246 research outputs found

    A Bayesian Approach to Inverse Quantum Statistics

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    A nonparametric Bayesian approach is developed to determine quantum potentials from empirical data for quantum systems at finite temperature. The approach combines the likelihood model of quantum mechanics with a priori information over potentials implemented in form of stochastic processes. Its specific advantages are the possibilities to deal with heterogeneous data and to express a priori information explicitly, i.e., directly in terms of the potential of interest. A numerical solution in maximum a posteriori approximation was feasible for one--dimensional problems. Using correct a priori information turned out to be essential.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, revte

    Continuum Singularities of a Mean Field Theory of Collisions

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    Consider a complex energy zz for a NN-particle Hamiltonian HH and let χ\chi be any wave packet accounting for any channel flux. The time independent mean field (TIMF) approximation of the inhomogeneous, linear equation (zH)Ψ>=χ>(z-H)|\Psi>=|\chi> consists in replacing Ψ\Psi by a product or Slater determinant ϕ\phi of single particle states ϕi.\phi_i. This results, under the Schwinger variational principle, into self consistent TIMF equations (ηihi)ϕi>=χi>(\eta_i-h_i)|\phi_i>=|\chi_i> in single particle space. The method is a generalization of the Hartree-Fock (HF) replacement of the NN-body homogeneous linear equation (EH)Ψ>=0(E-H)|\Psi>=0 by single particle HF diagonalizations (eihi)ϕi>=0.(e_i-h_i)|\phi_i>=0. We show how, despite strong nonlinearities in this mean field method, threshold singularities of the {\it inhomogeneous} TIMF equations are linked to solutions of the {\it homogeneous} HF equations.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figure

    Motives for choosing university and specialty applicants Ukraine (for example, students NTU "KPI")

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    Стаття присвячена аналізу портрета абітурієнта НТУ "ХПІ", де, крім визначення мотивів професійного вибору, самооцінки особистих здібностей, розглядаються і основні цілі навчання в НТУ "ХПІ". У статті підкреслюється, що проблема професійного самовизначення стояла перед молоддю завжди, а сьогодні вона особливо актуальна, тому що сучасні умови ринку праці ведуть до того, що більшість випускників не мають ясної життєвої перспективи. Аналізуються мотиви отримання абітурієнтами вищої освіти, мотивація вступу до НТУ "ХПІ", мотиви вибору спеціальності, період формування професійного інтересу. Проаналізовано мотиви професійного вибору абітурієнтів; період формування інтересу молодих людей до обраної спеціальності (процес самовизначення, коли здійснено вибір спеціальності, ВНЗ); специфіку вибору ВНЗ (яким за рахунком був ХПІ, хто допоміг визначитися з вибором); уявлення про процес навчання в університеті; відповідність уявлень про навчання в університеті реаліям університетського життя.This article analyzes portrait applicant NTU "KPI", where in addition to determining the reasons professional choice, self-personal skills, and discusses the main goals of training at NTU "KPI". The article highlights the problem of professional self -determination was always the youth, and today it is particularly urgent because the current labor market conditions lead to the fact that most graduates do not have a clear life perspective. Analyzed the motives of applicants receiving higher education, motivation admission to NTU "KPI" motives choice of specialty, during the formation of professional interest. Analyzed the motives of professional selection of applicants; during the formation of young people's interest to the chosen profession (the process of self-selection made when specialty Universities); the specific choice of university (how the account was HPI, who helped to choose); understanding of the learning process at the university; line ideas about university studies realities of university life

    High throughput imaging cytometer with acoustic focussing

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    We demonstrate an imaging flow cytometer that uses acoustic levitation to assemble cells and other particles into a sheet structure. This technique enables a high resolution, low noise CMOS camera to capture images of thousands of cells with each frame. While ultrasonic focussing has previously been demonstrated for 1D cytometry systems, extending the technology to a planar, much higher throughput format and integrating imaging is non-trivial, and represents a significant jump forward in capability, leading to diagnostic possibilities not achievable with current systems. A galvo mirror is used to track the images of the moving cells permitting exposure times of 10 ms at frame rates of 50 fps with motion blur of only a few pixels. At 80 fps, we demonstrate a throughput of 208 000 beads per second. We investigate the factors affecting motion blur and throughput, and demonstrate the system with fluorescent beads, leukaemia cells and a chondrocyte cell line. Cells require more time to reach the acoustic focus than beads, resulting in lower throughputs; however a longer device would remove this constraint

