1,034 research outputs found


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    Using the rapid method of digital image analysis by the developed scanning flour analyzer the optical properties of flour (semolina) obtained in laboratory and production conditions from durum wheat of three years of harvest (2017–2019), namely the «yellowness» indicator and the color characteristic in the blue part of the spectrum, were determined. The semolina color was also evaluated by the Konica Minolta CR-410 colorimeter. It is established that the «yellowness» indicator and the color characteristic in the blue part of the spectrum did not change within the first 5 to 6 days after grinding. The change of these indicators for all the samples is observed in the period from 6 to 20 days after grinding, there with the «yellowness» indicator decreased by 25 to 40 relative units, the color characteristic in the blue part of the spectrum increased on average by 133,75 relative units. Over the next three months, there was no change of color (by both indicators). In the course of experimental work the optical properties change depending upon carotenoids content of flour (semolina) during its ripening was shown. The correlation dependence between the «yellowness» indicator of flour (semolina) and its carotenoids content is characterized by a high approximation coefficient. The dependence of the color characteristic of flour in the blue part of the spectrum on the content of carotenoids is characterized by an approximation coefficient equal to 0.9358, and is described as a polynomial equation. It shows, that with a low carotenoid content, the considered indicator is higher by an average of 1100 relative units compared to the color of samples with a carotenoid content from 0.70 to 1.21 mcg/g. At that during storage the optical properties of flour variety with the lowest carotenoids content remained practically the same. During 78 days of storage, there was no significant change of color characteristics of the industrial flour samples, studied from the eleventh day after grinding — 5–8 times higher than the average repeatability of the measurement results.Using the rapid method of digital image analysis by the developed scanning flour analyzer the optical properties of flour (semolina) obtained in laboratory and production conditions from durum wheat of three years of harvest (2017–2019), namely the «yellowness» indicator and the color characteristic in the blue part of the spectrum, were determined. The semolina color was also evaluated by the Konica Minolta CR-410 colorimeter. It is established that the «yellowness» indicator and the color characteristic in the blue part of the spectrum did not change within the first 5 to 6 days after grinding. The change of these indicators for all the samples is observed in the period from 6 to 20 days after grinding, there with the «yellowness» indicator decreased by 25 to 40 relative units, the color characteristic in the blue part of the spectrum increased on average by 133,75 relative units. Over the next three months, there was no change of color (by both indicators). In the course of experimental work the optical properties change depending upon carotenoids content of flour (semolina) during its ripening was shown. The correlation dependence between the «yellowness» indicator of flour (semolina) and its carotenoids content is characterized by a high approximation coefficient. The dependence of the color characteristic of flour in the blue part of the spectrum on the content of carotenoids is characterized by an approximation coefficient equal to 0.9358, and is described as a polynomial equation. It shows, that with a low carotenoid content, the considered indicator is higher by an average of 1100 relative units compared to the color of samples with a carotenoid content from 0.70 to 1.21 mcg/g. At that during storage the optical properties of flour variety with the lowest carotenoids content remained practically the same. During 78 days of storage, there was no significant change of color characteristics of the industrial flour samples, studied from the eleventh day after grinding — 5–8 times higher than the average repeatability of the measurement results

    Transcriptomics and disease vector control

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    Next-generation sequencing can be used to compare transcriptomes under different conditions. A study in BMC Genomics applies this approach to investigating the effects of exposure to a range of xenobiotics on changes in gene expression in the larvae of Aedes aegypti, the mosquito vector of dengue fever

    Another look at the BL Lacertae flux and spectral variability

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    The GLAST-AGILE Support Program (GASP) of the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) monitored BL Lacertae in 2008-2009 at radio, near-IR, and optical frequencies. During this period, high-energy observations were performed by XMM-Newton, Swift, and Fermi. We analyse these data with particular attention to the calibration of Swift UV data, and apply a helical jet model to interpret the source broad-band variability. The GASP-WEBT observations show an optical flare in 2008 February-March, and oscillations of several tenths of mag on a few-day time scale afterwards. The radio flux is only mildly variable. The UV data from both XMM-Newton and Swift seem to confirm a UV excess that is likely caused by thermal emission from the accretion disc. The X-ray data from XMM-Newton indicate a strongly concave spectrum, as well as moderate flux variability on an hour time scale. The Swift X-ray data reveal fast (interday) flux changes, not correlated with those observed at lower energies. We compare the spectral energy distribution (SED) corresponding to the 2008 low-brightness state, which was characterised by a synchrotron dominance, to the 1997 outburst state, where the inverse-Compton emission was prevailing. A fit with an inhomogeneous helical jet model suggests that two synchrotron components are at work with their self inverse-Compton emission. Most likely, they represent the radiation from two distinct emitting regions in the jet. We show that the difference between the source SEDs in 2008 and 1997 can be explained in terms of pure geometrical variations. The outburst state occurred when the jet-emitting regions were better aligned with the line of sight, producing an increase of the Doppler beaming factor. Our analysis demonstrates that the jet geometry can play an extremely important role in the BL Lacertae flux and spectral variability.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A Practical Method to Test the Safety of HV/MV Substation Grounding System

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    The adequacy of a Grounding System (GS) to the safety conditions has to be periodically tested by measurements. The test methods and techniques used to verify the electrical characteristics of the GS include the measurements of step and touch voltages. The goal of the test is to verify that touch voltage and step voltage remain below a safe value in all the zones of the installation. The measurements can present some operational difficulties. The purpose of this paper is to present the procedure, step-by-step, of a practical method of measuring touch/step voltages in grounding systems located in urban or industrial areas with reduced accessibility. The suggested method uses auxiliary current electrodes located at short distances. This paper demonstrates by test measurements done in a real case that the method provides conservative results

