4,249 research outputs found

    Future scientific exploration of Taurus-Littrow

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    The Apollo 17 site was surveyed with great skill and the collected samples have been studied thoroughly (but not completely) in the 20 years since. Ironically, the success of the field and sample studies makes the site an excellent candidate for a return mission. Rather than solving all the problems, the Apollo 17 mission provided a set of sophisticated questions that can be answered only by returning to the site and exploring further. This paper addresses the major unsolved problems in lunar science and points out the units at the Apollo 17 site that are most suitable for addressing each problem. It then discusses how crucial data can be obtained by robotic rovers and human field work. I conclude that, in general, the most important information can be obtained only by human exploration. The paper ends with some guesses about what we could have learned at the Apollo 17 site from a fairly sophisticated rover capable of in situ analyses, instead of sending people

    The lunar environment and its effect on optical astronomy

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    The Moon's geologic environment features: (1) gravity field one-sixth that of Earth; (2) sidereal rotation period of 27.3 days; (3) surface with greater curvature than Earth's surface (a chord along a 10 km baseline would have a bulge of 7.2 m); (4) seismically and tidally stable platform on which to make astronomical observations (most moonquakes have magnitudes of 1 to 2 on the Richter scale, within the earth's seismic noise, resulting in ground motions only 1 nm); (5) tenuous atmosphere (the total mass at night is only 10(exp 4) kg) that has an optical depth of 10(exp -6) and does not cause wind induced stresses and vibrations on structures; (6) large diurnal temperature variation (100 to 385 K in equatorial regions), which telescopes must be designed to withstand; (7) weak magnetic field, ranging from 3 to 330 x 10(exp -9) T, compared to 3 x 10(exp -5) T on Earth at the equator; (8) surface exposed to radiation, the most dangerous of which are high energy (1 to 100 Mev) particles resulting from solar flares; (9) high flux of micrometeorites which are not slowed down from their cosmic velocities because of the lack of air (data indicate that microcraters greater than 10 microns across will form at the rate of 3000/sq m/yr); (10) regolith 2 to 30 m thick which blankets the entire lunar surface (this layer is fine-grained (average grain sizes range from 40 to 268 microns), has a low density (800 to 1000 kg/cu m in the upper few mm, rising to 1500 to 1800 kg/cu m at depths of 10 to 20 cm), is porous (35 to 45 pct), cohesive (0.1 to 1.0 kN/sq m), and has a low thermal diffusivity (0.7 to 1.0 x 110-8 sq m/sec); about 29 pct of the regolith is less than 20 micron in size (this dust could pose a hazard to optical telescopes); (11) rubbly upper several hundred meters in which intact bedrock is uncommon, especially in the lunar highlands; and (12) craters with diameter-to-depth ratios of 5 if fresh and less than km across (larger and eroded craters have diameter-to-depth ratios greater than 5)

    Geological considerations for lunar telescopes

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    The geological features of the Moon that may be advantageous for astronomical observations are listed and described. The Moon's geologic environment offers wondrous opportunities for astronomy and presents fascinating challenges for engineers designing telescope facilities on the lunar surface. The geologic nature of the stark lunar surface and the Moon's tenuous atmosphere are summarized. The Moon as a stable platform is described as is its atmosphere, surface temperatures, its magnetic field, its regolith, and its crater morphologies

    Remote Assessment of Lunar Resource Potential

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    Assessing the resource potential of the lunar surface requires a well-planned program to determine the chemical and mineralogical composition of the Moon's surface at a range of scales. The exploration program must include remote sensing measurements (from both Earth's surface and lunar orbit), robotic in situ analysis of specific places, and eventually, human field work by trained geologists. Remote sensing data is discussed. Resource assessment requires some idea of what resources will be needed. Studies thus far have concentrated on oxygen and hydrogen production for propellant and life support, He-3 for export as fuel for nuclear fusion reactors, and use of bulk regolith for shielding and construction materials. The measurement requirements for assessing these resources are given and discussed briefly

