203 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurial Climate in India, China and the USA

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    Entrepreneurship plays a vital role in the process of wealth creation and improving the standard of living of the people through large-scale employment generation. So this study aims to identify the critical factors among the entrepreneurial framework conditions (EFC) and entrepreneurial behaviour and attitudes (EBAA) in enhancing the entrepreneurship climate in the United States of America (USA), China and India. The data for the study is collected from GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) on EBAA and EFC. Exploratory factor analysis was attempted initially to reduce the EBAA and EFC data into manageable factors. Further, confirmatory factor analysis was attempted to cross-validate the results. Key Points: • The results unveil that the Public conditions and Business Promotions (EFC) in the USA are superior to India and China. At the same time, India lags behind both the USA and China. • Indian entrepreneurs are more optimistic and audacious than their Chinese counterparts. • The future of entrepreneurship in India depends on what measures the Government adopts today to strengthen the entrepreneurship framework conditions

    Interplanetary Consequences of a Large CME

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    We analyze a coronal mass ejection (CME) which resulted from an intense flare in active region AR486 on November 4, 2003. The CME propagation and speed are studied with interplanetary scintillation images, near-Earth space mission data, and Ulysses measurements. Together, these diverse diagnostics suggest that the internal magnetic energy of the CME determines its interplanetary consequences.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figures, To appear in "Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and the Atmosphere of the Sun", eds. S.S. Hasan and R.J. Rutten, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin, 200

    An Automated Framework for Detecting Change in the Source Code and Test Case Change Recommendation

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    Improvements and acceleration in software development have contributed towards high-quality services in all domains and all fields of industry, causing increasing demands for high-quality software developments. The industry is adopting human resources with high skills, advanced methodologies, and technologies to match the high-quality software development demands to accelerate the development life cycle. In the software development life cycle, one of the biggest challenges is the change management between the version of the source codes. Various reasons, such as changing the requirements or adapting available updates or technological upgrades, can cause the source code's version. The change management affects the correctness of the software service's release and the number of test cases. It is often observed that the development life cycle is delayed due to a lack of proper version control and due to repetitive testing iterations. Hence the demand for better version control-driven test case reduction methods cannot be ignored. The parallel research attempts propose several version control mechanisms. Nevertheless, most version controls are criticized for not contributing toward the test case generation of reduction. Henceforth, this work proposes a novel probabilistic rule-based test case reduction method to simplify the software development's testing and version control mechanism. Software developers highly adopt the refactoring process for making efficient changes such as code structure and functionality or applying changes in the requirements. This work demonstrates very high accuracy for change detection and management. This results in higher accuracy for test case reductions. The outcome of this work is to reduce the development time for the software to make the software development industry a better and more efficient world

    Tracing best semantic path using co-citation proximity analysis

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    Objective. The objective of this work is to find the best semantic path of research papers that matches the given research publication. This paper elaborates on the finding of continuous research progress analysis from semantic perspective. Methodology. Previous work reported the work progress analysis and the integrated as well as optimized approaches to find the progressive research citations which had carried forward the essence of the base reference paper. In this work, we propose to identify the most useful research papers which are semantically closer to the research context, and lie in the citation path of the base paper. Result. Our data set is generated for the popular paper of Hirsch published in 2005, in which, h-index is proposed. The paper has 5299 direct citations till date and the results of the proposed approach indicate very promising findings in view of measuring scientific research progress. Conclusion. The inference reveals a couple of research papers connected as a path among the citation thread, which have significantly progressed the idea of base research paper into a more elaborate yet related context of research.

    Risk factors and perinatal outcome associated with low birth weight in a prospective cohort: is there a shift towards sustainable developmental goal 3

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    Background: Low birth weight is a socio, economic, cultural and community based health issue which reflects responsibility and commitment of local and national administrative authorities. It continues to be a cause of short and long term adverse perinatal outcome with a bearing on adult non communicable health risks.Methods: This is a prospective observational and analytic study to know the prevalence, risk factors and perinatal outcome of LBW, from July 2017 to December 2018 in department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MIMS Medical College, Andhra Pradesh, India. Maternal risk factors and outcomes associated with LBW were defined through risk ratios.Results: 721 infants including 116 LBW and 605 NBW born during study period were included in the study. Prevalence of LBW was 16%. Preterm birth accounted for 35%, FGR for 13.8% and SGA for 51.2% of them. Maternal factors like age 35years, social status II to IV, below higher secondary education, house maker, primi gravida, grand multi para, BMI 24.9kg/M2, Hb<11 gm% were having higher RR for LBW. LBW infants showed frequent association with oligo or polyhydramnious and hemorrhagic or turbid amniotic fluid. They had higher risks for non reassuring fetal heart rate changes, for induced delivery or an elective caesarean section. More often they needed NICU care for longer duration and showed a higher risk for malformations and neonatal mortality. Overall perinatal mortality was 5.54 per 1000 live birth.Conclusions: LBW is a risk factor for neonatal morbidity and mortality; which can be minimised by institutional delivery. High prevalence PTB (35%) warrants obstetricians to be more vigilant about indentifying the risk factors and adequate management planning. Constitutionally small baby at birth probably needs redefining normal birth weight for different ethnicity

