8,186 research outputs found

    A High Current Proton Linac with 352 MHz SC Cavities

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    A proposal for a 10-120 mA proton linac employing superconducting beta-graded, CERN type, four cell cavities at 352 MHz is presented. The high energy part (100 MeV-1 GeV) of the machine is split in three beta-graded sections, and transverse focusing is provided via a periodic doublet array. All the parameters, like power in the couplers and accelerating fields in the cavities, are within the state of the art, achieved in operating machines. A first stage of operation at 30 mA beam current is proposed, while the upgrade of the machine to 120 mA operation can be obtained increasing the number of klystrons and couplers per cavity. The additional coupler ports, up to four, will be integrated in the cavity design. Preliminary calculations indicate that beam transport is feasible, given the wide aperture of the 352 MHz structures. A capital cost of less than 100 Mat10mA,reachingupto280M at 10 mA, reaching up to 280 M for the 120 mA extension, has been estimated for the superconducting high energy section (100 MeV-1 GeV). The high efficiency of the proposed machine, reaching 50% at 15 mA, makes it a good candidate for proposed nuclear waste incineration facilities and Energy Amplifier studies.Comment: 9 Pages, 4 figures, LaTeX2e, html version found from http://hptesla.mi.infn.it/~pierini/publication_list.html . To Appear in the Proceedings of the 1996 LINAC Conference, Geneve, August 26-30 199

    Optical and X-ray profiles in the REXCESS sample of galaxy clusters

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    Galaxy clusters' structure, dominated by dark matter, is traced by member galaxies in the optical and hot intra-cluster medium (ICM) in X-rays. We compare the radial distribution of these components and determine the mass-to-light ratio vs. system mass relation. We use 14 clusters from the REXCESS sample which is representative of clusters detected in X-ray surveys. Photometric observations with the Wide Field Imager on the 2.2m MPG/ESO telescope are used to determine the number density profiles of the galaxy distribution out to r200r_{200}. These are compared to electron density profiles of the ICM obtained using XMM-Newton, and dark matter profiles inferred from scaling relations and an NFW model. While red sequence galaxies trace the total matter profile, the blue galaxy distribution is much shallower. We see a deficit of faint galaxies in the central regions of massive and regular clusters, and strong suppression of bright and faint blue galaxies in the centres of cool-core clusters, attributable to ram pressure stripping of gas from blue galaxies in high density regions of ICM and disruption of faint galaxies due to galaxy interactions. We find a mass-to-light ratio vs. mass relation within r200r_{200} of (3.0±0.4)×102 h M⊙ L⊙−1\left(3.0\pm0.4\right) \times 10^2\, h\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}\,\mathrm{L}_{\odot}^{-1} at 1015 M⊙10^{15}\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot} with slope 0.16±0.140.16 \pm 0.14, consistent with most previous results

    Two Body B Decays, Factorization and LambdaQCD/mb Corrections

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    By using the recent experimental measurements of B -> pi pi and B -> K pi branching ratios, we find that the amplitudes computed at the leading order of the LambdaQCD/mb expansion disagree with the observed BRs, even taking into account the uncertainties of the input parameters. Beyond the leading order, Charming and GIM penguins allow to reconcile the theoretical predictions with the data. Because of these large effects, we conclude, however, that it is not possible, with the present theoretical and experimental accuracy, to determine the CP violation angle gamma from these decays. We compare our results with those obtained with the parametrization of the chirally enhanced non-perturbative contributions by BBNS. We also predict large asymmetries for several of the particle--antiparticle BRs, in particular BR(B+ -> K+ pi0), BR(Bd -> K+ pi-) and BR(Bd -> pi+ pi-).Comment: 14 pages 3 figures uses aippro

    Charming Penguins Saga

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    We briefly recall the main formulae for computing the B -> K pi branching ratios within the "charming penguin" approach, present an updated fit to the data, and explain why we believe that, in general, these fits can hardly be used to extract gamma.Comment: Invited talk at FPCP '02 given by M. Ciuchini, uses econfmacros.tex. Final version with minor changes to appear in the proceeding

    The tilt of the Fundamental Plane of Early-type galaxies: wavelength dependence

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    The photometric parameters R_e and mu_e of 74 early-type (E+S0+S0a) galaxies in the Coma cluster are derived for the first time in the near IR H band. These are used, coupled with measurements of the central velocity dispersion found in the literature, to determine the H band Fundamental Plane (FP) relation of this cluster. The same procedure is applied to previously available photometric data in the B, V, r, I, and K bands, to perform a multi-wavelength study of the FP. Because systematic uncertainties in the value of the FP parameters are introduced both by the choice of the fitting algorithm, and by the presence of statistical biases connected with the sample selection procedure, we emphasize the importance of deriving the FP parameters in the six photometric bands using an identical fitting algorithm, and appropriate corrections to eliminate the effects of sample incompleteness. We find that the FP mu_e coefficient is stable with wavelength, while the sigma coefficient increases significantly with increasing wavelength, in agreement with an earlier result presented by Pahre & Djorgovski. The slope of the FP relation, although changing with wavelength, never approaches the virial theorem expectation. We also find that the magnitude of the slope change can be entirely explained by the presence of the well known relation between color and magnitude among early-type galaxies. We conclude that the tilt of the Fundamental Plane is significant, and must be due to some form of broken homology among early-type galaxies, while its wavelength dependence derives from whatever mechanism (currently the preferred one is the existence of a mass-metal content sequence) produces the color-magnitude relation in those galaxies.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables; table 3 should be printed in landscape mode, and inserted into the text. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Penguin Contractions and Factorization in B -> K pi Decays

