50 research outputs found

    Observations on Hilltopping in Thick-Headed Flies (Diptera: Conopidae)

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    Direct observations of hilltopping behaviour in the thick-headed flies (Diptera: Conopidae) have only been mentioned once in the literature. Hilltop collecting, however, may be an effective way to survey these endparasitoids. The first evidence of hilltopping in species belonging to the subfamilies Myopinae and Dalmanniinae is presented and discussed. Field observations were conducted on Colle Vescovo, Italy and Mount Rigaud, Canada, and museum specimens were examined. Observations and records indicate that four species in the genera Dalmannia, Myopa, and Zodion are hilltoppers on Colle Vescovo, while three species in the genera Myopa and Physocephala are hilltoppers on three hilltops near Ottawa, Canada. Fifteen additional species of conopids have been collected on hilltops and could possibly utilize hilltops in some years as a part of their mating strategy. Detailed phenologies and observations of mating and perching behaviours are given for species in the genera Dalmannia, Myopa, Physocephala, and Zodion. The importance of hilltop habitat preservation is stressed

    the forest vegetation of the tolfa ceriti mountains northern latium central italy

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    The Forest Vegetation of the Tolfa-Ceriti Mountains (Northern Latium - Central Italy)The forests of the Tolfa-Ceriti mountains (Latium, central Italy) were investigated through a phytosociological approach. 249 relevés were performed and treated with multivariate analysis. 13 woodland communities were identified, of which 7 belong toQuercetalia pubescenti-petraeae, 1 toFagetalia sylvaticae, 1 toPopuletaliaand 4 toQuercetalia ilicis. The thermophilous Turkey oak-forests occurring on the trachytic hills of the Ceriti Mountains and on the flysch substrates of the Tolfa Mountains were included inRubio peregrinae-Quercetum cerridisass. nova.Quercus cerrisandFraxinus angustifoliasubsp.oxycarpawoodland communities of the footslopes have been ascribed toFraxino oxycarpae-Quercetum cerridis, while the widespread mesophilus Turkey oak forests have been ascribed toMelico-Quercetum cerridis. Cephalantero longifoliae-Quercetum cerridishas been restricted to acid and oligotrophic soils.Quercus petraeawoodlands, occurring on trachytic substrates have been described as a new association namedCarici olbiensis-Quercetum petraeaeass. nova. All these mixed oak woods have been included in the allianceCrataego laevigatae-Quercion cerridisArrigoni 1997. The nomenclatural problems concerning the prior nameTeucrio siculi-Quercion cerridisUbaldi 1988 are also discussed. The beech forests of the higher altitudes have been included inFraxino orni-Fagetum sylvaticae, while theAlnus glutinosaravine woodlands have been described as belonging to the new associationPolysticho setiferi-Alnetum glutinosae. Secondary communities ofAcer monspessulanumandAcer campestredeveloped on flysch substrates, and ofErica arboreaandArbutus unedo(Erico-Arbutetum unedonis) developed on trachytic substrates, have also been identified. Finally two types ofQuercus ilexwood have been identified:Cyclamino repandi-Quercetum ilicis, on sandstones, and the new associationArbuto unedonis-Quercetum ilicisass. nova on volcanic soils. This latter community can be considered as a coenological and geographical vicariant in central Italy of the sicilianErico-Quercetum ilicis

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    Trinia Dalechampii

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