15 research outputs found
First studies on Giardia duodenalis in the water buffalo
A cross-sectional survey of Giardia duodenalis infection in the water buffalo was carried out in Central Italy. The survey was conducted on a sample of 90 farms, selected using a grid approach within a Geographical Information System, followed by proportional allocation. On each farm, faecal samples were collected from three to five asymptomatic buffalo calves, aged from 1 to 9 weeks (total number = 347). Each faecal sample was tested for the presence of copro-antigens of G. duodenalis using a commercially available ELISA. Out of the 90 farms, 27 (30.0%) resulted positive. With respect to animals, out of the 347 faecal samples, 63 (18.1%) were found to have antigens of G. duodenalis. The results of the logistic regression model showed a positive association between the positivity to G. duodenalis and the presence of sheep on farm
An updating on Cryptosporidium parvum in the water buffalo
A cross-sectional survey of Cryptosporidium parvum infection in the water buffalo was carried out in central Italy. The survey was carried out on a sample of 90 farms, selected using a grid approach within a Geographical Information System, followed by proportional allocation. On each farm, faecal samples were collected from three to five asymptomatic buffalo calves, aged from 1 to 9 weeks (total number = 347). Each sample was tested for the presence of copro-antigens of C. parvum using a commercially available ELISA. Out of the 90 farms, 22 (24.4%) resulted positive. With respect to animals, out of the 347 faecal samples, 51 (14.7%) were found to have antigens of C. parvum. The results of the logistic regression model showed a positive association between the positivity to C. parvum and the high number of buffaloes on farms
Epidemiological situation of Herpesvirus infections in buffalo herds: Bubaline Herpesvirus1 or Bovine Herpesvirus1?
Information on the distribution and related epidemiological characteristics of herpesvirus infections, and in particular referring to Bovine Herpesvirus 1 (BoHV1) and Bubaline Herpesvirus 1 (BuHV1) in buffaloes, have to date not been reported. Different studies based on serological surveys and viral isolation describe the circulation of both infections in this species. The specific etiological attribution of the infections in sero-surveys can be uncertain because of antigenic cross-reactivity of these ruminant α-herpesvirus and therefore depends on the diagnostic techniques employed. For this , we proceeded in verifying the diffusion of the two infections in a buffalo population of Central Italy. The sample size for the number of herds to test was defined considering an expected prevalence > 20% and the number of heads to be tested within each herd was established using an expected prevalence of > 25% (absolute precision of 5%, with 95% confidence level). The 155 herds to test were those with no IBR vaccination history. A maximum of 15 random blood samples were collected within the >3 year age category. The same sampling criteria was adopted when cows were present on buffalo farms to study the possible role of this species. Through the combined use of gB-gE Elisa tests, we assigned a specific infection status, for the BuHV1 infection status (gB-pos/gE-neg), as confirmed by an experimental infection conducted by us inoculating buffaloes with the BuHV1 “strain Metzler”, and for the BoHV1 status (gBpos/ gE-pos) as that observed for the infection in bovines. Prevalence of infection, based on the Elisa status of each animal, were estimated for the whole sample and within each herd. Furthermore, the selected farms were investigated for their numeric consistency, presence of bovines, occurrence of typical clinical herpesvirus disorders occurring during the year prior to sampling. The association of these factors with the infection status was verified using logistic linear regression models. Prevalence for all infection status were observed at population level with no statistical difference between them, while the highest prevalence obtained at herd level was that for the co-existence of the two infections within the same herd. From the linear regression analysis, only the numeric consistency was associated with herds positive for BuHV1 and BoHV1 infection. Concomitance of the two herpesvirus infection in buffaloes as well as in bovine herds should be kept in focus both in their diagnosis as well as in their control
A five-year retrospective study on ascarid infections in dogs in southern Italy
A 5-year retrospective analysis of ascarid infections (Tox-ocara canis and Toxascaris leonina) in dogs from southern Italy was performed to update the epidemiological scenario of these parasites and to identify the risk factors which may favour these infections in animals in this study area. A total of 8,149 dogs, referred to our labs for copromicroscopic analysis using the FLOTAC tech-nique, was considered. A sub-sample of 500 faecal samples were analysed also with the Mini-FLOTAC tech-nique. Of the overall dog samples analysed, 9,2 % (95 % CI = 8,6–9,8) resulted positive for T. canis while 0,5 % (95 % CI = 0,4–0,7) resulted positive for T. leonina. Co-infections with T. canis and T. leonina were found in 0,1 % of dogs (95 % CI = 0,0–0,1). The results obtained by the FLOTAC and Mini-FLOTAC examinations showed a nearly perfect k agreement (k = 0,99, P < 0,001) between these two techniques. Chi-square test showed positivity to T. canis and T. le-onina significantly (P < 0,001) associated with dogs housed outdoor (i.e., that lived in garden or in kennel). Moreover, the positivity for T. canis was significantly associated (P < 0,001) also with age (i.e., puppies), as shown by the logistic regression. The decreasing overall prevalence both for T. canis and T. leonina during the years of monitoring, showed that, as suggested by the European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Par-asites, the regular diagnosis could contribute to an efficient control of these parasites
Giardia and Cryptosporidium in water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
A cross-sectional survey of Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium parvum infection in the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) was carried out in central Italy. A geographical information system (GIS) was constructed utilizing as data-layers the topographic base map and the digital aerial photographs of the study area, as well as the geo-referenced points of all the buffalo farms. The survey was conducted on a sample of 90 farms, selected using a grid approach followed by proportional allocation. For this purpose, a grid representing quadrants of 5x5 km was overlaid on the study area within the GIS. As a result, the study area was divided in equal quadrants, and the number of farms sampled in each quadrant was proportional to the total number of study population in that quadrant. On each farm, faecal samples were collected per rectum from three to five asymptomatic buffalo calves, aged from 1 to 9 weeks. The total number of faecal samples collected was 347. Each faecal sample was tested for the presence of copro-antigens of G. duodenalis and of C. parvum using two commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Out of the 90 farms, 27 (30.0%) resulted positive for G. duodenalis and 22 (24.4%) for C. parvum. Co-infection was found in ten (11.1%) farms. With respect to animals, out of the 347 faecal samples, 63 (18.1%) were found to have antigens of G. duodenalis and 51 (14.7%) of C. parvum. Co-infection was found in ten buffalo calves (2.9%). The results of the logistic regression models showed a positive association between the positivity to G. duodenalis and the presence of sheep on farm and between the positivity to C. parvum and the high number of buffaloes on farms. No significant co-infection between the two protozoa was found. In conclusion, the findings of the present study, derived from a systematic territorial survey planned with GIS, are noteworthy because they provided additional data on C. parvum and the first evidence of G. duodenalis infection in water buffaloes