12,157 research outputs found

    Preliminary design-lift/cruise fan research and technology airplane flight control system

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    This report presents the preliminary design of a stability augmentation system for a NASA V/STOL research and technology airplane. This stability augmentation system is postulated as the simplest system that meets handling qualities levels for research and technology missions flown by NASA test pilots. The airplane studied in this report is a T-39 fitted with tilting lift/cruise fan nacelles and a nose fan. The propulsion system features a shaft interconnecting the three variable pitch fans and three power plants. The mathematical modeling is based on pre-wind tunnel test estimated data. The selected stability augmentation system uses variable gains scheduled with airspeed. Failure analysis of the system illustrates the benign effect of engine failure. Airplane rate sensor failure must be solved with redundancy

    7-Li(p,n) Nuclear Data Library for Incident Proton Energies to 150 MeV

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    We describe evaluation methods that make use of experimental data, and nuclear model calculations, to develop an ENDF-formatted data library for the reaction p + Li7 for incident protons with energies up to 150 MeV. The important 7-Li(p,n_0) and 7-Li(p,n_1) reactions are evaluated from the experimental data, with their angular distributions represented using Lengendre polynomial expansions. The decay of the remaining reaction flux is estimated from GNASH nuclear model calculations. The evaluated ENDF-data are described in detail, and illustrated in numerous figures. We also illustrate the use of these data in a representative application by a radiation transport simulation with the code MCNPX.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX, submitted to Proc. 2000 ANS/ENS International Meeting, Nuclear Applications of Accelerator Technology (AccApp00), November 12-16, Washington, DC, US

    Void Statistics in Large Galaxy Redshift Surveys: Does Halo Occupation of Field Galaxies Depend on Environment?

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    We use measurements of the projected galaxy correlation function w_p and galaxy void statistics to test whether the galaxy content of halos of fixed mass is systematically different in low density environments. We present new measurements of the void probability function (VPF) and underdensity probability function (UPF) from Data Release Four of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, as well as new measurements of the VPF from the full data release of the Two-Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey. We compare these measurements to predictions calculated from models of the Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) that are constrained to match both w_p and the space density of galaxies. The standard implementation of the HOD assumes that galaxy occupation depends on halo mass only, and is independent of local environment. For luminosity-defined samples, we find that the standard HOD prediction is a good match to the observations, and the data exclude models in which galaxy formation efficiency is reduced in low-density environments. More remarkably, we find that the void statistics of red and blue galaxies (at L ~ 0.4L_*) are perfectly predicted by standard HOD models matched to the correlation function of these samples, ruling out "assembly bias" models in which galaxy color is correlated with large-scale environment at fixed halo mass. We conclude that the luminosity and color of field galaxies are determined predominantly by the mass of the halo in which they reside and have little direct dependence on the environment in which the host halo formed. In broader terms, our results show that the sizes and emptiness of voids found in the distribution of L > 0.2L_* galaxies are in excellent agreement with the predictions of a standard cosmological model with a simple connection between galaxies and dark matter halos. (abridged)Comment: 20 emulateapj pages, 9 figures. submitted to Ap

    Strong Enhancement of Superconducting Correlation in a Two-Component Fermion Gas

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    We study high-density electron-hole (e-h) systems with the electron density slightly larger than the hole density. We find a new superconducting phase, in which the excess electrons form Cooper pairs moving in an e-h BCS phase. The coexistence of the e-h and e-e orders is possible because e and h have opposite charges, whereas analogous phases are impossible in the case of two fermion species that have the same charge or are neutral. Most strikingly, the e-h order enhances the superconducting e-h order parameter by more than one order of magnitude as compared with that given by the BCS formula, for the same value of the effective e-e attractive potential \lambda^{ee}. This new phase should be observable in an e-h system created by photoexcitation in doped semiconductors at low temperatures.Comment: 5 pages including 5 PostScript figure

