6,530 research outputs found

    An Interacting Dark Energy Model for the Expansion History of the Universe

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    We explore a model of interacting dark energy where the dark energy density is related by the holographic principle to the Hubble parameter, and the decay of the dark energy into matter occurs at a rate comparable to the current value of the Hubble parameter. We find this gives a good fit to the observational data supporting an accelerating Universe, and the model represents a possible alternative interpretation of the expansion history of the Universe.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Phys. Rev. D versio

    Constraints on the thermal evolution of Venus inferred from Magellan data

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    The impact craters with diameters from 1.5 to 280 km compiled from Magellan observations indicate that the crater population on Venus has a completely spatially random distribution and the size/density distribution of craters with diameters greater than or equal to 35 km is consistent with a 'production' population with an age of 500 plus or minus 250 m.y. The similarity in size distribution from area to area indicates that the crater distribution is independent of crater size. Also, the forms of the modified craters are virtually identical to those of the pristine craters. These observations imply that Venus reset its cratering record by global resurfacing 500 m.y. ago, and resurfacing declined relatively fast. The fact that less than 40 percent of all craters have been modified and that the few volcanically embayed craters are located on localized tectonic regions indicate that only minor and localized volcanism and tectonism have occurred since the latest vigorous resurfacing event approximately 500 m.y. ago and the interior of Venus has been solid and possibly colder than Earth's. This is because the high-temperature lithosphere of Venus would facilitate upward ascending of mantle plumes and result in extensive volcanism if the venusian upper mantle were as hot as or hotter than Earth's. Therefore, the present surface morphology of Venus may provide useful constraints on the pattern of that vigorous convection, and possibly on the thermal state of the venusian mantle. We examine this possibility through numerical calculations of three-dimensional thermal convection models in a spherical shell with temperature- and pressure-dependent Newtonian viscosity, temperature-dependent thermal diffusivity, pressure-dependent thermal expansion coefficient, and time-dependent internal heat production rate solar magnitude

    Supersymmetry-Breaking Loops from Analytic Continuation into Superspace

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    We extend to all orders in perturbation theory a method to calculate supersymmetry-breaking effects by analytic continuation of the renormalization group into superspace. A central observation is that the renormalized gauge coupling can be extended to a real vector superfield, thereby including soft breaking effects in the gauge sector. We explain the relation between this vector superfield coupling and the "holomorphic" gauge coupling, which is a chiral superfield running only at 1 loop. We consider these issues for a number of regulators, including dimensional reduction. With this method, the renormalization group equations for soft supersymmetry breaking terms are directly related to supersymmetric beta functions and anomalous dimensions to all orders in perturbation theory. However, the real power of the formalism lies in computing finite soft breaking effects corresponding to high-loop component calculations. We prove that the gaugino mass in gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking is ``screened'' from strong interactions in the messenger sector. We present the complete next-to-leading calculation of gaugino masses (2 loops) and sfermion masses (3 loops) in minimal gauge mediation, and several other calculations of phenomenological relevance.Comment: 50 pages, 1 ps and 1 eps figure, LaTe

    Breaking the electroweak symmetry and supersymmetry by a compact extra dimension

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    We revisit in some more detail a recent specific proposal for the breaking of the electroweak symmetry and of supersymmetry by a compact extra dimension. Possible mass terms for the Higgs and the matter hypermultiplets are considered and their effects on the spectrum analyzed. Previous conclusions are reinforced and put on firmer ground.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX, 9 eps figure

    Solving the Hierarchy Problem with Exponentially Large Dimensions

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    In theories with (sets of) two large extra dimensions and supersymmetry in the bulk, the presence of non-supersymmetric brane defects naturally induces a logarithmic potential for the volume of the transverse dimensions. Since the logarithm of the volume rather than the volume itself is the natural variable, parameters of O(10) in the potential can generate an exponentially large size for the extra dimensions. This provides a true solution to the hierarchy problem, on the same footing as technicolor or dynamical supersymmetry breaking. The area moduli have a Compton wavelength of about a millimeter and mediate Yukawa interactions with gravitational strength. We present a simple explicit example of this idea which generates two exponentially large dimensions. In this model, the area modulus mass is in the millimeter range even for six dimensional Planck scales as high as 100 TeV.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, corrected typo

    The correction of the littlest Higgs model to the Higgs production process e−γ→νeW−He^{-}\gamma\to \nu_{e}W^{-}H in e−γe^{-}\gamma collisions

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    The littlest Higgs model is the most economical one among various little Higgs models. In the context of the littlest Higgs(LH) model, we study the process e−γ→νeW−He^{-}\gamma\to \nu_{e}W^{-}H and calculate the contributions of the LH model to the cross section of this process. The results show that, in most of parameter spaces preferred by the electroweak precision data, the value of the relative correction is larger than 10%. Such correction to the process e−γ→νeW−He^{-}\gamma\to \nu_{e}W^{-}H is large enough to be detected via e−γe^{-}\gamma collisions in the future high energy linear e+e−e^{+}e^{-} collider(LCLC) experiment with the c.m energy s\sqrt{s}=500 GeV and a yearly integrated luminosity £=100fb−1\pounds=100fb^{-1}, which will give an ideal way to test the model.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    What Precision Electroweak Physics Says About the SU(6)/Sp(6) Little Higgs

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    We study precision electroweak constraints on the close cousin of the Littlest Higgs, the SU(6)/Sp(6) model. We identify a near-oblique limit in which the heavy W' and B' decouple from the light fermions, and then calculate oblique corrections, including one-loop contributions from the extended top sector and the two Higgs doublets. We find regions of parameter space that give acceptably small precision electroweak corrections and only mild fine tuning in the Higgs potential, and also find that the mass of the lightest Higgs boson is relatively unconstrained by precision electroweak data. The fermions from the extended top sector can be as light as 1 TeV, and the W' can be as light as 1.8 TeV. We include an independent breaking scale for the B', which can still have a mass as low as a few hundred GeV.Comment: 52 pages, 16 figure
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