18,115 research outputs found

    The optimal schedule for pulsar timing array observations

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    In order to maximize the sensitivity of pulsar timing arrays to a stochastic gravitational wave background, we present computational techniques to optimize observing schedules. The techniques are applicable to both single and multi-telescope experiments. The observing schedule is optimized for each telescope by adjusting the observing time allocated to each pulsar while keeping the total amount of observing time constant. The optimized schedule depends on the timing noise characteristics of each individual pulsar as well as the performance of instrumentation. Several examples are given to illustrate the effects of different types of noise. A method to select the most suitable pulsars to be included in a pulsar timing array project is also presented.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Finite-size scaling of directed percolation above the upper critical dimension

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    We consider analytically as well as numerically the finite-size scaling behavior in the stationary state near the non-equilibrium phase transition of directed percolation within the mean field regime, i.e., above the upper critical dimension. Analogous to equilibrium, usual finite-size scaling is valid below the upper critical dimension, whereas it fails above. Performing a momentum analysis of associated path integrals we derive modified finite-size scaling forms of the order parameter and its higher moments. The results are confirmed by numerical simulations of corresponding high-dimensional lattice models.Comment: 4 pages, one figur

    Charge Transport Properties of a Metal-free Phthalocyanine Discotic Liquid Crystal

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    Discotic liquid crystals can self-align to form one-dimensional semiconducting wires, many tens of microns long. In this letter, we describe the preparation of semiconducting films where the stacking direction of the disc-like molecules is perpendicular to the substrate surface. We present measurements of the charge carrier mobility, applying temperature-dependent time-of-flight transient photoconductivity, space-charge limited current measurements, and field-effect mobility measurements. We provide experimental verification of the highly anisotropic nature of semiconducting films of discotic liquid crystals, with charge carrier mobilities of up to 2.8x103^{-3}cm2^2/Vs. These properties make discotics an interesting choice for applications such as organic photovoltaics.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetic field tuning of antiferromagnetic Yb3_{3}Pt4_{4}

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    We present measurements of the specific heat, magnetization, magnetocaloric effect and magnetic neutron diffraction carried out on single crystals of antiferromagnetic Yb3_{3}Pt4_{4}, where highly localized Yb moments order at TN=2.4T_{\rm N}=2.4 K in zero field. The antiferromagnetic order was suppressed to TN0T_{\rm N}\rightarrow 0 by applying a field of 1.85 T in the abab plane. Magnetocaloric effect measurements show that the antiferromagnetic phase transition is always continuous for TN>0T_{\rm N}>0, although a pronounced step in the magnetization is observed at the critical field in both neutron diffraction and magnetization measurements. These steps sharpen with decreasing temperature, but the related divergences in the magnetic susceptibility are cut off at the lowest temperatures, where the phase line itself becomes vertical in the field-temperature plane. As TN0T_{\rm N}\rightarrow0, the antiferromagnetic transition is increasingly influenced by a quantum critical endpoint, where TNT_{\rm N} ultimately vanishes in a first order phase transition.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Universal Multifractality in Quantum Hall Systems with Long-Range Disorder Potential

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    We investigate numerically the localization-delocalization transition in quantum Hall systems with long-range disorder potential with respect to multifractal properties. Wavefunctions at the transition energy are obtained within the framework of the generalized Chalker--Coddington network model. We determine the critical exponent α0\alpha_0 characterizing the scaling behavior of the local order parameter for systems with potential correlation length dd up to 1212 magnetic lengths ll. Our results show that α0\alpha_0 does not depend on the ratio d/ld/l. With increasing d/ld/l, effects due to classical percolation only cause an increase of the microscopic length scale, whereas the critical behavior on larger scales remains unchanged. This proves that systems with long-range disorder belong to the same universality class as those with short-range disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, postsript, uuencoded, gz-compresse

    Optical transmittance of multilayer graphene

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    We study the optical transmittance of multilayer graphene films up to 65 layers thick. By combing large-scale tight-binding simulation and optical measurement on CVD multilayer graphene, the optical transmission through graphene films in the visible region is found to be solely determined by the number of graphene layers. We argue that the optical transmittance measurement is more reliable in the determination of the number of layers than the commonly used Raman Spectroscopy. Moreover, optical transmittance measurement can be applied also to other 2D materials with weak van der Waals interlayer interaction.Comment: Europhysics Letters (2014

    Determination of the magnetic structure of Yb3Pt4: a k=0 local-moment antiferromagnet