    Photoperiod and vernalisation response of Mediterranean wheats, and implications for adaptation

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    Hexaploid wheat has the largest cultivated area among crop plants due to its adaptability to different agroclimatic regions. A large part of this adaptability depends upon the variation in vernalisation and photoperiod requirements. A better understanding of the genetic control of flowering in wheat, as expressed by vernalisation requirements and photoperiod response, will guide breeders in targeting crosses of different types and will also improve our understanding of regional adaptation requirements. Characterisation of large numbers of breeding lines for photoperiod and vernalisation response in wheat is needed to assign the lines to geographic areas of most probable adaptation. Simple screening methods to quantify the effects of these two factors and their interaction are needed to assist breeding progress. Twenty wheat lines were evaluated for response to photoperiod and vernalisation under two controlled environments and under high ambient air temperatures in field conditions. Vernalised and non vernalised seedlings were transplanted into pots and placed in three photoperiod (8, 12 and 16 h light) cabinets, in the greenhouse or in growth chambers. Days to anthesis decreased with increasing length of photoperiod. Vernalised plants flowered earlier than non vernalised plants. There was a significant correlation between days to anthesis in the greenhouse and the growth chamber (r=0.88, P<0.001). Length of basal vegetative period, effects of vernalisation, and photoperiod from the two screening techniques were positively correlated with each other. Growth habit score, vernalisation requirement and heading date in the field were highly correlated with the main effect of vernalisation in the two controlled environments. The results indicated that selection for vernalisation response in a large number of genotypes can be achieved under high ambient air temperatures in the field. The selected material can subsequently be screened for photoperiod response under greenhouse conditions. Using these techniques, 49 local and improved cultivars from the Mediterranean region in west Asia and north Africa (WANA), showing differences in response to photoperiod, vernalisation, and earliness independent of vernalisation and photoperiod, affecting time to anthesis, were identified. Most old local cultivars were sensitive to both photoperiod and vernalisation. All the improved genotypes were insensitive to photoperiod. Responses to vernalisation were generally small under short photoperiods, but were more pronounced in long photoperiod, particularly in winter and facultative types from northern latitudes. These results should help to explain the adaptability of cultivars based on photoperiod and vernalisation requirements and their interactio

    Improvement Of Drought Resistance In Pearl Millet

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    Pearl millet is grown almost exclusively in arid and semiarid tropical areas characterized by high growing seafon temperatures, low and frequently erratic rainfall, and shallow or sandy soils. Inadequate moisture is the major limitation to production in most of the areas. The crop appears to adapt to these conditions by a combination of short-duration important developmental periods and considerable development plasticity to maximize its use of short periods of favorable moisture. Little is known of its possible physiological adaptations to stress, although the limited information available suggests a significant heat tolerance

    Study of Structural and Optical Properties of Fe2+ Doped Tin Oxide Nanoparticles

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    Tin dioxide nanoparticles (SnO2) were synthesized by a sol-gel method. And tin tetra chloride (SnCl4) and ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) were used as the precursor. NH4OH maintain the homogeneity and stoichiometry of solution through pH. The obtained powder subjected to calcination about 110oC. The obtained samples are characterized by X-ray diffraction, Scanning electron microscope, Fourier transform infrared spectroscope and UV-Visible spectroscopy. From the characterizations it is confirmed that the tetragonal structure and the particles are small and nanosizes, The O-H stretching and C=C bending stretching with chemical compositions are analyzed. The improved conduction properties through lower bandgap and the results are further interpreted and discussed

    QTL mapping of stay-green in two sorghum recombinant inbred populations

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    The stay-green trait is a reported component of tolerance to terminal drought stress in sorghum. To map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for stay-green, two sorghum recombinant inbred populations (RIPs) of 226 F3:5 lines each were developed from crosses (1) IS9830 × E36-1 and (2) N13 × E36-1. The common parental line, E36-1 of Ethiopian origin, was the stay-green trait source. The genetic map of RIP 1 had a total length of 1,291 cM, with 128 markers (AFLPs, RFLPs, SSRs and RAPDs) distributed over ten linkage groups. The map of RIP 2 spanned 1,438 cM and contained 146 markers in 12 linkage groups. The two RIPs were evaluated during post-rainy seasons at Patancheru, India, in 1999/2000 (RIP 2) and 2000/2001 (RIP 1). The measures of staygreen mapped were the green leaf area percentages at 15, 30 and 45 days after flowering (% GL15, % GL30 and % GL45, respectively). Estimated repeatabilities for % GL15, % GL30 and % GL45 amounted to 0.89, 0.81 and 0.78 in RIP 1, and 0.91, 0.88 and 0.85 in RIP 2, respectively. The number of QTLs for the three traits detected by composite interval mapping ranged from 5 to 8, explaining 31% to 42% of the genetic variance. In both RIPs, both parent lines contributed stay-green alleles. Across the three measures of the stay-green trait, three QTLs on linkage groups A, E and G were common to both RIPs, with the stay-green alleles originating from E36-1. These QTLs were therefore consistent across the tested genetic backgrounds and years. After QTL validation across sites and verification of the general benefit of the stay-green trait for grain yield performance and stability in the target areas, the corresponding chromosomal regions could be candidates for marker-assisted transfer of stay-green into elite material
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