245 research outputs found

    Spectrophotometry of Michigan-Tololo quasars

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    Emission-line quasar characteristics are confirmed for 80% of the objects observed, including at least four new quasars with spectral features indicative of supernova-like outflow. Approximately 73% of the redshifts predicted from the discovery plates are found accurate with a mean error in z of 0.03, and a large range of z (from about 0.1 to 3.16) is represented in the sample. The observed redshift distribution for quasars is marginally consistent with a constant co-moving quasar density above z approximately 2.0. The shape of the redshift distribution may be used as an isotropy probe with a cosmic time resolution of a few times one-hundred million years in the early universe; therefore, continued surveys of this sort are important even if accurate magnitudes are not determined

    The Nature of [Ar III] Bright Knots in the Crab Nebula

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    The kinematic and morphological properties of a string of [Ar III] bright knots in the Crab Nebula are examined using 1994 - 1999 HST WFPC-2 images of the remnant. We find that five southern [Ar III] bright knots exhibit ordinary radial motions away from the nebula's center of expansion with magnitudes consistent with their projected radial displacements. These results do not support the suggestion by MacAlpine et al.(1994) that these knots might be moving rapidly away from the Crab pulsar due to a collimated wind. The HST images also do not show that the [Ar III] knots have unusual morphologies relative to other features in the remnant. Our proper motion results, when combined with radial velocity estimates, suggest these knots have relatively low space velocities implying relatively interior remnant locations thus placing them closer to the ionizing radiation from the Crab's synchrotron nebula. This might lead to higher knot gas temperatures thereby explaining the knots' unusual line emission strengths as MacAlpine et al.(1994) suspected.Comment: 11 pages including three figures. Submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    A Search for Nitrogen Enriched Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Early Data Release

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    A search for nitrogen-rich quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Early Data Release (SDSS EDR) catalog has yielded 16 candidates, including five with very prominent emission, but no cases with nitrogen emission as strong as in Q0353-383. The quasar Q0353-383 has long been known to have extremely strong nitrogen intercombination lines at lambda 1486 and lambda 1750 Angstroms, implying an anomalously high nitrogen abundance of about 15 times solar. It is still the only one of its kind known. A preliminary search through the EDR using the observed property of the weak C IV emission seen in Q0353-383 resulted in a sample of 23 objects with unusual emission or absorption-line properties, including one very luminous redshift 2.5 star-forming galaxy. We present descriptions, preliminary emission-line measurements, and spectra for all the objects discussed here.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, submitted to AJ; final refereed versio

    Emission-Line Galaxy Surveys as Probes of the Spatial Distribution of Dwarf Galaxies. I. The University of Michigan Survey

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    Objective-prism surveys which select galaxies on the basis of line-emission are extremely effective at detecting low-luminosity galaxies and constitute some of the deepest available samples of dwarfs. In this study, we confirm that emission-line galaxies (ELGs) in the University of Michigan (UM) objective-prism survey (MacAlpine et al. 1977-1981) are reliable tracers of large-scale structure, and utilize the depth of the samples to examine the spatial distribution of low-luminosity (MB>_{B} > -18.0) dwarfs relative to higher luminosity giant galaxies (MB≤_{B} \leq -18.0) in the Updated Zwicky Catalogue (Falco et al. 1999). New spectroscopic data are presented for 26 UM survey objects. We analyze the relative clustering properties of the overall starbursting ELG and normal galaxy populations, using nearest neighbor and correlation function statistics. This allows us to determine whether the activity in ELGs is primarily caused by gravitational interactions. We conclude that galaxy-galaxy encounters are not the sole cause of activity in ELGs since ELGs tend to be more isolated and are more often found in the voids when compared to their normal galaxy counterparts. Furthermore, statistical analyses performed on low-luminosity dwarf ELGs show that the dwarfs are less clustered when compared to their non-active giant neighbors. The UM dwarf samples have greater percentages of nearest neighbor separations at large values and lower correlation function amplitudes relative to the UZC giant galaxy samples. These results are consistent with the expectations of galaxy biasing.Comment: 17 pages, 4 tables, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in the Ap

    Trapped Ion Imaging with a High Numerical Aperture Spherical Mirror

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    Efficient collection and analysis of trapped ion qubit fluorescence is essential for robust qubit state detection in trapped ion quantum computing schemes. We discuss simple techniques of improving photon collection efficiency using high numerical aperture (N.A.) reflective optics. To test these techniques we placed a spherical mirror with an effective N.A. of about 0.9 inside a vacuum chamber in the vicinity of a linear Paul trap. We demonstrate stable and reliable trapping of single barium ions, in excellent agreement with our simulations of the electric field in this setup. While a large N.A. spherical mirror introduces significant spherical aberration, the ion image quality can be greatly improved by a specially designed aspheric corrector lens located outside the vacuum system. Our simulations show that the spherical mirror/corrector design is an easy and cost-effective way to achieve high photon collection rates when compared to a more sophisticated parabolic mirror setup.Comment: 5 figure

