362 research outputs found

    A Survey of Model-based Sensor Data Acquisition and Management

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    In recent years, due to the proliferation of sensor networks, there has been a genuine need of researching techniques for sensor data acquisition and management. To this end, a large number of techniques have emerged that advocate model-based sensor data acquisition and management. These techniques use mathematical models for performing various, day-to-day tasks involved in managing sensor data. In this chapter, we survey the state-of-the-art techniques for model-based sensor data acquisition and management. We start by discussing the techniques for acquiring sensor data. We, then, discuss the application of models in sensor data cleaning; followed by a discussion on model-based methods for querying sensor data. Lastly, we survey model-based methods proposed for data compression and synopsis generation

    Formation of ultracold RbCs molecules by photoassociation

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    The formation of ultracold metastable RbCs molecules is observed in a double species magneto-optical trap through photoassociation below the ^85Rb(5S_1/2)+^133Cs(6P_3/2) dissociation limit followed by spontaneous emission. The molecules are detected by resonance enhanced two-photon ionization. Using accurate quantum chemistry calculations of the potential energy curves and transition dipole moment, we interpret the observed photoassociation process as occurring at short internuclear distance, in contrast with most previous cold atom photoassociation studies. The vibrational levels excited by photoassociation belong to the 5th 0^+ or the 4th 0^- electronic states correlated to the Rb(5P_1/2,3/2)+Cs(6S_1/2) dissociation limit. The computed vibrational distribution of the produced molecules shows that they are stabilized in deeply bound vibrational states of the lowest triplet state. We also predict that a noticeable fraction of molecules is produced in the lowest level of the electronic ground state

    Competition between Fusion and Quasi-fission in the Formation of Super-heavy Elements

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    Quasifission is a non-equilibrium dynamical process resulting in rapid separation of the dinuclear system initially formed after capture and sticking of two colliding heavy nuclei. This can inhibit fusion by many orders of magnitude, thus suppressing the cross section for formation of superheavy elements. Measurements with projectiles from C to Ni, made at the Australian National University Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility, have mapped out quasifission characteristics and systematics using mass-angle distributions (MAD) - the fission mass-split as a function of centre-of-mass angle. These provide information on quasifission dynamics in the least model-dependent way. Quasifission time-scale information in the MAD has been compared with TDHF calculations of the collisions, with good agreement being found. Most significantly, the nuclear structure of the two colliding nuclei has a dramatic effect on quasifission probabilities and characteristics in gentle collisions at near-barrier energies. The effect of static deformation alignment, closed shells and N/Z matching can completely change reaction outcomes. The realization of this strong dependence makes modelling quasifission and superheavy element formation a challenging task, but should ultimately allow more reliable prediction of superheavy element formation cross sections

    Theoretical study of the absorption spectra of the sodium dimer

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    Absorption of radiation from the sodium dimer molecular states correlating to Na(3s)-Na(3s) is investigated theoretically. Vibrational bound and continuum transitions from the singlet X Sigma-g+ state to the first excited singlet A Sigma-u+ and singlet B Pi-u states and from the triplet a Sigma-u+ state to the first excited triplet b Sigma-g+ and triplet c Pi-g states are studied quantum-mechanically. Theoretical and experimental data are used to characterize the molecular properties taking advantage of knowledge recently obtained from ab initio calculations, spectroscopy, and ultra-cold atom collision studies. The quantum-mechanical calculations are carried out for temperatures in the range from 500 to 3000 K and are compared with previous calculations and measurements where available.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, revtex, eps

    Limit on suppression of ionization in metastable neon traps due to long-range anisotropy

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    This paper investigates the possibility of suppressing the ionization rate in a magnetostatic trap of metastable neon atoms by spin-polarizing the atoms. Suppression of the ionization is critical for the possibility of reaching Bose-Einstein condensation with such atoms. We estimate the relevant long-range interactions for the system, consisting of electric quadrupole-quadrupole and dipole-induced dipole terms, and develop short-range potentials based on the Na_2 singlet and triplet potentials. The auto-ionization widths of the system are also calculated. With these ingredients we calculate the ionization rate for spin-polarized and for spin-isotropic samples, caused by anisotropy of the long-range interactions. We find that spin-polarization may allow for four orders of magnitude suppression of the ionization rate for Ne. The results depend sensitively on a precise knowledge of the interaction potentials, however, pointing out the need for experimental input. The same model gives a suppression ratio close to unity for metastable xenon in accordance with experimental results, due to a much increased anisotropy in this case.Comment: 15 pages including figures, LaTex/RevTex, uses epsfig.st

    Systematic study of quasifission characteristics and timescales in heavy element formation reactions

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    Superheavy elements can only be created in the laboratory by the fusion of two massive nuclei. Mass-angle distributions give the most direct information on the characteristics and time scales of quasifission, the major competitor to fusion in these reactions. The systematics of 42 mass-angle distributions provide information on the global characteristics of quasifission. Deviations from the systematics reveal the major role played by the nuclear structure of the two colliding nuclei in determining the reaction outcome, and in hindering or favouring heavy element production.The authors acknowledge operations support for the ANU Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility from NCRIS, and support from Dr. N. Lobanov and Dr. T. Kibedi and the ANU Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility staff in operating the Linac. Financial support from ARC grants DP130101569, DP140101337, FL110100098, FT120100760 and DE140100784 is acknowledged

    Nucleation of a sodium droplet on C60

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    We investigate theoretically the progressive coating of C60 by several sodium atoms. Density functional calculations using a nonlocal functional are performed for NaC60 and Na2C60 in various configurations. These data are used to construct an empirical atomistic model in order to treat larger sizes in a statistical and dynamical context. Fluctuating charges are incorporated to account for charge transfer between sodium and carbon atoms. By performing systematic global optimization in the size range 1<=n<=30, we find that Na_nC60 is homogeneously coated at small sizes, and that a growing droplet is formed above n=>8. The separate effects of single ionization and thermalization are also considered, as well as the changes due to a strong external electric field. The present results are discussed in the light of various experimental data.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Focused Ion Beam Fabrication

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    Contains reports on ten research projects.U.S. Army Research Office Contract DAAL03-88-K-0108Hughes Research Laboratories FellowshipSEMATECHCharles S. Draper Laboratory Contract DL-H-261827U.S. Army Research Office Contract DAAL03-87-K-0126IBM General Technologies DivisionIBM Research Divisio

    The emotional labour of quality improvement work in end of life care : a qualitative study of Patient and Family Centred Care in England

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    Abstract: Background: There is a growing emphasis on understanding patient experience in order to inform efforts to support improvement. This paper reports findings from an implementation study of an evidence-based intervention called Patient and Family Centred Care (PFCC) designed to tap into patient experiences as a basis for improvement. In this study the PFCC intervention was spread to a new service area (end of life care) and delivered at scale in England. The findings presented here focus specifically on one key aspect of the intervention: staff shadowing of patients, and the experiences of staff carrying out shadowing for the purposes of service improvements. Methods: The study methods were ethnographic observations of key events, semi-structured interviews with members of participating teams and the programme implementation support team and managers, and a review of the documents used in the set up and running of the programme. Results: One of the key strengths of the PFCC approach is to encourage staff through shadowing to engage with patient experience of services. Many staff described the process of shadowing as a transformative experience that alerted them to immediate areas where their services could be improved. However, engaging with patient experience of end of life care services also had unintended consequences for some staff in the form of emotional labour. Furthermore, we observed difficulties encountered by staff that are not accounted for in the existing PFCC literature relating to how care service structures may unevenly distribute the amount of ‘emotional labour’ that staff members need to invest in implementing the programme. Conclusions: Connecting with patient experience is a crucial aspect of a number of quality improvement interventions that aim to help staff to engage with the lived experience of their services and reconnect their motivations for working in the health care system. However, there may be unintended consequences for health care service staff, particularly in sensitive areas of service delivery such as end of life care. The ‘emotional labour’ for staff of engaging in quality improvement work informed by patient experience should be considered in planning and supporting patient experience led quality improvement
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