    Antisymmetrization of a Mean Field Calculation of the T-Matrix

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    The usual definition of the prior(post) interaction V(V)V(V^\prime ) between projectile and target (resp. ejectile and residual target) being contradictory with full antisymmetrization between nucleons, an explicit antisymmetrization projector A{\cal A} must be included in the definition of the transition operator, TVA+VAGV. T\equiv V^\prime{\cal A}+V^\prime{\cal A}GV. We derive the suitably antisymmetrized mean field equations leading to a non perturbative estimate of TT. The theory is illustrated by a calculation of forward α\alpha-α\alpha scattering, making use of self consistent symmetries.Comment: 30 pages, no figures, plain TeX, SPHT/93/14

    Single Trial Classification of Motor Imagination Using 6 Dry EEG Electrodes

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    BACKGROUND: Brain computer interfaces (BCI) based on electro-encephalography (EEG) have been shown to detect mental states accurately and non-invasively, but the equipment required so far is cumbersome and the resulting signal is difficult to analyze. BCI requires accurate classification of small amplitude brain signal components in single trials from recordings which can be compromised by currents induced by muscle activity. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A novel EEG cap based on dry electrodes was developed which does not need time-consuming gel application and uses far fewer electrodes than on a standard EEG cap set-up. After optimizing the placement of the 6 dry electrodes through off-line analysis of standard cap experiments, dry cap performance was tested in the context of a well established BCI cursor control paradigm in 5 healthy subjects using analysis methods which do not necessitate user training. The resulting information transfer rate was on average about 30% slower than the standard cap. The potential contribution of involuntary muscle activity artifact to the BCI control signal was found to be inconsequential, while the detected signal was consistent with brain activity originating near the motor cortex. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study shows that a surprisingly simple and convenient method of brain activity imaging is possible, and that simple and robust analysis techniques exist which discriminate among mental states in single trials. Within 15 minutes the dry BCI device is set-up, calibrated and ready to use. Peak performance matched reported EEG BCI state of the art in one subject. The results promise a practical non-invasive BCI solution for severely paralyzed patients, without the bottleneck of setup effort and limited recording duration that hampers current EEG recording technique. The presented recording method itself, BCI not considered, could significantly widen the use of EEG for emerging applications requiring long-term brain activity and mental state monitoring

    Towards Zero Training for Brain-Computer Interfacing

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    Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals are highly subject-specific and vary considerably even between recording sessions of the same user within the same experimental paradigm. This challenges a stable operation of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems. The classical approach is to train users by neurofeedback to produce fixed stereotypical patterns of brain activity. In the machine learning approach, a widely adapted method for dealing with those variances is to record a so called calibration measurement on the beginning of each session in order to optimize spatial filters and classifiers specifically for each subject and each day. This adaptation of the system to the individual brain signature of each user relieves from the need of extensive user training. In this paper we suggest a new method that overcomes the requirement of these time-consuming calibration recordings for long-term BCI users. The method takes advantage of knowledge collected in previous sessions: By a novel technique, prototypical spatial filters are determined which have better generalization properties compared to single-session filters. In particular, they can be used in follow-up sessions without the need to recalibrate the system. This way the calibration periods can be dramatically shortened or even completely omitted for these ‘experienced’ BCI users. The feasibility of our novel approach is demonstrated with a series of online BCI experiments. Although performed without any calibration measurement at all, no loss of classification performance was observed

    Late local recurrence of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans in the skin of female breast

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    Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) of the breast is exceptionally obscure and late local recurrence of this entity on this site is even more uncommon. We describe such a case in a 48-year-old woman, who at the age of 35 had a DFSP excised from her right breast. Thirteen years later, she developed an ovoid mass in her right breast over the postsurgical scar area. Wide local excision of the tumor with generous tissue margin was performed and microscopic and immunohistochemical findings established the diagnosis of recurrent DFSP. No further treatment was administered and she remains well 18 months later, without tumor recurrence. We report an exceptionally rare case of local recurrence of DFSP in the female breast and discuss in detail the diagnostic and therapeutic implications of this pathology