2,739 research outputs found

    Damping and decoherence of Fock states in a nanomechanical resonator due to two level systems

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    We numerically investigate the decay of initial quantum Fock states and their superpositions for a mechanical resonator mode coupled to an environment comprising interacting, damped tunneling two level system (TLS) defects. The cases of one, three, and six near resonant, interacting TLS's are considered in turn and it is found that the resonator displays Ohmic bath like decay behavior with as few as three TLS's.Comment: 28 pages, 24 figures; submitted to Physical Review

    Achievable Qubit Rates for Quantum Information Wires

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    Suppose Alice and Bob have access to two separated regions, respectively, of a system of electrons moving in the presence of a regular one-dimensional lattice of binding atoms. We consider the problem of communicating as much quantum information, as measured by the qubit rate, through this quantum information wire as possible. We describe a protocol whereby Alice and Bob can achieve a qubit rate for these systems which is proportional to N^(-1/3) qubits per unit time, where N is the number of lattice sites. Our protocol also functions equally in the presence of interactions modelled via the t-J and Hubbard models

    Superfluid Fermi gas in a 1D optical lattice

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    We calculate the superfluid transition temperature for a two-component 3D Fermi gas in a 1D tight optical lattice and discuss a dimensional crossover from the 3D to quasi-2D regime. For the geometry of finite size discs in the 1D lattice, we find that even for a large number of atoms per disc, the critical effective tunneling rate for a quantum transition to the Mott insulator state can be large compared to the loss rate caused by three-body recombination. This allows the observation of the Mott transition, in contrast to the case of Bose-condensed gases in the same geometry.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    From bcc to fcc: interplay between oscillating long-range and repulsive short-range forces

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    This paper supplements and partly extends an earlier publication, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 265501 (2005). In dd-dimensional continuous space we describe the infinite volume ground state configurations (GSCs) of pair interactions \vfi and \vfi+\psi, where \vfi is the inverse Fourier transform of a nonnegative function vanishing outside the sphere of radius K0K_0, and ψ\psi is any nonnegative finite-range interaction of range r0γd/K0r_0\leq\gamma_d/K_0, where γ3=6π\gamma_3=\sqrt{6}\pi. In three dimensions the decay of \vfi can be as slow as r2\sim r^{-2}, and an interaction of asymptotic form cos(K0r+π/2)/r3\sim\cos(K_0r+\pi/2)/r^3 is among the examples. At a dimension-dependent density ρd\rho_d the ground state of \vfi is a unique Bravais lattice, and for higher densities it is continuously degenerate: any union of Bravais lattices whose reciprocal lattice vectors are not shorter than K0K_0 is a GSC. Adding ψ\psi decreases the ground state degeneracy which, nonetheless, remains continuous in the open interval (ρd,ρd)(\rho_d,\rho_d'), where ρd\rho_d' is the close-packing density of hard balls of diameter r0r_0. The ground state is unique at both ends of the interval. In three dimensions this unique GSC is the bcc lattice at ρ3\rho_3 and the fcc lattice at ρ3=2/r03\rho_3'=\sqrt{2}/r_0^3.Comment: Published versio

    Coherent phonon scattering effects on thermal transport in thin semiconductor nanowires

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    The thermal conductance by phonons of a quasi-one-dimensional solid with isotope or defect scattering is studied using the Landauer formalism for thermal transport. The conductance shows a crossover from localized to Ohmic behavior, just as for electrons, but the nature of this crossover is modified by delocalization of phonons at low frequency. A scalable numerical transfer-matrix technique is developed and applied to model quasi-one-dimensional systems in order to confirm simple analytic predictions. We argue that existing thermal conductivity data on semiconductor nanowires, showing an unexpected linear dependence, can be understood through a model that combines incoherent surface scattering for short-wavelength phonons with nearly ballistic long-wavelength phonons. It is also found that even when strong phonon localization effects would be observed if defects are distributed throughout the wire, localization effects are much weaker when defects are localized at the boundary, as in current experiments.Comment: 13 page

    Inherent Structures for Soft Long-Range Interactions in Two-Dimensional Many-Particle Systems

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    We generate inherent structures, local potential-energy minima, of the "kk-space overlap potential" in two-dimensional many-particle systems using a cooling and quenching simulation technique. The ground states associated with the kk-space overlap potential are stealthy ({\it i.e.,} completely suppress single scattering of radiation for a range of wavelengths) and hyperuniform ({\it i.e.,} infinite wavelength density fluctuations vanish). However, we show via quantitative metrics that the inherent structures exhibit a range of stealthiness and hyperuniformity depending on the fraction of degrees of freedom that are constrained. Inherent structures in two dimensions typically contain five-particle rings, wavy grain boundaries, and vacancy-interstitial defects. The structural and thermodynamic properties of inherent structures are relatively insensitive to the temperature from which they are sampled, signifying that the energy landscape is relatively flat and devoid of deep wells. Using the nudged-elastic-band algorithm, we construct paths from ground-state configurations to inherent structures and identify the transition points between them. In addition, we use point patterns generated from a random sequential addition (RSA) of hard disks, which are nearly stealthy, and examine the particle rearrangements necessary to make the configurations absolutely stealthy. We introduce a configurational proximity metric to show that only small local, but collective, particle rearrangements are needed to drive initial RSA configurations to stealthy disordered ground states. These results lead to a more complete understanding of the unusual behaviors exhibited by the family of "collective-coordinate" potentials to which the kk-space overlap potential belongs.Comment: 36 pages, 16 figure

    Neutron specific heat in the crust of neutron stars from the nuclear band theory

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    The inner crust of neutron stars, formed of a crystal lattice of uclear clusters immersed in a sea of unbound neutrons, may be the nique example of periodic nuclear systems. We have calculated the neutron specific heat in the shallow part of the crust using the band theory of solids with Skyrme nucleon-nucleon interactions. We have also tested the validity of various approximations. We have found that the neutron specific heat is well described by that of a Fermi gas, while the motion of the unbound neutrons is strongly affected by the nuclear lattice. These apparently contradictory results are explained by the particular properties of the neutron Fermi surface

    Bright gap solitons of atoms with repulsive interaction

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    We report on the first experimental observation of bright matter-wave solitons for 87Rb atoms with repulsive atom-atom interaction. This counter intuitive situation arises inside a weak periodic potential, where anomalous dispersion can be realized at the Brillouin zone boundary. If the coherent atomic wavepacket is prepared at the corresponding band edge a bright soliton is formed inside the gap. The strength of our system is the precise control of preparation and real time manipulation, allowing the systematic investigation of gap solitons.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Rare-gas solids under pressure: A path-integral Monte Carlo simulation

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    Rare-gas solids (Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe) under hydrostatic pressure up to 30 kbar have been studied by path-integral Monte Carlo simulations in the isothermal-isobaric ensemble. Results of these simulations have been compared with available experimental data and with those obtained from a quasiharmonic approximation (QHA). This comparison allows us to quantify the overall anharmonicity of the lattice vibrations and its influence on several structural and thermodynamic properties of rare-gas solids. The vibrational energy increases with pressure, but this increase is slower than that of the elastic energy, which dominates at high pressures. In the PIMC simulations, the vibrational kinetic energy is found to be larger than the corresponding potential energy, and the relative difference between both energies decreases as the applied pressure is raised. The accuracy of the QHA increases for rising pressure.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure