43 research outputs found

    Layered Double Hydroxides as Effective Adsorbents for U(VI) and Toxic Heavy Metals Removal from Aqueous Media

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    Capacities of different synthesized Zn,Al-hydrotalcite-like adsorbents, including the initial carbonate [Zn4Al2(OH)12]·CO3·8H2O and its forms intercalated with chelating agents (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), and hexamethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (HMDTA)) and heat-treated form Zn4Al2O7, to adsorb uranium(VI) and ions of toxic heavy metals have been compared. Metal sorption capacities of hydrotalcite-like adsorbents have been shown to correlate with the stability of their complexes with the mentioned chelating agents in a solution. The synthesized layered double hydroxides (LDHs) containing chelating agents in the interlayer space are rather efficient for sorption purification of aqueous media free from U(VI) irrespective of its forms of natural abundance (including water-soluble bi- and tricarbonate forms) and from heavy metal ions. [Zn4Al2(OH)12]·EDTA·nH2O is recommended for practical application as one of the most efficient and inexpensive synthetic adsorbents designed for recovery of both cationic and particularly important anionic forms of U(VI) and other heavy metals from aqueous media. Carbonate forms of LDHs turned out to be most efficient for recovery of Cu(II) from aqueous media with pH0≥7 owing to precipitation of Cu(II) basic carbonates and Cu(II) hydroxides. Chromate ions are efficiently adsorbed from water only by calcinated forms of LDHs

    Complexation and Sorption of Europium(III) Ions onto Clay Minerals in the Presence of Fulvic Acids

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    The effect of fulvic acids (FA) on the sorption of europium(III) ions from aqueous solution onto Gluhovsky kaolinite and Cherkasky montmorillonite was studied. Sorption of Eu(III) ions onto the mineral surface increased as the pH value of the aqueous solution increased from 1 to 8, but decreased when fulvic acids were present in solution. Over the concentration range studied, Eu(III) ion sorption occurred as free europium ions which were not bound as fulvate complexes. At pH ≥ 6 and at high Eu(III) ion concentrations (> 200 μmol/dm 3 ), the increase in europium ion adsorption in the presence of fulvic acids was twice that observed in their absence. This demonstrated the formation, under these conditions, of a two-nucleus complex with a chain of the type sorbent-Eu-FA-Eu. In natural waters at pH > 6, Eu(III) exists mainly in the form of soluble complexes where binding occurs via the oxygen atoms of the phenol groups in FA

    Influence of Humic Substances on the Sorption Interactions between Lanthanide and Actinide Ions and Clay Minerals

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    Lanthanide (Eu, Nd, Gd) and actinide (Th, U) adsorption in a system consisting of fulvic acid, metal ions and clay minerals (montmorillonite, kaolinite, illite) was studied as a function of pH, metal ion concentration and fulvic acid concentration using spectrophotometric analysis and 152 Eu tracer methods. Increasing metal ion adsorption on to the clay minerals was observed when humic substances were present in the system. The bridging of polyvalent metal ions between clay minerals and humic substance complexes was proposed as the possible adsorption mechanism


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    Purpose. Efficient use of natural energy resources is one of the priorities of the state policy in the sphere of universities and institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Besides search and development the new efficient and clean energy systems it is necessary to implement optimal management of the development and operation of existing facilities, reducing their energy costs. Purpose of this work is to develop consumption volume technology of electricity and heat by scientific departments of Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan (DNURT) for further finding the ways to reduce energy consumption. The problem is due to the specifics of University’s energy scheme. There is a difficulty for the installation of energy meters and data acquisition about their use in individual branches and structural units. At the same time it is impossible to assess qualitatively the energy position of scientific departments. Methodology. The method to determine the electricity and heat consumption for space heating of scientific departments at the university is based on «The intersectoral rules of electricity and heat energy for institutions and public sector organizations in Ukraine» and «Codes and regulations on rationing of fuel and heat energy for heating the residential buildings as well as for economic needs in Ukraine». Findings. Developed determining expenditure technology of electricity and heat for heating by scientific departments at the DNURT named after Academician V. Lazaryan allows obtaining data on energy consumption in individual units without direct measure and analyzing the effectiveness of energy saving technologies. Originality. It is represented by energy costs in the form of two components and these components are defined on the basis of the energy audit. This enables the energy inputs to implement energy efficiency measures in the research departments of the university. Practical value. The developed method can be used as practical tools to monitor energy consumption in the above mentioned university and in similar facilities


