12 research outputs found

    Recovery of soil pH, cation-exchange capacity and the saturation of exchange sites from stemflow-induced soil acidification in three Swedish beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests

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    Stemflow water acidifies the soil in beech stands impacted by atmospheric deposition. To investigate whether the soil recovers from acidification, stemflow was experimentally removed. A horizon material was sampled at a distance of 10-250 cm From the stems. Before the onset of the experiment, there were stemflow-induced gradients in the saturation of exchange sites with K+, H+ and Na+ that were larger near the stems, while the pH(KCl), the cation-exchange capacity, and the saturation with Ca2+, Mg2+ and Mn2+ were smaller. After 8 yrs of recovery, the pH(KCl) and the saturation with Ca2+ and Mg2+ had increased close to the stems, while the saturation with Na+, H+, Mn2+ and Fe2+ and the C/N ratio had decreased. With some exceptions, e.g. base saturation, the recovery was not complete after 8 yrs. Soil far from stems had also changed similarly, probably because of the ongoing decrease in overall deposition in southern Sweden

    Zur NH_4"+-Sorption und NH_4"+-Fixierung in europaeischen Waldboeden

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    The relevance of inorganic nitrogen forms as sinks for deposited or mineralized NH_4"+ was discussed. Plant availability of NH_4"+ and NH_4"+ transport were also considered. Nonexchangeable NH_4"+ in silicate minerals was determined by the method of Silva and Bremner (1966). Exchange isotherms of NH_4"+ in competition with the cations K"+, H"+, Ca"2"+, Mg"2"+ and Al"3"+ were determined using a batch technique. For NH_4"+ exchange, several evaluation methods were used and their applicability was discussed. For some soils, the effect of soil structure on NH_4"+ exchange was determined. Besides soils from the German Fichtelgebirge-region, soils from France, Denmark and Sweden were included in the experiments. Most of the studied soils are characterized by low pH-values. (orig.)Die Bedeutung anorganischer N-Speicherformen in sauren Waldboeden zur Speicherung von deponiertem NH_4"+ oder NH_4"+ aus Mineralisation wurde besprochen. Neben der Speichermoeglichkeit wurde auf Konsequenzen fuer die Pflanzenverfuegbarkeit von NH_4"+ und den NH_4"+-Transport eingegangen. Nichtaustauschbares NH_4"+ der Silikate wurde mit der Methode von Silva und Bremner (1966) bestimmt. Zur Untersuchung des NH_4"+-Austauschs wurden batch-Versuche unter Konkurrenz von NH_4"+ zu K"+, H"+, Ca"2"+, Mg"2"+ und Al"3"+ durchgefuehrt. Auf den NH_4"+-Austausch wurden verschiedene Auswertungsmethoden angewandt und ihre Eignung diskutiert. Der Einfluss der Bodenstruktur auf den NH_4"+-Austausch wurde fuer einen Teil der Boeden erfasst. Neben Waldboeden des Fichtelgebirges wurden Boeden aus Frankreich, Daenemark und Schweden untersucht. Die Mehrzahl der Boeden zeichnet sich durch niedrige pH-Werte aus. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany); Commission of the European Communities (CEC), Brussels (Belgium)DEGerman