618 research outputs found

    Filling of mater-BI with nanoclays to enhance the biofilm rigidity

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    We investigated the efficacy of several nanoclays (halloysite, sepiolite and laponite) as nanofillers for Mater-Bi, which is a commercial bioplastic extensively used within food packaging applications. The preparation of Mater-Bi/nanoclay nanocomposite films was easily achieved by means of the solvent casting method from dichloroethane. The prepared bio-nanocomposites were characterized by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) in order to explore the effect of the addition of the nanoclays on the mechanical behavior of the Mater-Bi-based films. Tensile tests found that filling Mater-Bi with halloysite induced the most significant improvement of the mechanical performances under traction force, while DMA measurements under the oscillatory regime showed that the polymer glass transition was not affected by the addition of the nanoclay. The tensile properties of the Mater-Bi/halloysite nanotube (HNT) films were competitive compared to those of traditional petroleum plastics in terms of the elastic modulus and stress at the breaking point. Both the mechanical response to the temperature and the tensile properties make the bio-nanocomposites appropriate for food packaging and smart coating purposes. Here, we report a preliminary study of the development of sustainable hybrid materials that could be employed in numerous industrial and technological applications within materials science and pharmaceutics

    Stability of halloysite, imogolite, and boron nitride nanotubes in solvent media

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    Inorganic nanotubes are attracting the interest of many scientists and researchers, due to their excellent application potential in different fields. Among them, halloysite and imogolite, two naturally-occurring aluminosilicate mineral clays, as well as boron nitride nanotubes have gained attention for their proper shapes and features. Above all, it is important to reach highly stable dispersion in water or organic media, in order to exploit the features of this kind of nanoparticles and to expand their applications. This review is focused on the structural and morphological features, performances, and ratios of inorganic nanotubes, considering the main strategies to prepare homogeneous colloidal suspensions in various solvent media as special focus and crucial point for their uses as nanomaterials

    The essential oil of Thymbra capitata and its application as a biocide on stone and derived surfaces

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    Many chemicals used nowadays for the preservation of cultural heritage pose a risk to both human health and the environment. Thus, it is desirable to find new and eco-friendly biocides that can replace the synthetic ones. In this regard, plant essential oils represent effective alternatives to synthetic substances for the preservation of historical monuments. Thymbra capitata (syn. Thymus capitatus) is a medicinal and aromatic plant growing in the Mediterranean area and endowed with important pharmacological properties related to its essential oil. Among them, the antimicrobial ones make the T. capitata essential oil an ideal candidate for industrial applications; for instance, as biocide for the inhibition and elimination of biological patinas of cyanobacteria and green algae on historical monuments. In the present work, we studied the chemical composition of the essential oil from T. capitata growing in Malta by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The major volatile component is the phenolic monoterpene carvacrol (73.2%), which is capable of damaging the cytoplasmic membrane and to interfere both in the growth curve and in the invasive capacity, though the contribution of minor components γ-terpinene and p-cymene cannot be disregarded. For the oil application on the stone surface, Pickering emulsions systems were prepared with an essential oil/water 1:3 mass ratio stabilized with kaolinite at 4 mass% in the presence of Laponite®; this allowed to limit the fast volatility of the oil and guaranteed a better application and an easier removal from the artefacts attacked by biodeteriogens both indoor and outdoor. This formulation caused the elimination of biodeteriogens from treated surfaces without residuals or films on artworks surface, and the effect was retained up to four months

    Multicomponent bionanocomposites based on clay nanoarchitectures for electrochemical devices

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    Based on the unique ability of defibrillated sepiolite (SEP) to form stable and homogeneous colloidal dispersions of diverse types of nanoparticles in aqueous media under ultrasonication, multicomponent conductive nanoarchitectured materials integrating halloysite nanotubes (HNTs), graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) and chitosan (CHI) have been developed. The resulting nanohybrid suspensions could be easily formed into films or foams, where each individual component plays a critical role in the biocomposite: HNTs act as nanocontainers for bioactive species, GNPs provide electrical conductivity (enhanced by doping with MWCNTs) and, the CHI polymer matrix introduces mechanical and membrane properties that are of key significance for the development of electrochemical devices. The resulting characteristics allow for a possible application of these active elements as integrated multicomponent materials for advanced electrochemical devices such as biosensors and enzymatic biofuel cells. This strategy can be regarded as an "a la carte" menu, where the selection of the nanocomponents exhibiting different properties will determine a functional set of predetermined utility with SEP maintaining stable colloidal dispersions of different nanoparticles and polymers in water

    Selectivity of cyclodextrins as a parameter to tune the formation of pseudorotaxanes and micelles supramolecular assemblies. A systematic SANS study

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.We studied the formation of polypseudorotaxanes formed with cyclodextrins (CDs) threading a copolymer chain that forms self-assembled structures in water. The size of the CD cavity was chosen such that it is block selective with respect to the formation of inclusion complexes and therefore in terms of altering the structure of the copolymer self-assemblies in a systematic fashion. Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments provide a direct and clear picture of the shape and interactions of the copolymer micelles in the absence and the presence of various CDs. Moreover, the dissolution of copolymer micelles by CD addition was clearly described by a simple model which provides a tool for quantitative predictions. This study suggests the possibility of designing materials with tunable aggregation abilities in water, where the extent of aggregate formation is determined by the amount and type of added cyclodextrin.EC/FP7/226507/EU/Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy/NMI