    Astronomy on the Moon: Geological considerations

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    The Moon is an excellent site for astronomical observations. This paper describes two geological aspects related to astronomy from the Moon. First it evaluates the sources of gases near a lunar base as input to calculations reported in a separate paper on the growth of an artificial lunar atmosphere. The results suggest that mining for He-3 could produce the most gas (1 kg/sec), but rocket exhaust (0.1 kg/sec) and habitat venting (0.5 kg/sec) are also important. Second, the paper discusses criteria that need to be considered when determining the site of a lunar astronomical facility. These are longitude and latitude (equatorial sites are favored), topography (important to be relatively flat for ease of installation), distance from a lunar base (to be free of seismic noise, dust, and gases), the site's value to lunar geoscience (other factors being equal, a geologically diverse site is better), and its value as a materials resource (mining and observatories are incompatible)

    Geoscience and a Lunar Base: A Comprehensive Plan for Lunar Exploration

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    This document represents the proceedings of the Workshop on Geoscience from a Lunar Base. It describes a comprehensive plan for the geologic exploration of the Moon. The document begins by explaining the scientific importance of studying the Moon and outlines the many unsolved problems in lunar science. Subsequent chapters detail different, complementary approaches to geologic studies: global surveys, including orbiting spacecraft such as Lunar Observer and installation of a global geophysical network; reconnaissance sample return mission, by either automated rovers or landers, or by piloted forays; detailed field studies, which involve astronauts and teleoperated robotic field geologists. The document then develops a flexible scenario for exploration and sketches the technological developments needed to carry out the exploration scenario

    Lava Flow Dynamics

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    This grant originally had four major tasks, all of which were addressed to varying extents during the course of the research: (1) Measure the fractal dimensions of lava flows as a function of topography, substrate, and rheology; (2) The nature of lava tube systems and their relation to flow fields; (3) A quantitative assessment of lava flow dynamics in light of the fractal nature of lava flow margins; and (4) Development and application of a new remote sensing tool based on fractal properties. During the course of the research, the project expanded to include the following projects: (1) A comparison of what we can-learn from remote sensing studies of lava flow morphology and from studies of samples of lava flows; (2) Study of a terrestrial analog of the nakhlites, one of the groups of meteorites from Mars; and (3) Study of the textures of Hawaiian basalts as an aid in understanding the dynamics (flow rates, inflation rates, thermal history) of flow interiors. In addition, during the first year an educational task (development and writing of a teacher's guide and activity set to accompany the lunar sample disk when it is sent to schools) was included

    Environmental effects on lunar astronomical observatories

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    The Moon offers a stable platform with excellent seeing conditions for astronomical observations. Some troublesome aspects of the lunar environment will need to be overcome to realize the full potential of the Moon as an observatory site. Mitigation of negative effects of vacuum, thermal radiation, dust, and micrometeorite impact is feasible with careful engineering and operational planning. Shields against impact, dust, and solar radiation need to be developed. Means of restoring degraded surfaces are probably essential for optical and thermal control surfaces deployed in long-lifetime lunar facilities. Precursor missions should be planned to validate and enhance the understanding of the lunar environment (e.g., dust behavior without and with human presence) and to determine environmental effects on surfaces and components. Precursor missions should generate data useful in establishing keepout zones around observatory facilities where rocket launches and landings, mining, and vehicular traffic could be detrimental to observatory operation

    Environmental effects on an optical-UV-IR synthesis array

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    The Moon offers a stable platform with excellent seeing conditions for the Lunar Optical-UV-IR Synthesis Array (LOUISA). Some troublesome aspects of the lunar environment will need to be overcome to realize the full potential of the Moon as an observatory site. Mitigation of negative effects of vacuum, thermal radiation, dust, and micrometeorite impact is feasible with careful engineering and operational planning. Shields against impact, dust, and solar radiation need to be developed. Means of restoring degraded surfaces are probably essential for optical and thermal control surfaces deployed in long-lifetime lunar facilities. Precursor missions should be planned to validate and enhance the understanding of the lunar environment (e.g., dust behavior without and with human presence and to determine environmental effects on surfaces and components. Precursor missions should generate data useful in establishing keepout zones around observatory facilities while rocket launches and landings, mining, and vehicular traffic could be detrimental to observatory operation