3,632 research outputs found

    Parent field theory and unfolding in BRST first-quantized terms

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    For free-field theories associated with BRST first-quantized gauge systems, we identify generalized auxiliary fields and pure gauge variables already at the first-quantized level as the fields associated with algebraically contractible pairs for the BRST operator. Locality of the field theory is taken into account by separating the space--time degrees of freedom from the internal ones. A standard extension of the first-quantized system, originally developed to study quantization on curved manifolds, is used here for the construction of a first-order parent field theory that has a remarkable property: by elimination of generalized auxiliary fields, it can be reduced both to the field theory corresponding to the original system and to its unfolded formulation. As an application, we consider the free higher-spin gauge theories of Fronsdal.Comment: LaTeX, amsart++, 40 pages, references added, final version to appear in Commun. Math. Phy

    Parent formulation at the Lagrangian level

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    The recently proposed first-order parent formalism at the level of equations of motion is specialized to the case of Lagrangian systems. It is shown that for diffeomorphism-invariant theories the parent formulation takes the form of an AKSZ-type sigma model. The proposed formulation can be also seen as a Lagrangian version of the BV-BRST extension of the Vasiliev unfolded approach. We also discuss its possible interpretation as a multidimensional generalization of the Hamiltonian BFV--BRST formalism. The general construction is illustrated by examples of (parametrized) mechanics, relativistic particle, Yang--Mills theory, and gravity.Comment: 26 pages, discussion of the truncation extended, typos corrected, references adde

    A minimal BV action for Vasiliev's four-dimensional higher spin gravity

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    The action principle for Vasiliev's four-dimensional higher-spin gravity proposed recently by two of the authors, is converted into a minimal BV master action using the AKSZ procedure, which amounts to replacing the classical differential forms by vectorial superfields of fixed total degree given by the sum of form degree and ghost number. The nilpotency of the BRST operator is achieved by imposing boundary conditions and choosing appropriate gauge transitions between charts leading to a globally-defined formulation based on a principal bundle.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figure. Additional comments in the conclusion

    Dynamical lattice instability versus spin liquid state in a frustrated spin chain system

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    The low-dimensional s=1/2 compound (NO)[Cu(NO3)3] has recently been suggested to follow the Nersesyan-Tsvelik model of coupled spin chains. Such a system shows unbound spinon excitations and a resonating valence bond ground state due spin frustration. Our Raman scattering study demonstrates phonon anomalies as well as the suppression of a broad magnetic scattering continuum for temperatures below a characteristic temperature, T<T*=100K. We interpret these effects as evidence for a dynamical interplay of spin and lattice degrees of freedom that might lead to a further transition into a dimerized or structurally distorted phase at lower temperatures.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Interacting Vector-Spinor and Nilpotent Supersymmetry

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    We formulate an interacting theory of a vector-spinor field that gauges anticommuting spinor charges \{Q_\alpha{}^I, Q_\beta{}^J \} = 0 in arbitrary space-time dimensions. The field content of the system is (\psi_\mu{}^{\alpha I}, \chi^{\alpha I J}, A_\mu{}^I), where \psi_\mu{}^{\alpha I} is a vector-spinor in the adjoint representation of an arbitrary gauge group, and A_\mu{}^I is its gauge field, while \chi^{\alpha I J} is an extra spinor with antisymmetric adjoint indices I J. Amazingly, the consistency of the vector-spinor field equation is maintained, despite its non-trivial interactions.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    BTZ Black Hole as Solution of 3d Higher Spin Gauge Theory

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    BTZ black hole is interpreted as exact solution of 3d higher spin gauge theory. Solutions for free massless fields in BTZ black hole background are constructed with the help of the star-product algebra formalism underlying the formulation of 3d higher spin theory. It is shown that a part of higher spin symmetries remains unbroken for special values of the BTZ parameters.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX; references correcte
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