1,347 research outputs found

    An invariant in shock clustering and Burgers turbulence

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    1-D scalar conservation laws with convex flux and Markov initial data are now known to yield a completely integrable Hamiltonian system. In this article, we rederive the analogue of Loitsiansky's invariant in hydrodynamic turbulence from the perspective of integrable systems. Other relevant physical notions such as energy dissipation and spectrum are also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, no figures; v2: corrections mad

    Orientation dynamics of weakly Brownian particles in periodic viscous flows

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    Evolution equations for the orientation distribution of axisymmetric particles in periodic flows are derived in the regime of small but non-zero Brownian rotations. The equations are based on a multiple time scale approach that allows fast computation of the relaxation processes leading to statistical equilibrium. The approach has been applied to the calculation of the effective viscosity of a thin disk suspension in gravity waves.Comment: 16 pages, 7 eps figures include

    Power Spectra of the Total Occupancy in the Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process

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    As a solvable and broadly applicable model system, the totally asymmetric exclusion process enjoys iconic status in the theory of non-equilibrium phase transitions. Here, we focus on the time dependence of the total number of particles on a 1-dimensional open lattice, and its power spectrum. Using both Monte Carlo simulations and analytic methods, we explore its behavior in different characteristic regimes. In the maximal current phase and on the coexistence line (between high/low density phases), the power spectrum displays algebraic decay, with exponents -1.62 and -2.00, respectively. Deep within the high/low density phases, we find pronounced \emph{oscillations}, which damp into power laws. This behavior can be understood in terms of driven biased diffusion with conserved noise in the bulk.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Temperature-induced crossovers in the static roughness of a one-dimensional interface

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    At finite temperature and in presence of disorder, a one-dimensional elastic interface displays different scaling regimes at small and large lengthscales. Using a replica approach and a Gaussian Variational Method (GVM), we explore the consequences of a finite interface width Îľ\xi on the small-lengthscale fluctuations. We compute analytically the static roughness B(r)B(r) of the interface as a function of the distance rr between two points on the interface. We focus on the case of short-range elasticity and random-bond disorder. We show that for a finite width Îľ\xi two temperature regimes exist. At low temperature, the expected thermal and random-manifold regimes, respectively for small and large scales, connect via an intermediate `modified' Larkin regime, that we determine. This regime ends at a temperature-independent characteristic `Larkin' length. Above a certain `critical' temperature that we identify, this intermediate regime disappears. The thermal and random-manifold regimes connect at a single crossover lengthscale, that we compute. This is also the expected behavior for zero width. Using a directed polymer description, we also study via a second GVM procedure and generic scaling arguments, a modified toy model that provides further insights on this crossover. We discuss the relevance of the two GVM procedures for the roughness at large lengthscale in those regimes. In particular we analyze the scaling of the temperature-dependent prefactor in the roughness B(r)\sim T^{2 \text{\thorn}} r^{2 \zeta} and its corresponding exponent \text{\thorn}. We briefly discuss the consequences of those results for the quasistatic creep law of a driven interface, in connection with previous experimental and numerical studies

    Density Matrix Renormalization for Model Reduction in Nonlinear Dynamics

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    We present a novel approach for model reduction of nonlinear dynamical systems based on proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). Our method, derived from Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG), provides a significant reduction in computational effort for the calculation of the reduced system, compared to a POD. The efficiency of the algorithm is tested on the one dimensional Burgers equations and a one dimensional equation of the Fisher type as nonlinear model systems.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure
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