    Esophageal lesions at irritable bowel syndrome

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    Aim of investigation. To study potential of рН-impedance measurement in differential diagnostics of esophageal disorders at irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).Material and methods. Overall 201 patients with IBS, diagnosed according to Rome-III criteria were investigated. Of them 52 were men, 149 — women, mean age was 41,8±9,5 years. In 70 (35%) of them (21men, 49 women, mean age — 42,3±12,0 years) heartburn, belching, epigastric dyscomfort, non-coronary retrosternal pain were present along with IBS. Methods of investigation included clinical examination, esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS) colonoscopy, X-ray investigation of the upper gut, 13С-urease breath test for Helicobacter pylori, 24-hour combined intraluminal рН-impedance recording with estimation of qualitative and quantitative indicators of refluxes and index of symptom-association probability (SAP). Psychometric components were estimated as well: anxiety and depression scores, scores of alexithymia, associated symptoms, quality of life, degree of hyperventilation, index of visceral sensitivity, degree of pain by visual analog scale. The estimation of the mentioned parameters was carried out separately at IBS with esophageal symptoms (n=70) in comparison to other group of investigated patients with IBS (n=131). Statistical analysis of obtained results was carried out by Statistica 6 software.Results. In 16 (23%) patients instrumental investigation revealed esophagitis of the II–IV degree by Savary–Miller classification. Clinically 6 of them had heartburn, 1 — belching and 9 — combination of heartburn and belching; according to 13С-urease breath test 5 patients had H. pylori infection. In 49 (70%) patients at EGDS and X-ray investigation non-erosive reflux disease (NERD) was revealed. Clinical presentation in this group included heartburn in 10 cases, belching in 16 combination of heartburn and belching — in 12 and postprandial epigastric dyscomfort — 11; 13С-urease breath test was positive in 15 patients. It is noteworthy that in none of patients non-coronary retrosternal pain was associated to esophageal disorders. According to рН-impedance measurement NERD was diagnosed in 20 (33,3%) patients. Functional heartburn was diagnosed in the other 29 (41%) patients.Conclusion. Nowadays 24-hour combined рН-impedance recording is considered as the most exact method, allowing to reveal gastroesophagal refluxes. In some cases it allows to carry out differential diagnostics between NERD and functional disorders of the esophagus and the stomach in patients with IBS. Application of рН-impedance measurement allows to recommend its introduction in broad clinical practice

    Hydrochemical Investigations of Lake Ecosystems of Shatsky National Park: Lake Pulemetske (1977–2009)

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    У статті проаналізовано матеріали гідрохімічних досліджень озера Пулемецьке. Дано оцінку якості води в сучасний період порівняно із ретроспективними даними. Встановлено, що якість води в озері Пулемецьке значною мірою зумовлена антропогенними чинниками. Показано тенденції до підвищення мінералізації води та зміни її іонного складу. Відмічено збільшення кількості біогенних елементів. The paper deals with the analysis of the main hydrochemical indices of natural water of the Lake Pulemetske. Water mineralization is measured on a broad scale and defined in terms of ydrochemical and hydrobiological indices. The correlation between the main components is changing, the content of biogenous substances is increasing.Роботу виконано в Інституті гідробіології НАН Україн

    Influence of LV Neutral Grounding on Global Earthing Systems

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    International Standards define a Global Earthing System as an earthing net created interconnecting local Earthing Systems (generally through the shield of MV cables and/or bare buried conductors). In Italy the Regulatory Authority for Electricity and Gas requires Distributors to guarantee the electrical continuity of LV neutral conductor. This requirement has led to the standard practice of realizing “reinforcement groundings” along the LV neutral conductor path and at users’ delivery cabinet. Moreover, in urban high load scenarios (prime candidates to be part of a Global Earthing System), it is common that LV distribution scheme creates, trough neutral conductors, an effective connection between grounding systems of MV/LV substations, modifying Global Earthing System consistency. Aim of this paper is to evaluate the effect, in terms of electrical safety, of the above mentioned LV neutral distribution scheme when an MV-side fault to ground occurs. At this purpose simulations are carried out on a realistic urban test case and suitable evaluation indexes are proposed

    A multi-wavelength polarimetric study of the blazar CTA 102 during a Gamma-ray flare in 2012

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    We perform a multi-wavelength polarimetric study of the quasar CTA 102 during an extraordinarily bright γ\gamma-ray outburst detected by the {\it Fermi} Large Area Telescope in September-October 2012 when the source reached a flux of F>100 MeV=5.2±0.4×106_{>100~\mathrm{MeV}} =5.2\pm0.4\times10^{-6} photons cm2^{-2} s1^{-1}. At the same time the source displayed an unprecedented optical and NIR outburst. We study the evolution of the parsec scale jet with ultra-high angular resolution through a sequence of 80 total and polarized intensity Very Long Baseline Array images at 43 GHz, covering the observing period from June 2007 to June 2014. We find that the γ\gamma-ray outburst is coincident with flares at all the other frequencies and is related to the passage of a new superluminal knot through the radio core. The powerful γ\gamma-ray emission is associated with a change in direction of the jet, which became oriented more closely to our line of sight (θ\theta\sim1.2^{\circ}) during the ejection of the knot and the γ\gamma-ray outburst. During the flare, the optical polarized emission displays intra-day variability and a clear clockwise rotation of EVPAs, which we associate with the path followed by the knot as it moves along helical magnetic field lines, although a random walk of the EVPA caused by a turbulent magnetic field cannot be ruled out. We locate the γ\gamma-ray outburst a short distance downstream of the radio core, parsecs from the black hole. This suggests that synchrotron self-Compton scattering of near-infrared to ultraviolet photons is the probable mechanism for the γ\gamma-ray production.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa