2,392 research outputs found

    Entanglement entropy and the determination of an unknown quantum state

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    An initial unknown quantum state can be determined with a single measurement apparatus by letting it interact with an auxiliary, "Ancilla", system as proposed by Allahverdyan, Balian and Nieuwenhuizen [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 120402 (2004)]. In the case of two qubits, this procedure allows to reconstruct the initial state of the qubit of interest S by measuring three commuting observables and therefore by means of a single apparatus, for the total system S + A at a later time. The determinant of the matrix of the linear transformation connecting the measurements of three commuting observables at time t > 0 to the components of the polarization vector of S at time t = 0 is used as an indicator of the reconstructability of the initial state of the system S. We show that a connection between the entanglement entropy of the total system S + A and such a determinant exists, and that for a pure state a vanishing entanglement individuates, without a need for any measurement, those intervals of time for which the reconstruction procedure is least efficient. This property remains valid for a generic dimension of S. In the case of a mixed state this connection is lost.Comment: 5 pages 2 figures, accepted for publication on Physical Review

    Excess length of hospital stay due to healthcare acquired infections. Methodologies evaluation

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    BACKGROUND: Healthcare acquired infections (HAI) cause an increase of burden and in particular excess length of hospital stay (LOS) accounts for approximately up to 90% of total costs. Therefore accurate estimation of extra hospital stay due to healthcare acquired infections is very important. METHODS: The authors carried out a review comparing the principal methods internationally used for estimating the excess LOS attributable to healthcare acquired infections. RESULTS: The methods described and analysed are: 1) Implicit physician assessment; 2) appropriateness evaluation protocol; 3) unmatched case-control; 4) matched case-control; 5) regression analysis; 6) multistate model. The various methodologies are described underlining advantages and limits which researchers need to know before starting any economic analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, studies taking into account the time-dependent nature of HAI show to give more precise and reliable results

    To be or not to be intrusive? The solution of parametric and stochastic equations - the "plain vanilla" Galerkin case

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    In parametric equations - stochastic equations are a special case - one may want to approximate the solution such that it is easy to evaluate its dependence of the parameters. Interpolation in the parameters is an obvious possibility, in this context often labeled as a collocation method. In the frequent situation where one has a "solver" for the equation for a given parameter value - this may be a software component or a program - it is evident that this can independently solve for the parameter values to be interpolated. Such uncoupled methods which allow the use of the original solver are classed as "non-intrusive". By extension, all other methods which produce some kind of coupled system are often - in our view prematurely - classed as "intrusive". We show for simple Galerkin formulations of the parametric problem - which generally produce coupled systems - how one may compute the approximation in a non-intusive way

    Environmental tobacco smoke: health policy and focus on Italian legislation.

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    Worldwide tobacco smoking kills nearly 6 million people each year, including more than 600,000 non-smokers who die from smoke exposure. Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS, also called secondhand smoke, involuntary smoke, or passive smoke) is the combination of sidestream smoke, the smoke given off by a burning tobacco product and mainstream smoke, the smoke exhaled by smokers. People may be exposed to ETS in homes, cars, workplaces, and public places, such as bars, restaurants, and recreational settings. In addition, there is another type of smoke which until now has not been recognized: the so-called thirdhand smoke, that comes from the reaction of mainstream smoke and environmental nitrous acid (HNO2) making carcinogenic tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs). The effects of ETS on human health are well-known, passive smoking is harmful to those who breathe the toxins and it is a serious problem for public health. The smoking ban in Italy had reduced ETS pollution, as in the United States and in other countries all over the world. However, the implementation of comprehensive legislation on smoking policy will necessitate other tobacco control measures for its successful fulfillment: increased media awareness, telephone smoking cessation helplines and smoking cessation support services could be an opportunity to ensure awareness, comprehension and support to those who want to quit smoking. The effectiveness of legislative efforts will also depend on successful enforcement of smoking bans and compliance with the legislation. This review summarizes the evidences about the effect of ETS and provides an overview of smoke-free laws and policies

    Sexual Dimorphism in Cellular and Molecular Features in Human ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenomas.