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    We have used neutron diffraction measurements to study the zero-field magnetic structure of the intermetallic compound Yb3Pt4, which was earlier found to order antiferromagnetically at the Neel temperature TN=2.4 K, and displays a field-driven quantum critical point at 1.6 T. In Yb3Pt4, the Yb moments sit on a single low-symmetry site in the rhombohedral lattice with space group R-3. The Yb ions form octahedra with edges that are twisted with respect to the hexagonal unit cell, a twisting that results in every Yb ion having exactly one Yb nearest neighbor. Below TN, we found new diffracted intensity due to a k=0 magnetic structure. This magnetic structure was compared to all symmetry-allowed magnetic structures, and was subsequently refined. The best fitting magnetic structure model is antiferromagnetic, and involves pairs of Yb nearest neighbors on which the moments point almost exactly towards each other. This structure has moment components within the ab-plane as well as parallel to the c-axis, although the easy magnetization direction lies in the ab-plane. Our magnetization results suggest that besides the crystal-electric field anisotropy, anisotropic exchange favoring alignment along the c-axis is responsible for the overall direction of the ordered moments. The magnitude of the ordered Yb moments in Yb3Pt4 is 0.81 uB/Yb at 1.4 K. The analysis of the bulk properties, the size of the ordered moment, and the observation of well-defined crystal-field levels argue that the Yb moments are spatially localized in zero field.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    X-ray Observations of XSS J12270-4859 in a New Low State: A Transformation to a Disk-Free Rotation-Powered Pulsar Binary

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    We present XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of the low-mass X-ray binary XSS J12270--4859, which experienced a dramatic decline in optical/X-ray brightness at the end of 2012, indicative of the disappearance of its accretion disk. In this new state, the system exhibits previously absent orbital-phase-dependent, large-amplitude X-ray modulations with a decline in flux at superior conjunction. The X-ray emission remains predominantly non-thermal but with an order of magnitude lower mean luminosity and significantly harder spectrum relative to the previous high flux state. This phenomenology is identical to the behavior of the radio millisecond pulsar binary PSR J1023+0038 in the absence of an accretion disk, where the X-ray emission is produced in an intra-binary shock driven by the pulsar wind. This further demonstrates that XSS J12270-4859 no longer has an accretion disk and has transformed to a full-fledged eclipsing "redback" system that hosts an active rotation-powered millisecond pulsar. There is no evidence for diffuse X-ray emission associated with the binary that may arise due to outflows or a wind nebula. An extended source situated 1.5' from XSS J12270--4859 is unlikely to be associated, and is probably a previously uncatalogued galaxy cluster.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Composite vertices that lead to soft form factors

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    The momentum-space cut-off parameter Λ\Lambda of hadronic vertex functions is studied in this paper. We use a composite model where we can measure the contributions of intermediate particle propagations to Λ\Lambda. We show that in many cases a composite vertex function has a much smaller cut-off than its constituent vertices, particularly when light constituents such as pions are present in the intermediate state. This suggests that composite meson-baryon-baryon vertex functions are rather soft, i.e., they have \Lambda considerably less than 1 GeV. We discuss the origin of this softening of form factors as well as the implications of our findings on the modeling of nuclear reactions.Comment: REVTex, 19 pages, 5 figs(to be provided on request

    Gravitational wave astronomy with the SKA

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    On a time scale of years to decades, gravitational wave (GW) astronomy will become a reality. Low frequency (nanoHz) GWs are detectable through long-term timing observations of the most stable pulsars. Radio observatories worldwide are currently carrying out observing programmes to detect GWs, with data sets being shared through the International Pulsar Timing Array project. One of the most likely sources of low frequency GWs are supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs), detectable as a background due to a large number of binaries, or as continuous or burst emission from individual sources. No GW signal has yet been detected, but stringent constraints are already being placed on galaxy evolution models. The SKA will bring this research to fruition. In this chapter, we describe how timing observations using SKA1 will contribute to detecting GWs, or can confirm a detection if a first signal already has been identified when SKA1 commences observations. We describe how SKA observations will identify the source(s) of a GW signal, search for anisotropies in the background, improve models of galaxy evolution, test theories of gravity, and characterise the early inspiral phase of a SMBHB system. We describe the impact of the large number of millisecond pulsars to be discovered by the SKA; and the observing cadence, observation durations, and instrumentation required to reach the necessary sensitivity. We describe the noise processes that will influence the achievable precision with the SKA. We assume a long-term timing programme using the SKA1-MID array and consider the implications of modifications to the current design. We describe the possible benefits from observations using SKA1-LOW. Finally, we describe GW detection prospects with SKA1 and SKA2, and end with a description of the expectations of GW astronomy.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, to be published in: "Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array", Proceedings of Science, PoS(AASKA14)03