran diri yang buruk. Semua yang dialami individu terkait dengan keadaan obesitasnya memberikan pengalaman, baik menyenangkan maupun tidak menyenangkan. Penilaian individu terhadap pengalamannya memberikan pemaknaan tersendiri bagi individu tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan makna obesitas pada wanita dewasa awal yang mengalami obesitas.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fenomenologi, karena fokus fenomenologi adalah memahami makna dari suatu peristiwa dan pengaruhnya terhadap individu. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari tiga wanita dewasa awal. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara semi terstruktur dengan didukung oleh materi audio. Metode analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) dari Smith.Hasil penelitiann menunjukkan bahwa makna obesitas bagi ketiga subjek adalah: obesitas memberi dampak bagi keadaan fisik, obesitas membuat subjek mendapat perlakuan kurang menyenangkan dari orang lain, obesitas memunculkan perasaan-perasaan negatif, obesitas memunculkan pandangan negatif terhadap tubuh, serta obesitas mendorong USAha untuk menyesuaikan diri
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