1,730 research outputs found

    Noncoherent Capacity of Underspread Fading Channels

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    We derive bounds on the noncoherent capacity of wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS) channels that are selective both in time and frequency, and are underspread, i.e., the product of the channel's delay spread and Doppler spread is small. For input signals that are peak constrained in time and frequency, we obtain upper and lower bounds on capacity that are explicit in the channel's scattering function, are accurate for a large range of bandwidth and allow to coarsely identify the capacity-optimal bandwidth as a function of the peak power and the channel's scattering function. We also obtain a closed-form expression for the first-order Taylor series expansion of capacity in the limit of large bandwidth, and show that our bounds are tight in the wideband regime. For input signals that are peak constrained in time only (and, hence, allowed to be peaky in frequency), we provide upper and lower bounds on the infinite-bandwidth capacity and find cases when the bounds coincide and the infinite-bandwidth capacity is characterized exactly. Our lower bound is closely related to a result by Viterbi (1967). The analysis in this paper is based on a discrete-time discrete-frequency approximation of WSSUS time- and frequency-selective channels. This discretization explicitly takes into account the underspread property, which is satisfied by virtually all wireless communication channels.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Consequences of self-consistency violations in Hartree-Fock random-phase approximation calculations of the nuclear breathing mode energy

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    We provide for the first time accurate assessments of the consequences of violations of self-consistency in the Hartree-Fock based random phase approximation (RPA) as commonly used to calculate the energy EcE_c of the nuclear breathing mode. Using several Skyrme interactions we find that the self-consistency violated by ignoring the spin-orbit interaction in the RPA calculation causes a spurious enhancement of the breathing mode energy for spin unsaturated systems. Contrarily, neglecting the Coulomb interaction in the RPA or performing the RPA calculations in the TJ scheme underestimates the breathing mode energy. Surprisingly, our results for the 90^{90}Zr and 208^{208}Pb nuclei for several Skyrme type effective nucleon-nucleon interactions having a wide range of nuclear matter incompressibility (Knm∼215−275K_{nm} \sim 215 - 275 MeV) and symmetry energy (J∼27−37J \sim 27 - 37 MeV) indicate that the net uncertainty (δEc∼0.3\delta E_c \sim 0.3 MeV) is comparable to the experimental one.Comment: Revtex file (11 pages), Accepted for the publication in Phys. Rev.

    Nuclear matter incompressibility coefficient in relativistic and nonrelativistic microscopic models

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    We systematically analyze the recent claim that nonrelativistic and relativistic mean field (RMF) based random phase approximation (RPA) calculations for the centroid energy E_0 of the isoscalar giant monopole resonance yield for the nuclear matter incompressibility coefficient, K_{nm}, values which differ by about 20%. For an appropriate comparison with the RMF based RPA calculations, we obtain the parameters for the Skyrme force used in the nonrelativistic model by adopting the same procedure as employed in the determination of the NL3 parameter set of an effective Lagrangian used in the RMF model. Our investigation suggest that the discrepancy between the values of K_{nm} predicted by the relativistic and nonrelativistic models is significantly less than 20%.Comment: Revtex file (13 pages), appearing in PRC-Rapid Com

    Isoscalar Giant Dipole Resonance and Nuclear Matter Incompressibility Coefficient

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    We present results of microscopic calculations of the strength function, S(E), and alpha-particle excitation cross sections sigma(E) for the isoscalar giant dipole resonance (ISGDR). An accurate and a general method to eliminate the contributions of spurious state mixing is presented and used in the calculations. Our results provide a resolution to the long standing problem that the nuclear matter incompressibility coefficient, K, deduced from sigma(E) data for the ISGDR is significantly smaller than that deduced from data for the isoscalar giant monopole resonance (ISGMR).Comment: 4 pages using revtex 3.0, 3 postscript figures created by Mathematica 4.

    Volatility of Linear and Nonlinear Time Series

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    Previous studies indicate that nonlinear properties of Gaussian time series with long-range correlations, uiu_i, can be detected and quantified by studying the correlations in the magnitude series ∣ui∣|u_i|, i.e., the ``volatility''. However, the origin for this empirical observation still remains unclear, and the exact relation between the correlations in uiu_i and the correlations in ∣ui∣|u_i| is still unknown. Here we find analytical relations between the scaling exponent of linear series uiu_i and its magnitude series ∣ui∣|u_i|. Moreover, we find that nonlinear time series exhibit stronger (or the same) correlations in the magnitude time series compared to linear time series with the same two-point correlations. Based on these results we propose a simple model that generates multifractal time series by explicitly inserting long range correlations in the magnitude series; the nonlinear multifractal time series is generated by multiplying a long-range correlated time series (that represents the magnitude series) with uncorrelated time series [that represents the sign series sgn(ui)sgn(u_i)]. Our results of magnitude series correlations may help to identify linear and nonlinear processes in experimental records.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Inverse modeling of unsaturated flow using clusters of soil texture and pedotransfer functions

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    Characterization of heterogeneous soil hydraulic parameters of deep vadose zones is often difficult and expensive, making it necessary to rely on other sources of information. Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) based on soil texture data constitute a simple alternative to inverse hydraulic parameter estimation, but their accuracy is often modest. Inverse modeling entails a compromise between detailed description of subsurface heterogeneity and the need to restrict the number of parameters. We propose two methods of parameterizing vadose zone hydraulic properties using a combination of k-means clustering of kriged soil texture data, PTFs, and model inversion. One approach entails homogeneous and the other heterogeneous clusters. Clusters may include subdomains of the computational grid that need not be contiguous in space. The first approach homogenizes within-cluster variability into initial hydraulic parameter estimates that are subsequently optimized by inversion. The second approach maintains heterogeneity through multiplication of each spatially varying initial hydraulic parameter by a scale factor, estimated a posteriori through inversion. This allows preserving heterogeneity without introducing a large number of adjustable parameters. We use each approach to simulate a 95 day infiltration experiment in unsaturated layered sediments at a semiarid site near Phoenix, Arizona, over an area of 50 × 50 m2 down to a depth of 14.5 m. Results show that both clustering approaches improve simulated moisture contents considerably in comparison to those based solely on PTF estimates. Our calibrated models are validated against data from a subsequent 295 day infiltration experiment at the site
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