17 research outputs found

    EOS²: Unstoppable Stateful PHP (demo)

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    This paper presents the architecture and implementation of the EOS2 failure-masking framework for composite Web Services. EOS2 is based on the recently proposed notion of interaction contracts (IC), and provides exactly-once execution semantics for general, arbitrarily distributed Web Services in the presence of message losses and component crashes without requiring explicit coding effort by the application programmer. The EOS2 implementation masks failures by adding a recovery layer to popular Web technology products: (i) the server-side script language PHP run on Apache Web server, and (ii) Internet browsers like IE to deliver recovery guarantees to the end-user

    Formal Verification of Web Service Interaction Contracts

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    Abstract Recovery is the last resort when other components exhibit bugs. It is therefore of paramount importance that the correctness of the recovery protocols be formally verified. Recovery not only needs to cope with database failures but should handle and ideally mask message and process failures in clients and servers. Otherwise, when a reply message is lost the application must be able to determine "manually" whether the interaction is to be repeated. This paper develops a statechart specification of a recovery framework that generically guarantees exactly-once execution and applies model checking to prove its correctness

    Formal Verification of a Transactional Interaction Contract

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    Unstoppable Stateful PHP Web Services

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    This paper presents the architecture and implementation of the EOS2 failure-masking framework for composite Web Services. EOS2 is based on the recently proposed notion of interaction contracts (IC), and provides exactly-once execution semantics for general, arbitrarily distributed Web Services in the presence of message losses and component crashes without requiring explicit coding effort by the application programmer. The EOS2 implementation masks failures by adding a recovery layer to popular Web technology products: (i) the server-side script language PHP run on Apache Web server, and (ii) Internet browsers like IE to deliver recovery guarantees to the end-user

    XML-enabled Workflow Management for E-Services across Heterogeneous Platforms

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    A Goal-driven Auto-Configuration Tool for the Distributed Workflow Management System Mentor-lite

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    The Mentor-lite prototype has been developed within the research project "Architecture, Configuration, and Administration of Large Workflow Management Systems" funded by the German Science Foundation ({DFG}). In this paper, we outline the distributed architecture of Mentor-lite and elaborate on a goal-driven autoconfiguration tool for Mentor-lite and similar workflow management systems ({WFMS}). This tool aims to recommend an appropriate system configuration in terms of replicated workflow, application, and communication servers, so as to meet given goals for performance, availability, and performability at low system costs. The demo will show the monitoring capabilities of Mentor-lite and the various components of the autoconfiguration tool