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    Background. Cushing\u2019s disease presents gender disparities in prevalence and clinical course. Little is known, however, about sexual dimorphism at the level of the corticotrope adenoma itself. The aim of the present study was to evaluate molecular features of ACTH-secreting pituitary adenomas collected from female and male patients with Cushing\u2019s disease. (2) Methods. We analyzed 153 ACTH-secreting adenomas collected from 31 men and 122 women. Adenomas were established in culture and ACTH synthesis and secretion assessed in basal conditions as well as during incubation with CRH or dexamethasone. Concurrently, microarray analysis was performed on formalin-fixed specimens and differences in the expression profiles between specimens from male and female patients identified. (3) Results. ACTH medium concentrations in adenomas obtained from male patients were significantly lower than those observed in adenomas from female patients. This could be observed for baseline as well as modulated secretion. Analysis of corticotrope transcriptomes revealed considerable similarities with few, selected differences in functional annotations. Differentially expressed genes comprised genes with known sexual dimorphism, genes involved in tumour development and genes relevant to pituitary pathophysiology. (4) Conclusions. Our study shows for the first time that human corticotrope adenomas present sexual dimorphism and underlines the need for a gender-dependent analysis of these tumours. Differentially expressed genes may represent the basis for gender-tailored target therapy

    Education and training among Italian postgraduate medical schools in public health: a comparative analysis

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    Analisi comparativa dei percorsi formativi offerti dalle Scuole di specializzazione di Igiene e Medicina Preventiva in Italia Background: Il percorso formativo dello specialista in Igiene e Medicina Preventiva dovrebbe garantire adeguate conoscenze tecnico-scientifiche e professionali nei campi della medicina preventiva, della promozione della salute e della programmazione dei servizi sanitari secondo quanto indicato anche dal DM 285/2005. La Consulta degli Specializzandi, da sempre coinvolta in attività di monitoraggio della formazione a livello nazionale, si prefigge l’obiettivo di valutare l’omogeneità delle proposte formative tra le diverse sedi italiane, non solo per segnalare le criticità, ma anche per evidenziarne le opportunità. Metodi: Lo studio, di tipo cross-sectional, è stato condotto mediante la somministrazione di un questionario semi-strutturato inviato per la compilazione ai rappresentanti delle 32 le Scuole di Igiene e Medicina Preventiva italiane. Lo strumento di valutazione è costituito da quattro sezioni: informazioni generali, attività formativa universitaria, attività formativa extra-universitaria, attività formativa intersettoriale. L’indagine è stata svolta nel periodo tra marzo e maggio 2013 ed è stata prodotta un’analisi descrittiva dei dati ottenuti. Risultati: Il questionario è stato compilato da 28 Scuole su 32 (tasso di risposta 88%), distribuite su tutto il territorio nazionale. Il numero di medici in formazione varia tra 7 e 31 e il rapporto tra docenti del settore scientifico-disciplinare di interesse e i discenti è compreso tra 0,2 e 2. Per quanto riguarda la didattica, solo in 4 Scuole si effettuano tutti i corsi previsti dal DM. La maggior parte delle sedi svolge almeno il 75% dei corsi previsti, ma esistono sedi in cui il numero di corsi è inferiore al 50%. La maggior parte delle Scuole svolge più del 60% delle attività professionalizzanti essenziali secondo il decreto, ma 2 Scuole non arrivano al 50%. Tutte le Scuole prevedono un tirocinio di 6-12 mesi in ASL, affiancando principalmente attività del Dipartimento di Prevenzione. Ovunque è previsto un periodo in Direzione Medica Ospedaliera, mentre le Strutture Riabilitative rientrano raramente nella rete formativa. Nella maggioranza delle Scuole è possibile frequentare aziende con rischio biologico oppure seguire simili attività nei Servizi dedicati della ASL. Molte Scuole, infine, consentono di frequentare diverse strutture territoriali (Agenzia di Controllo delle Acque), regionali (Assessorati) o nazionali (Ministero, Istituto Superiore di Sanità); in alcuni casi si tratta di Università gemellate e Istituti di Ricerca. Conclusioni: Nonostante il DM 285/2005 indichi quali siano le fondamenta della sanità pubblica, la flessibilità nella scelta formativa è vista come requisito essenziale per ottimizzare le risorse e contestualizzare l’adeguata formazione del medico in formazione specialistica in Igiene e Medicina Preventiva. La maggior parte delle Scuole di Specializzazione italiane dovrebbe però prevedere lo svolgimento della quasi totalità delle attività formative previste, al fine di non creare disuguaglianze formative tra gli specializzandi. Infine, considerato che la sanità pubblica è una disciplina in continuo divenire, il DM del 2005 andrebbe rivisitato tenendo in considerazione la flessibilità della formazione ed i continui cambiamenti dei bisogni di salute essenziali della popolazione. Inoltre, nel processo di rivisitazione dei bisogni formativi dei medici in formazione specialistica, dovrebbero essere coinvolti anche i discenti al fine di rafforzare il potere e l’efficacia dell’insegnamento.Background The postgraduate medical Schools in Public Health (locally known as School of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine) should ensure adequate scientific and technical knowledge and professional skills in preventive medicine, health promotion and healthcare planning as provided by Ministerial Decree 285/2005. The Italian Committee of Medical Residents in Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Public Health and Preventive Medicine - S.It.I. (Consulta Nazionale dei medici in formazione specialistica S.It.I.) has always been engaged in monitoring activities on public health teaching, guaranteeing the homogeneity of educational proposals among all national Schools in Public Health. The purpose of this study is to provide a 'snapshot' of public health education and training in Italy and to identify the improvement actions needed for implementing an innovative and homogeneous public health training. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out over a period of three months (March to May 2013). A self-administered questionnaire was e-mailed to local Committee’s delegates of all 32 postgraduate medical Schools in Public Health in Italy. The questionnaire was structured in four sections: general information, University education and training, extra-University training, interdisciplinary activities. The majority of local Committee’s delegates have agreed to be enrolled in the survey. Results: A total of 28 questionnaires were returned (88% response rate). The number of residents in each Italian School in Public Health ranged from 7 to 31. The distribution of professors in relation to residents is not similar for each University Schools. The ratio professors/residents spanning from 0.2 to 2. About teaching, only 4 University Schools offered all courses requested by Ministerial Decree 285/2005. Most of them offered at least 75% of the requested courses, but there were Schools in which the courses were less than 50%. The vast majority of schools held more than 60% of the qualifying activities considered essential according to the Decree, while 2 Schools were below 50%. All Schools required an internship of 6-12 months in local health authority offices (ASL), mainly concerning the Department of Prevention activities. In all Schools a period of stay in a Hospital Medical Direction was scheduled, while professional activities at Residential care homes were very rarely included in training programmes. Many Schools allowed residents to attend companies with biological hazard or to follow similar activities in dedicated services of ASL. Finally, in the majority of Schools, a training period in various local (Service for Water Control), regional (Departments) or national (Ministry, National Institute of Health) health facilities was contemplated and, in some cases, also in other Universities or Research Institutes. Conclusions: Although the Ministerial Decree indicates the essential milestones of the public health education, flexibility is seen as an important element in order to optimize resources and contextualize the adequate education of residents. In any case, at least regarding public health courses, the majority of University education and extra-University training activities should be carried out by all Schools. In order to obtain shared knowledge and skills, the Ministerial Decree should be revised taking into account flexibility and changing as intrinsic characteristics of public health profession and learners should be involved in the reform to strengthening the role of public health teachin