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    Purpose.The purpose of the paper is: (1) the definition of perspectives development of Ukrainian railway tourism on the narrow gauge lines of Zakarpattia; 2) technical condition analysis of Borzhava narrow gauge railway for the project to restore the effective functioning of mountain railways track, width 750 mm in the Carpathian region, with the possibility of their accession to the distributed travel network; 3) the study of the modern state and tendencies of development of tourist industry of Ukraine and the passenger economy of national railways; 4) clarification of the role and place of the railway tourism in the transportation system. Methodology. The expert group has carried out field inspections and field investigations of facilities track facilities and passenger infrastructure, rolling stock and ancillary industries involved in the functioning narrow-gauge railway. It was estimated the overall technical condition of the railway track and engineering structures section of narrow-gauge Railways in the Carpathian region. Findings. In the framework of on-site examinations of the expert group found that the objects of tracks, passenger and freight infrastructure, rolling stock and ancillary industries involved in the operation of narrow-gauge Railways are in poor condition and require significant updates and major repairs. But the routes of passenger trains remain fit for participation in the project of development of railway tourism of Ukraine Originality. For the first time the state of the narrow-gauge railway for further implementation of the project on the development of rail tourism in Ukraine was realized. The analysis of foreign experience of organization of railway tourism has been carried out. The modern state and tendencies of development of tourist industry of Ukraine was studied, the factors of competitiveness of rail transport for providing tourist transport in Ukraine were identified and systematized.Practical value. The recovery and effective functioning of mountain railways with a width of 750 mm in the Carpathian region will give an impetus to the tourism development, engineering, construction and energy. At the same time, these actions will allow us to finally implement a scientifically-based effective flood control measures that will protect the population from natural environmental disasters.Цель. Научная работа своей целью имеет: 1) определение перспектив развития железнодорожного туризма Украины на узкоколейных линиях Закарпатья; 2) анализ технического состояния Боржавской узкоколейки для реализации проекта восстановления эффективного функционирования горных железных дорог шириной пути 750 мм в Карпатском регионе с последующей возможностью их присоединения к распределённой туристической сети; 3) исследование современного состояния и тенденций развития туристической отрасли Украины и пассажирского хозяйства отечественных железных дорог; 4) выяснение роли и места железнодорожного туризма в системе перевозок. Методика. Экспертной группой выполнялись выездные осмотры и натурные исследования объектов путевого хозяйства и пассажирской инфраструктуры, подвижного состава и вспомогательных производств, задействованных в функционировании узкоколейной железной дороги. Было оценено общее техническое состояние железнодорожного пути и искусственных сооружений участка узкоколейной железной дороги в Карпатском регионе. Результаты. В рамках выездных осмотров экспертной группой установлено, что объекты путевого хозяйства, пассажирской инфраструктуры, подвижного состава и вспомогательных производств, задействованных в функционировании узкоколейной железной дороги, находятся в запущенном состоянии и требуют значительных обновлений и капитального ремонта. Но маршруты следования пассажирских поездов остаются пригодными для участия в проекте развития железнодорожного туризма Украины. Научная новизна. Впервые выполнен анализ состояния узкоколейной железной дороги для последующей реализации проекта по развитию железнодорожного туризма в Украине. Выполнен анализ зарубежного опыта организации железнодорожного туризма. Исследовано современное состояние и тенденции развития туристической отрасли Украины, определены и систематизированы факторы конкурентоспособности железнодорожного транспорта для обеспечения туристических перевозок в Украине. Практическая значимость. Восстановление и эффективное функционирование горных железных дорог шириной750 мм в Карпатском регионе даст толчок развитию туризма, машиностроения, строительства и энергетики. В то же время данные действия позволят наконец осуществить научно обоснованные эффективные противопаводковые мероприятия, которые обезопасят население от стихийных экологических бедствий.Мета. Наукова робота має за мету:1) визначення перспектив розвитку залізничного туризму України на вузькоколійних лініях Закарпаття; 2) аналіз технічного стану Боржавської вузькоколійної залізниці для реалізації проекту відновлення ефективного функціонування гірських залізниць шириною колії 750 мм в Карпатському регіоні з подальшою можливістю їх приєднання до розгалуженої міжнародної туристичної мережі; 3) дослідження сучасного стану та тенденцій розвитку туристичної галузі України та пасажирського господарства вітчизняних залізниць; 4) висвітлення ролі та місця залізничного туризму в системі перевезень. Методика. Експертною групою виконувались виїзні огляди та натурні дослідження об'єктів колійного господарства та пасажирської інфраструктури, рухомого складу й допоміжних виробництв, що задіяні у функціонуванні вузькоколійної залізниці. Було оцінено загальний технічний стан залізничної колії та штучних споруд ділянки вузькоколійної залізниці в Карпатському регіоні. Результати. У рамках виїзних оглядів експертною групою встановлено, що об'єкти колійного господарства, пасажирської інфраструктури, рухомого складу та допоміжних виробництв, задіяних у функціонуванні вузькоколійної залізниці, знаходяться в занедбаному стані та потребують значних оновлень і капітального ремонту. Але маршрути проходження пасажирських поїздів залишаються придатними для участі в проекті розвитку залізничного туризму України. Наукова новизна. Вперше зроблено аналіз стану вузькоколійної залізниці для подальшої реалізації проекту з розвитку залізничного туризму в Україні. Виконано аналіз зарубіжного досвіду організації залізничного туризму. Досліджено сучасний стан і тенденції розвитку туристичної галузі України, визначено та систематизовано фактори конкурентоспроможності залізничного транспорту для забезпечення туристичних перевезень в Україні. Практична значимість. Відновлення та ефективне функціонування гірських залізниць шириною750 мм у Карпатському регіоні дасть поштовх розвитку туризму, машинобудуванню, будівництву та енергетики. В той же час дані дії дозволять нарешті здійснити науково обґрунтовані ефективні протипаводкові заходи, які захистять населення від стихійних екологічних лих


