123 research outputs found

    A Production Characterization of the Eagle Ford Shale, Texas - A Bayesian Analysis Approach

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    We begin this research by asking "can we better estimate reserves in unconventional reservoirs using Bayes' theorem?" To attempt to answer this question, we obtained data for 68 wells in the Greater Core of the Eagle Ford Shale, Texas. As process, we eliminated the wells that did not have enough data, that did not show a production decline and/or wells that had too much data noise (this left us with 8 wells for analysis). We next performed decline curve analysis (DCA) using the Modified Hyperbolic (MH) and Power-Law Exponential (PLE) models (the two most common DCA models), consisting in user-guided analysis software. Then, the Bayesian paradigm was implemented to calibrate the same two models on the same set of wells. The primary focus of the research was the implementation of the Bayesian paradigm on the 8 well data set. We first performed a "best fit" parameter estimation using least squares optimization, which provided an optimized set of parameters for the two decline curve models. This was followed by using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) integration of the Bayesian posterior function for each model, which provided a full probabilistic description of its parameters. This allowed for the simulation of a number of likely realizations of the decline curves, from which first order statistics were computed to provide a confidence metric on the calibration of each model as applied to the production data of each well. Results showed variation on the calibration of the MH and PLE models. The forward models (MH and PLE) either over- or underestimate the reserves compared with the Bayesian calibrations, proving that the Bayesian paradigm was able to capture a more accurate trend of the data and thus able to determine more accurate estimates of reserves. In industry, the same decline curve models are used for unconventional wells as for conventional wells, even though we know that the same models may not apply. Based on the proposed results, we believe that Bayesian inference yields more accurate estimates of reserves for unconventional reservoirs than deterministic DCA methods. Moreover, it provides a measure of confidence on the prediction of production as as function of varying data and varying decline curve models

    T2SOLV: An enhanced package of solvers for the TOUGH2 family of reservoir simulation codes

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    T2SOLV is an enhanced package of matrix solvers for the TOUGH2 family of codes. T2SOLV includes all the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) solvers used in T2CG1, the current solver package, as well as LUBAND, a new direct solver, and DLUSTB, a PCG solver based on the BiCGSTAB method. Additionally, T2SOLV includes the D4 grid numbering scheme and two sets of preprocessors. Results from test problems indicate that LUBAND is faster, more reliable and requires less storage than MA28, the current direct solver. BiCGSTAB solver is shown to be superior to the other PCG methods in T2SOLV. Finally, the preprocessors improve the performance of the PCG solvers and allow the solution of previously intractable problems. TOUGH2 is capable of modeling most of the processes arising in the natural state of geothermal reservoirs and in response to production and injection operations. It can handle the appearance and disappearance of liquid and vapor phases, boiling and condensation, multiphase flow due to pressure, gravity, and capillary forces, vapor adsorption with vapor pressure lowering, heat conduction, and heat exchange between rocks and fluids. It is applicable to flow systems of arbitrary geometry from one to three dimensions, and has special provisions for flow in fractured-porous media

    Semianalytical solutions of radioactive or reactive tracer transport in layered fractured media

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    In this paper, semianalytical solutions are developed for the problem of transport of radioactive or reactive tracers (solutes or colloids) through a layered system of heterogeneous fractured media with misaligned fractures. The tracer transport equations in the matrix account for (a) diffusion, (b) surface diffusion (for solutes only), (c) mass transfer between the mobile and immobile water fractions, (d) linear kinetic or equilibrium physical, chemical, or combined solute sorption or colloid filtration, and (e) radioactive decay or first order chemical reactions. Any number of radioactive decay daughter products (or products of a linear, first-order reaction chain) can be tracked. The tracer-transport equations in the fractures account for the same processes, in addition to advection and hydrodynamic dispersion. Additionally, the colloid transport equations account for straining and velocity adjustments related to the colloidal size. The solutions, which are analytical in the Laplace space, are numerically inverted to provide the solution in time and can accommodate any number of fractured and/or porous layers. The solutions are verified using analytical solutions for limiting cases of solute and colloid transport through fractured and porous media. The effect of important parameters on the transport of {sup 3}H, {sup 237}Np and {sup 239}Pu (and its daughters) is investigated in several test problems involving layered geological systems of varying complexity. {sup 239}Pu colloid transport problems in multilayered systems indicate significant colloid accumulations at straining interfaces but much faster transport of the colloid than the corresponding strongly sorbing solute species
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