41 research outputs found


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    In today’s dynamic fintech environment, user requirements are constantly changing, and digital services need to be developed and adapted to meet their expectations and needs. UI/UX research technologies and methods provide rich opportunities to study user preferences and identify problems and shortcomings in existing digital services. The main aspects of improving the user experience of the mobile bank were reviewed. Recommendations were made for the further development of the IT service. The purpose of this article is to examine the main aspects of improving the user experience and to formulate recommendations for the development of IT services in the banking sector. Research methodology – at the first stage, an analysis of user behavior in fintech was carried out: a study of user expectations and preferences in the field of digital financial services. Then user experience was analyzed and UI/UX studies were conducted for the ‘Notification Center’ of the bank’s mobile application. The final stage of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the redesign project of the Notification Centre section of the bank's mobile application and to formulate recommendations for the further development of the mobile application.The research conducted has shown the practical importance of improving the user experience of the bank’s mobile application, which consists of improving usability, increasing customer satisfaction and improving the overall impression of banking services. This leads to increased conversion, customer retention and increased loyalty to the bank.Improving the user experience of the bank’s mobile application makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the bank’s employees, reduce the burden on the customer support department and reduce the number of errors when performing routine operations or actions. This not only optimises the bank’s internal processes, but also helps to improve the overall quality of service, which has a particular impact on the bank’s reputation, competitiveness and financial performance

    Organizing Blended Learning for Students on the Basis of Learning Roadmaps

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    The relevance of the problem of organizing blended learning for students is related to the sharpening contradiction between the high potential of this educational technology and the poor methodological elaboration of its use in actual learning practice. With regard to this, the paper is aimed at providing grounds for the methodological system of blended learning for students with learning roadmaps and bringing it to life. The leading idea of the methodological system consists in creating a special subject information environment that enables each student to design their own roadmaps for mastering certain subjects that fulfill the principles of blended learning. Theoretical justification of using the learning roadmaps in teaching the students has been given and blended learning in conditions of subject information environment has been performed in practice. It is shown that the students' blended learning model based on the course learning roadmap promotes the successful acquisition of IT subjects. The suggested method of organizing the students' blended learning is of interest for the contemporary theory of learning as well as for teachers implementing the elements of e-learning in their educational process

    Структурная биология липоксигеназ: настоящее и перспективы развития

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    Lipoxygenases (LOX) form a heterogeneous family of lipid peroxidizing enzymes, which have been implicated in the synthesis of inflammatory mediators. The involvement of LOX isoenzymes in regulation of physiological homeostasis and pathogenesis of various diseases with major health and political relevance made them potential targets for pharmacological intervention. Although the first plant lipoxygenase (soybean LOX1) was discovered more than 60 years ago, the structural aspects of these enzymes were not studied until the mid 1990s. For the time being the crystal structures of various lipoxygenase-isoforms have been reported, and X-ray coordinates for numerous enzyme-ligand complexes are also available. This review focuses on recent developments in molecular enzymology of LOX and summarizes our current knowledge on the structural basis of LOX catalysis. Hypotheses explaining the reaction specificity of different isoforms as well as evolutionary aspects are reviewed and discussed. As the review is mainly intended to cover thematic priorities, which have not been reviewed in the past, a detailed discussion of the biological function of LOX goes beyond the scope of this review.Липоксигеназы (LOX) - ферменты перекисного окисления липидов - вовлечены в патогенез воспалительных и гиперпролиферативных реакций организма. Несмотря на то, что первая липоксигеназа растительного происхождения (LOX1 сои) была обнаружена более 60 лет назад, структурная биология этой группы ферментов не изучалась вплоть до середины 1990-ых годов. Данный обзор посвящен новейшим аспектам в области изучения молекулярной энзимологии липоксигеназ и обобщает существующие в настоящее время представления о структурных основах катализа с их участием. В обзоре рассмотрены различные гипотезы, объясняющие реакционную специфичность LOX, а также подведен промежуточный итог в области знания об эволюционном развитии этого класса ферментов в различных организмах. Несмотря на то, что биологическая роль LOX в низших организмах далеко не ясна, наличие в их ДНК последовательности LOX позволяет предположить, что семейство этих ферментов могло возникнуть сразу после появления атмосферного кислорода на Земле

    Type II Radio Emission and Solar Particle Observations

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    The 28 October 2003 flare gave us the unique opportunity to compare the acceleration time of high-energy protons with the escaping time of those particles which have been measured onboard spacecraft and by neutron monitors network as GLE event. High-energy emission time scale and shock wave height and velocity time dependencies were also studied.Comment: International Journal of Modern Physics A, Volume 20, Issue 29, pp. 6705-6707 (2005

    Химический синтез ω-гидроксипроизводных растительных жирнокислотных субстратов

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    A common synthetic procedure for the synthesis of (9Z,12Z)-18-hydroxy-9,12- octadecadienoic acid (18-HODE) and (9Z,12Z,15Z)-18-hydroxy-9,12,15- octadecatrienoic acid (18-HOTrE) – analogues of substrates of plant lipids oxygenation was developed. The synthetic route is based on formation of polyacetylenic precursors followed by stereoselective reduction of the triple bonds on Lindlar’s catalyst.Разработана универсальная схема получения 18-гидроксипроизводных природных растительных поли- ненасыщенных жирных кислот, 18-гидрокси- (9Z,12Z)-октадекадиеновой кислоты (18- HODE) и 18-гидрокси-(9Z,12Z,15Z)- октадекатриеновой кислоты (18-HOTrE), на основе ацетиленовой стратегии синтеза с последующим восстановлением тройных связей на катализаторе Линдлара

    Терапевтическая роль полиненасыщенных жирных кислот и их производных в патофизиологических процессах

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    This review presents literature data on studies of the therapeutic role of natural polyunsaturated fatty acids and their derivatives in the processes of inflammation, cancer, and immune response.В настоящем обзоре представлены литературные данные, посвященные исследованиям тера-певтической роли природных полиненасыщенных жирных кислот и их производных в процессах воспаления, опухолеобразования, иммунных реакциях

    Cтехиометрия и структура планктонных сообществ в литорали и пелагиали двух озер разного трофического статуса в Беларуси

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    Stoichiometric C : N : P ratios were compared between primary producers in littoral and pelagic ecosystems of mesotrophic relatively shallow lake Obsterno and shallow macrophyte covered low trophic lake Nobisto from May to October over the next two years. Elemental seston ratios of lake Obsterno revealed smaller differences between littoral and pelagic zones in comparison with lake Nobisto in 2017. During the studied period, in the both lakes, the seston C : N and C : P ratios were higher than the Redfield ratio (106 : 16 : 1 C : N : P) on most dates and N : P was always more than 16. Pelagic C : P and N : P ratios in lake Obsterno were the highest in May in 2017, July and September in 2018 with significant differences between littoral and pelagic zones. N : P ratios decreased in October but there were no significant differences among habitats. In lake Nobisto in 2018, seston C : P and N : P ratios increased from May to July in littoral and pelagic zones but then decreased in September to October. Our research shows differences in stoichiometric ratios in littoral and pelagic zones of these two lakes, which indicates food quality (seston C : N : P ratios) differences for zooplankton species depending on season and location.Изучали стехиометрию сестона (соотношения C : N : P) двух мелководных озер разной трофности – мезотрофного озера Обстерно и дистрофного макрофитного типа озера Нобисто в течение двух последовательных лет. Сравнивали сезонные изменения в стехиометрии продуцентов в литоральной и пелагической зонах. Соотношения элементов в сестоне оз. Обстерно выявили меньшие различия между литоральной и пелагической зонами по сравнению с оз. Нобисто в 2017 г. В течение исследуемого периода в обоих озерах соотношения C : N и C : P в сестоне были выше классического соотношения Редфилда (C106  : N16  : P1), а соотношение N : P всегда превышало 16. Соотношения C : P в пелагиали оз. Обстерно имели самые высокие показатели в мае 2017 г., а N : P в июле и сентябре 2018 г. со значимыми различиями между литоральной и пелагической зонами, но соотношения N : P уменьшились в октябре и не различались между местообитаниями. В оз. Нобисто в 2018 г. соотношения C : P и N : P в сестоне увеличивались с мая по июль в прибрежной и пелагической зонах, но затем снижались осенью. Как показали наши исследования, сезонные различия в стехиометрии сестона двух озер (соотношение C : N : P как показатель качества пищи) в разных местообитаниях отражают видовой состав фитопланктона, а также структуру сообществ зоопланктона, изменяющуюся в течение сезона и между местообитаниями