    Halloysite nanotubes filled with salicylic acid and sodium diclofenac: effects of vacuum pumping on loading and release properties

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    In this work, we investigated the effects of the vacuum pumping on both the loading efficiencies and the release kinetics of halloysite nanotubes filled with drug molecules dissolved in ethanol. As model drugs, salicylic acid and sodium diclofenac were selected. For comparison, the loading of the drug molecules was conducted on platy kaolinite to explore the key role of the hollow tubular morphology on the filling mechanism of halloysite. The effects of the pressure conditions used in the loading protocol were interpreted and discussed on the basis of the thermodynamic results provided by Knudsen thermogravimetry, which demonstrated the ethanol confinement inside the halloysite cavity. Several techniques (TEM, FTIR spectroscopy, DLS and ζ-potential experiments) were employed to characterize the drug filled nanoclays. Besides, release kinetics of the drugs were studied and interpreted according to the loading mechanism. This work represents a further step for the development of nanotubular carriers with tunable release feature based on the loading protocol and drug localization into the carrier. Graphic abstract: The filling efficiency of halloysite nanotubes is enhanced by the reduction of the pressure conditions used in the loading protocol

    Sedimentation of halloysite nanotubes from different deposits in aqueous media at variable ionic strengths

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    Halloysite clay is a natural nanomaterial that is attracting a growing interest in colloidal science. The halloysite aqueous dispersion stability is a key aspect for the configuration of a purification protocol as well as to establish the durability of a formulation. A physico-chemical study demonstrated the role of ionic strength and nanotube characteristic sizes on the sedimentation behavior. We highlighted the importance of the electrostatic repulsions exercised between the particles in the settling process. A protocol for image analysis has been proposed to provide robust information from time resolved optical images on the suspensions. In conclusion, we managed to correlate microscopic aspect to the peculiar sedimentation process of halloysite nanotubes

    Printable Hydrogels Based on Alginate and Halloysite Nanotubes

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    The design of hydrogels for the controlled release of active species is an attractive challenge. In this work, we prepared hybrid hydrogels composed of halloysite nanotubes as the inorganic component, and alginate as the organic counterpart. The reported procedure allowed us to provide the resulting materials with a peculiar wire-like shape. Both optical and scanning electron microscopy were used to characterize the morphological properties of the hydrogel wires, whose diameters were ca. 0.19 and 0.47 mm, respectively. The possibility to be exploited as drug delivery systems was carried out by loading the nanoclay with salicylic acid and by studying the release profiles. Thermogravimetric experiments showed that the amount of encapsulated drug was 4.35 wt%, and the salicylic acid was thermally stabilized after the loading into the nanotubes, as observed by the shift of the degradation peak in the differential thermograms from 193 to 267 °C. The kinetics investigation was conducted using UV–Vis spectrophotometry, and it exhibited the profound effects of both the morphology and dimensions on the release of the drugs. In particular, the release of 50% of the payload occurred in 6 and 10 h for the filiform hydrogels, and it was slower compared to the bare drug-loaded halloysite, which occurred in 2 h. Finally, an induction period of 2 h was observed in the release profile from the thicker sample

    Safely dissolvable and healable active packaging films based on alginate and pectin

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    Extensive usage of long-lasting petroleum based plastics for short-lived application such as packaging has raised concerns regarding their role in environmental pollution. In this research, we have developed active, healable, and safely dissolvable alginate-pectin based biocomposites that have potential applications in food packaging. The morphological study revealed the rough surface of these biocomposite films. Tensile properties indicated that the fabricated samples have mechanical properties in the range of commercially available packaging films while possessing excellent healing effciency. Biocomposite films exhibited higher hydrophobicity properties compared to neat alginate films. Thermal analysis indicated that crosslinked biocomposite samples possess higher thermal stability in temperatures below 120 °C, while antibacterial analysis against E. coli and S. aureus revealed the antibacterial properties of the prepared samples against different bacteria. The fabricated biodegradable multi-functional biocomposite films possess various imperative properties, making them ideal for utilization as packaging material

    Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by Halloysite Nanotubes: From General Aspects to Technological Applications

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    Besides surfactants, which decrease the interfacial tension between two immiscible liquids, also interfacially active particles can successfully stabilize an emulsion system by attaching at the liquid–liquid interface. The preparation of the resulting Pickering emulsions has been so far investigated starting from the study of the interactions arising between the dispersed droplets and the stabilizers, till the application of these systems in a wide range of different fields. This work is intended to provide an overall overview about the development of Pickering emulsions by considering the most general aspects and scanning the diverse types of solid stabilizers. Among them, Halloysite nanotubes play a major role as naturally derived clay with emulsifying capability owing to their cheap, abundant, green and biocompatible properties. Therefore, the design of Halloysite stabilized Pickering emulsions is the main content of this review, which will survey the role of nanotubes in providing colloidal stability and will comprehensively sum up the use of these particles in technological and industrial purposes: from environmental to catalytic, from health to cultural heritage related applications
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