    Visualization of replication initiation and elongation in Drosophila

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    Chorion gene amplification in the ovaries of Drosophila melanogaster is a powerful system for the study of metazoan DNA replication in vivo. Using a combination of high-resolution confocal and deconvolution microscopy and quantitative realtime PCR, we found that initiation and elongation occur during separate developmental stages, thus permitting analysis of these two phases of replication in vivo. Bromodeoxyuridine, origin recognition complex, and the elongation factors minichromosome maintenance proteins (MCM)2–7 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen were precisely localized, and the DNA copy number along the third chromosome chorion amplicon was quantified during multiple developmental stages. These studies revealed that initiation takes place during stages 10B and 11 of egg chamber development, whereas only elongation of existing replication forks occurs during egg chamber stages 12 and 13. The ability to distinguish initiation from elongation makes this an outstanding model to decipher the roles of various replication factors during metazoan DNA replication. We utilized this system to demonstrate that the pre–replication complex component, double-parked protein/cell division cycle 10–dependent transcript 1, is not only necessary for proper MCM2–7 localization, but, unexpectedly, is present during elongation

    The Intrinsic Absorber in QSO 2359-1241: Keck and HST Observations

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    We present detailed analyses of the absorption spectrum seen in QSO 2359-1241 (NVSS J235953-124148). Keck HIRES data reveal absorption from twenty transitions arising from: He I, Mg I, Mg II, Ca II, and Fe II. HST data show broad absorption lines (BALs) from Al III 1857, C IV 1549, Si IV 1397, and N V 1240. Absorption from excited Fe II states constrains the temperature of the absorber to 2000K < T < 10,000K and puts a lower limit of 10^5 cm^{-3} on the electron number density. Saturation diagnostics show that the real column densities of He I and Fe II can be determined, allowing to derive meaningful constraints on the ionization equilibrium and abundances in the flow. The ionization parameter is constrained by the iron, helium and magnesium data to -3.0 < log(U) < -2.5 and the observed column densities can be reproduced without assuming departure from solar abundances. From comparison of the He I and Fe II absorption features we infer that the outflow seen in QSO 2359-1241 is not shielded by a hydrogen ionization front and therefore that the existence of low-ionization species in the outflow (e.g., Mg II, Al III, Fe II) does not necessitate the existence of such a front. We find that the velocity width of the absorption systematically increases as a function of ionization and to a lesser extent with abundance. Complementary analyses of the radio and polarization properties of the object are discussed in a companion paper (Brotherton et al. 2000).Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, in press with the Ap

    Species and Genotype Effects of Bioenergy Crops on Root Production, Carbon and Nitrogen in Temperate Agricultural Soil

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    Bioenergy crops have a secondary benefit if they increase soil organic C (SOC) stocks through capture and allocation below-ground. The effects of four genotypes of short-rotation coppice willow (Salix spp., ‘Terra Nova’ and ‘Tora’) and Miscanthus (M. × giganteus (‘Giganteus’) and M. sinensis (‘Sinensis’)) on roots, SOC and total nitrogen (TN) were quantified to test whether below-ground biomass controls SOC and TN dynamics. Soil cores were collected under (‘plant’) and between plants (‘gap’) in a field experiment on a temperate agricultural silty clay loam after 4- and 6-years’ management. Root density was greater under Miscanthus for plant (up to 15.5 kg m–3) compared with gap (up to 2.7 kg m–3) whereas willow had lower densities (up to 3.7 kg m–3). Over two years, SOC increased below 0.2 m depth from 7.1 to 8.5 kg m–3 and was greatest under Sinensis at 0-0.1 m depth (24.8 kg m–3). Miscanthus-derived SOC, based on stable isotope analysis, was greater under plant (11.6 kg m–3) than gap (3.1 kg m–3) for Sinensis. Estimated SOC stock change rates over the two-year period to 1-m depth were 6.4 for Terra Nova, 7.4 for Tora, 3.1 for Giganteus and 8.8 Mg ha–1 year–1 for Sinensis. Rates of change of TN were much less. That SOC matched root mass down the profile, particularly under Miscanthus, indicated that perennial root systems are an important contributor. Willow and Miscanthus offer both biomass production and C sequestration when planted in arable soil
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