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    We study Lambda_{QCD}/m_B corrections to factorization in B -> K pi decays. First, we analyze these decay channels within factorization, showing that, irrespectively of the value of gamma, it is not possible to reproduce the experimental data. Then, we discuss Lambda_{QCD}/m_B corrections to these processes, and argue that there is a class of doubly Cabibbo enhanced non-factorizable contributions, usually called charming penguins, that cannot be neglected. Including these corrections, we obtain an excellent agreement with experimental data. Furthermore, contrary to what is obtained with factorization, we predict sizable rate asymmetries in B^\pm -> K^\pm \pi^0 and B -> K^\pm pi^\mp.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Talk given by L. Silvestrini at BCP4, Ise-Shima, Japan, 18-23 Feb 200

    Physical Sources of Scatter in the Tully-Fisher Relation

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    We analyze residuals from the Tully-Fisher relation for the emission-line galaxies in the Nearby Field Galaxy Survey, a broadly representative survey designed to fairly sample the variety of galaxy morphologies and environments in the local universe. For spirals brighter than M_R^i=-18, we find strong correlations between Tully-Fisher residuals and both B-R color and EW(Halpha). The extremes of the correlations are populated by Sa galaxies, which show consistently red colors, and spirals with morphological peculiarities, which are often blue. If we apply an EW(Halpha)-dependent or B-R color-dependent correction term to the Tully-Fisher relation, the scatter in the relation no longer increases from R to B to U but instead drops to a nearly constant level close to the scatter we expect from measurement errors. We argue that these results probably reflect correlated offsets in luminosity and color as a function of star formation history. Broadening the sample in morphology and luminosity, we find that most non-spirals brighter than M_R^i=-18 follow the same correlations as do spirals, albeit with greater scatter. However, the color and EW(Halpha) correlations do not apply to galaxies fainter than M_R^i=-18 or to emission-line S0 galaxies with anomalous gas kinematics. For the dwarf galaxy population, the parameters controlling Tully-Fisher residuals are instead related to the degree of recent disturbance: overluminous dwarfs have higher rotation curve asymmetries, brighter U-band effective surface brightnesses, and shorter gas consumption timescales than their underluminous counterparts. As a result, sample selection strongly affects the measured faint-end slope of the Tully-Fisher relation. Passively evolving, rotationally supported galaxies display a break toward steeper slope at low luminosities.Comment: 58 pages including 21 figures, AJ, accepte

    Two-body nonleptonic B decays in the Standard Model and beyond

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    We briefly discuss the phenomenology of B to pi pi, B to K pi and B to phi K decays in the Standard Model and in Supersymmetry.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, uses moriond.sty. Talk given by L. Silvestrini at the XXXIXth Rencontres de Moriond on ElectroWeak Interactions and Unified Theories, La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy, March 21st-28th 200

    Near-infrared observations of galaxies in Pisces-Perseus: I. H-band surface photometry of 174 spirals

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    We present near-infrared, H-band (1.65 um), surface photometry of 174 spiral galaxies in the area of the Pisces-Perseus supercluster. The images, acquired with the ARNICA camera mounted on various telescopes, are used to derive radial profiles of surface brightness, ellipticities, and position angles, together with global parameters such as H-band magnitudes and diameters. The mean relation between H-band isophotal diameter D_{21.5} and the B-band D_{25} implies a B-H color of the outer disk bluer than 3.5; moreover, D_{21.5}/D_{25} depends on (global) color and absolute luminosity. The correlations among the various photometric parameters suggest a ratio between isophotal radius D_{21.5}/2 and disk scale length of about 3.5 and a mean disk central brightness of 17.5 H-mag arcsec^{-2}. We confirm the trend of the concentration index C_{31} with absolute luminosity and, to a lesser degree, with morphological type. We also assess the influence of non-axisymmetric structures on the radial profiles and on the derived parameters.Comment: 10 pages, 11 postscript figures (one table and one figure are available only at the CDS); to be published on A&A

    1.65 micrometers (H-band) surface photometry of galaxies. III: observations of 558 galaxies with the TIRGO 1.5m telescope

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    We present near-infrared H-band (1.65 micron) surface photometry of 558 galaxies in the Coma Supercluster and in the Virgo cluster. This data set, obtained with the Arcetri NICMOS3 camera ARNICA mounted on the Gornergrat Infrared Telescope, is aimed at complementing, with observations of mostly early-type objects, our NIR survey of spiral galaxies in these regions, presented in previous papers of this series. Magnitudes at the optical radius, total magnitudes, isophotal radii and light concentration indices are derived. We confirm the existence of a positive correlation between the near-infrared concentration index and the galaxy H-band luminosity. (Tables 1 and 2 are only available in electronic form upon request to [email protected])Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A