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    Purpose.The purpose of the paper is: (1) the definition of perspectives development of Ukrainian railway tourism on the narrow gauge lines of Zakarpattia; 2) technical condition analysis of Borzhava narrow gauge railway for the project to restore the effective functioning of mountain railways track, width 750 mm in the Carpathian region, with the possibility of their accession to the distributed travel network; 3) the study of the modern state and tendencies of development of tourist industry of Ukraine and the passenger economy of national railways; 4) clarification of the role and place of the railway tourism in the transportation system. Methodology. The expert group has carried out field inspections and field investigations of facilities track facilities and passenger infrastructure, rolling stock and ancillary industries involved in the functioning narrow-gauge railway. It was estimated the overall technical condition of the railway track and engineering structures section of narrow-gauge Railways in the Carpathian region. Findings. In the framework of on-site examinations of the expert group found that the objects of tracks, passenger and freight infrastructure, rolling stock and ancillary industries involved in the operation of narrow-gauge Railways are in poor condition and require significant updates and major repairs. But the routes of passenger trains remain fit for participation in the project of development of railway tourism of Ukraine Originality. For the first time the state of the narrow-gauge railway for further implementation of the project on the development of rail tourism in Ukraine was realized. The analysis of foreign experience of organization of railway tourism has been carried out. The modern state and tendencies of development of tourist industry of Ukraine was studied, the factors of competitiveness of rail transport for providing tourist transport in Ukraine were identified and systematized.Practical value. The recovery and effective functioning of mountain railways with a width of 750 mm in the Carpathian region will give an impetus to the tourism development, engineering, construction and energy. At the same time, these actions will allow us to finally implement a scientifically-based effective flood control measures that will protect the population from natural environmental disasters