    Ubiquitin-Specific Protease 8 Mutant Corticotrope Adenomas Present Unique Secretory and Molecular Features and Shed Light on the Role of Ubiquitylation on ACTH Processing

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    Background: Somatic mutations in the ubiquitin-specific protease 8 (USP8) gene have recently been shown to occur in ACTH-secreting pituitary adenomas, thus calling attention to the ubiquitin system in corticotrope adenomas. Objectives: Assess the consequences of USP8 mutations and establish the role of ubiquitin on ACTH turnover in human ACTH-secreting pituitary adenomas. Methods: USP8 mutation status was established in 126 ACTH-secreting adenomas. Differences in ACTH secretion and POMC expression from adenoma primary cultures and in microarray gene expression profiles from archival specimens were sought according to USP8 sequence. Ubiquitin/ACTH coimmunoprecipitation and incubation with MG132, a proteasome inhibitor, were performed in order to establish whether ubiquitin plays a role in POMC/ACTH degradation in corticotrope adenomas. Results: USP8 mutations were identified in 29 adenomas (23%). Adenomas presenting USP8 mutations secreted greater amounts of ACTH and expressed POMC at higher levels compared to USP wild-type specimens. USP8 mutant adenomas were also more sensitive to modulation by CRH and dexamethasone in vitro. At microarray analysis, genes associated with endosomal protein degradation and membrane components were downregulated in USP8 mutant adenomas as were AVPR1B, IL11RA, and PITX2. Inhibition of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway increased ACTH secretion and POMC itself proved a target of ubiquitylation, independently of USP8 sequence status. Conclusions: Our study has shown that USP8 mutant ACTH-secreting adenomas present a more "typical" corticotrope phenotype and reduced expression of several genes associated with protein degradation. Further, ubiquitylation is directly involved in intracellular ACTH turnover, suggesting that the ubiquitin-proteasome system may represent a target for treatment of human ACTH-secreting adenomas
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