440 research outputs found

    Relation between the High Density Phase and the Very-High Density Phase of Amorphous Solid Water

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    It has been suggested that high-density amorphous (HDA) ice is a structurally arrested form of high-density liquid (HDL) water, while low-density amorphous (LDA) ice is a structurally arrested form of low-density liquid (LDL) water. Recent experiments and simulations have been interpreted to support the possibility of a second "distinct" high-density structural state, named very high-density amorphous (VHDA) ice, questioning the LDL-HDL hypothesis. We test this interpretation using extensive computer simulations, and find that VHDA is a more stable form of HDA and that in fact VHDA should be considered as the amorphous ice of the quenched HDL.Comment: 5 pages, 4 fig

    Structure of the First and Second Neighbor Shells of Water: Quantitative Relation with Translational and Orientational Order

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    We perform molecular dynamics simulation of water using the TIP5P model to quantify structural order in both the first shell (defined by four nearest neighbors)and second shell (defined by twelve next-nearest neighbors) of a central water molecule. We find the anomalous decrease of orientational order upon compression occurs in both shells, but the anomalous decrease of translational order upon compression occurs {\it mainly in the second shell}. The decreases of translational and orientational orders upon compression ("structural anomaly") are thus correlated only in the second shell. Our findings quantitatively confirm the qualitative idea that the thermodynamic, dynamic and structural anomalies of water are related to changes in the second shell upon compression.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Seismicity and stress field in the Sannio-Matese area

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    In this study we discuss the available data on seismicity and focal mechanisms in the Sannio-Matese area in order to obtain information on the stress field acting in the area. Background seismicity of the area is characterized by isolated events, with magnitude generally less than 2.5, on which is superimposed a swarm and seismic sequence activity of low magnitude (max magnitude 4.1). The epicentral distribution of both isolated events and seismic sequences, disclose NE-SW striking active faults that fall in between the fault segments of the large historical earthquakes which occurred in the area. The available information on the stress field deducible from the focal mechanisms of the area agrees that a general extensional stress regime is acting. Locally both NE-SW and NNW-SSE extensions are observed. The large scale stress regime deduced from the focal mechanisms of strong instrumental earthquakes which occurred in the Apennines supports the local NE-SW extension but cannot explain the normal movements related to a NW-SE extension. The local longitudinal extension observed, supported by GPS data, can be explained utilizing large scale geodynamic models

    Transient anomaly in fault-zone trapped waves during the preparatory phase of the 6 April 2009, Mw 6.3 L’Aquila earthquake

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    Fault-zone trapped waves generated by repeating earthquakes of the 2009 L’Aquila seismic sequence show a sudden, up to 100% increase of spectral amplitudes seven days before the mainshock. The jump occurs ten to twenty hours after the ML 4.1, 30 March 2009 largest foreshock. The amplitude increase is accompanied by a loss of waveform coherence in the fault-trapped wavetrain. Other geophysical and seismological parameters are known to have shown a sudden change after the 30 March foreshock. The concomitance of a consistent change in the fault-zone trapped waves leads us to interpret our observation as due to a sudden temporal variation of the velocity contrast between the fault damage zone and hosting rocks in the focal volume. Fault-zone trapped waves thus provide a refined time resolution for changes occurring near the rupture nucleation, with the indication of a strong variation in one day

    Structural Order in Glassy Water

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    We investigate structural order in glassy water by performing classical molecular dynamics simulations using the extended simple point charge (SPC/E) model of water. We perform isochoric cooling simulations across the glass transition temperature at different cooling rates and densities. We quantify structural order by orientational and translational order metrics. Upon cooling the liquid into the glassy state, both the orientational order parameter QQ and translational order parameter τ\tau increase. At T=0 K, the glasses fall on a line in the QQ-τ\tau plane or {\it order map}. The position of this line depends only on density and coincides with the location in the order map of the inherent structures (IS) sampled upon cooling. We evaluate the energy of the IS, eIS(T)e_{IS}(T), and find that both order parameters for the IS are proportional to eISe_{IS}. We also study the structural order during the transformation of low-density amorphous ice (LDA) to high-density amorphous ice (HDA) upon isothermal compression and are able to identify distinct regions in the order map corresponding to these glasses. Comparison of the order parameters for LDA and HDA with those obtained upon isochoric cooling indicates major structural differences between glasses obtained by cooling and glasses obtained by compression. These structural differences are only weakly reflected in the pair correlation function. We also characterize the evolution of structural order upon isobaric annealing, leading at high pressure to very-high density amorphous ice (VHDA).Comment: submitte

    A Family of Tunable Spherically-Symmetric Potentials that Span the Range from Hard Spheres to Water-like Behavior

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    We investigate the equation of state, diffusion coefficient, and structural order of a family of spherically-symmetric potentials consisting of a hard core and a linear repulsive ramp. This generic potential has two characteristic length scales: the hard and soft core diameters. The family of potentials is generated by varying their ratio, λ\lambda. We find negative thermal expansion (thermodynamic anomaly) and an increase of the diffusion coefficient upon isothermal compression (dynamic anomaly) for 0λ<6/70\leq\lambda<6/7. As in water, the regions where these anomalies occur are nested domes in the (T,ρT, \rho) or (T,PT, P) planes, with the thermodynamic anomaly dome contained entirely within the dynamic anomaly dome. We calculate translational and orientational order parameters (tt and Q6Q_6), and project equilibrium state points onto the (t,Q6t, Q_6) plane, or order map. The order map evolves from water-like behavior to hard-sphere-like behavior upon varying λ\lambda between 4/7 and 6/7. Thus, we traverse the range of liquid behavior encompassed by hard spheres (λ=1\lambda=1) and water-like (λ4/7\lambda\sim4/7) with a family of tunable spherically-symmetric potentials by simply varying the ratio of hard to soft-core diameters. Although dynamic and thermodynamic anomalies occur almost across the entire range 0λ10\leq\lambda\leq1, water-like structural anomalies (i.e., decrease in both tt and Q6Q_6 upon compression and strictly correlated tt and Q6Q_6 in the anomalous region) occur only around λ=4/7\lambda=4/7. Water-like anomalies in structure, dynamics and thermodynamics arise solely due to the existence of two length scales, orientation-dependent interactions being absent by design.Comment: total 21 pages, 6 figure