    Dynamic Singularities in Cooperative Exclusion

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    We investigate cooperative exclusion, in which the particle velocity can be an increasing function of the density. Within a hydrodynamic theory, an initial density upsteps and downsteps can evolve into: (a) shock waves, (b) continuous compression or rarefaction waves, or (c) a mixture of shocks and continuous waves. These unusual phenomena arise because of an inflection point in the current versus density relation. This anomaly leads to a group velocity that can either be an increasing or a decreasing function of the density on either side of these wave singularities.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 2 column revtex 4-1 format; version 2: substantially rewritten and put in IOP format, mail results unchanged; version 3: minor changes, final version for publication in JSTA

    Cosmic Voids and Galaxy Bias in the Halo Occupation Framework

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    (Abridged) We investigate the power of void statistics to constrain galaxy bias and the amplitude of dark matter fluctuations. We use the halo occupation distribution (HOD) framework to describe the relation between galaxies and dark matter. After choosing HOD parameters that reproduce the mean space density n_gal and projected correlation function w_p measured for galaxy samples with M_r<-19 and M_r<-21 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), we predict the void probability function (VPF) and underdensity probability function (UPF) of these samples by populating the halos of a large, high-resolution N-body simulation. If we make the conventional assumption that the HOD is independent of large scale environment at fixed halo mass, then models constrained to match n_gal and w_p predict nearly identical void statistics, independent of the scatter between halo mass and central galaxy luminosity or uncertainties in HOD parameters. Models with sigma_8=0.7 and sigma_8=0.9 also predict very similar void statistics. However, the VPF and UPF are sensitive to environmental variations of the HOD in a regime where these variations have little impact on w_p. For example, doubling the minimum host halo mass in regions with large scale (5 Mpc/h) density contrast delta<-0.65 has a readily detectable impact on void probabilities of M_r<-19 galaxies, and a similar change for delta<-0.2 alters the void probabilities of M_r<-21 galaxies at a detectable level. The VPF and UPF provide complementary information about the onset and magnitude of density- dependence in the HOD. By detecting or ruling out HOD changes in low density regions, void statistics can reduce systematic uncertainties in the cosmological constraints derived from HOD modeling, and, more importantly, reveal connections between halo formation history and galaxy properties.Comment: emulateapj, 16 pages, 13 figure

    A retrospective analysis of the effects of adopting individual transferable quotas in the Tasmanian red rock lobster,Jasus edwardsii, fishery

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    Individual transferable quotas (ITQ) were implemented in the Tasmanian red rock lobster fishery in 1998 and ten years later we assessed the impacts on the fishery. Particular attention was devoted to investigating the performances of the fishery with regard to three features identified as major impacts in the literature: rationalization of the fishing fleet, change in fishing strategy in order to maximise the fisher’s profit and concentration of fishing rights and activity. On average, the fishery reacted as expected and reached its objective in terms of reconstruction of the biomass, but the overall assessment in terms of resulting profitability is not very conclusive. There is no evidence of decrease of the profitability over the period of the study but the fishery is more reactive to external factors on its export market in China than to changes in its own structure.The first author is supported by a PhD scholarship co-funded by IFREMER and the joint CSIRO-UTAS Quantitative Marine Science program (QMS

    An empirical study of tissue banking in Australia: Navigating regulatory and ethical challenges

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    Collections of tumour samples can be an invaluable resource for medical research. There are, however, numerous ethical and legal challenges associated with tumour banking. While there has been extensive discussion of these issues in the legal and ethical literature, there are few available empirical data in relation to the activities of tumour banks in Australia, their practices around ethically charged issues, and their success in implementing complex regulatory guidelines. The aim of this study was to gain more information about the activities of tumour banks in New South Wales, Australia, with a particular focus on their management of, and attitudes towards, ethical and regulatory issues. A survey of 27 tumour collection and research facilities was conducted using a 55-item questionnaire. There is significant heterogeneity of research methodologies as well as of methods for gaining consent and ensuring donor privacy, and there is general concern among the research community about ethical and regulatory issues related to tumour banking. Heterogeneity of practice and uncertainty about ethical and regulatory requirements is problematic in its potential to hinder research and its potential to generate the space for unethical practice, whether intentional or unintentional. There is a pressing need to address these issues so that tumour banks can be used in the most ethical and efficient way possible
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