11,416 research outputs found

    Geometry of Majorana neutrino and new symmetries

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    Experimental observation of Majorana fermion matter gives a new impetus to the understanding of the Lorentz symmetry and its extension, the geometrical properties of the ambient space-time structure, matter--antimatter symmetry and some new ways to understand the baryo-genesis problem in cosmology. Based on the primordial Majorana fermion matter assumption, we discuss a possibility to solve the baryo-genesis problem through the the Majorana-Diraco genesis in which we have a chance to understand creation of Q(em) charge and its conservation in our D=1+3 Universe after the Big Bang. In the Majorana-Diraco genesis approach there appears a possibility to check the proton and electron non-stability on the very low energy scale. In particle physics and in our space-time geometry, the Majorana nature of the neutrino can be related to new types of symmetries which are lying beyond the binary Cartan-Killing-Lie algebras/superalgebras. This can just support a conjecture about the non-completeness of the SM in terms of binary Cartan--Killing--Lie symmetries/supersymmetries. As one of the very important applications of such new ternary symmetries could be related with explanation of the nature of the three families and three colour symmetry. The Majorana neutrino can directly indicate the existence of a new extra-dimensional geometry and thanks to new ternary space-time symmetries, could lead at high energies to the unextraordinary phenomenological consequences.Comment: The article is presented on the 2-nd Simposium on Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Nuclear Physics, Paris, September 3-9, 200

    Root systems from Toric Calabi-Yau Geometry. Towards new algebraic structures and symmetries in physics?

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    The algebraic approach to the construction of the reflexive polyhedra that yield Calabi-Yau spaces in three or more complex dimensions with K3 fibres reveals graphs that include and generalize the Dynkin diagrams associated with gauge symmetries. In this work we continue to study the structure of graphs obtained from CY3CY_3 reflexive polyhedra. We show how some particularly defined integral matrices can be assigned to these diagrams. This family of matrices and its associated graphs may be obtained by relaxing the restrictions on the individual entries of the generalized Cartan matrices associated with the Dynkin diagrams that characterize Cartan-Lie and affine Kac-Moody algebras. These graphs keep however the affine structure, as it was in Kac-Moody Dynkin diagrams. We presented a possible root structure for some simple cases. We conjecture that these generalized graphs and associated link matrices may characterize generalizations of these algebras.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Ternary numbers and algebras. Reflexive numbers and Berger graphs

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    The Calabi-Yau spaces with SU(m) holonomy can be studied by the algebraic way through the integer lattice where one can construct the Newton reflexive polyhedra or the Berger graphs. Our conjecture is that the Berger graphs can be directly related with the nn-ary algebras. To find such algebras we study the n-ary generalization of the well-known binary norm division algebras, R{\mathbb R}, C{\mathbb C}, H{\mathbb H}, O{\mathbb O}, which helped to discover the most important "minimal" binary simple Lie groups, U(1), SU(2) and G(2). As the most important example, we consider the case n=3n=3, which gives the ternary generalization of quaternions and octonions, 3p3^p, p=2,3p=2,3, respectively. The ternary generalization of quaternions is directly related to the new ternary algebra and group which are related to the natural extensions of the binary su(3)su(3) algebra and SU(3) group. Using this ternary algebra we found the solution for the Berger graph: a tetrahedron.Comment: Revised version with minor correction

    The Classification of the Simply Laced Berger Graphs from Calabi-Yau CY3CY_3 spaces

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    The algebraic approach to the construction of the reflexive polyhedra that yield Calabi-Yau spaces in three or more complex dimensions with K3 fibres reveals graphs that include and generalize the Dynkin diagrams associated with gauge symmetries. In this work we continue to study the structure of graphs obtained from CY3CY_3 reflexive polyhedra. The objective is to describe the ``simply laced'' cases, those graphs obtained from three dimensional spaces with K3 fibers which lead to symmetric matrices. We study both the affine and, derived from them, non-affine cases. We present root and weight structurea for them. We study in particular those graphs leading to generalizations of the exceptional simply laced cases E6,7,8E_{6,7,8} and E6,7,8(1)E_{6,7,8}^{(1)}. We show how these integral matrices can be assigned: they may be obtained by relaxing the restrictions on the individual entries of the generalized Cartan matrices associated with the Dynkin diagrams that characterize Cartan-Lie and affine Kac-Moody algebras. These graphs keep, however, the affine structure present in Kac-Moody Dynkin diagrams. We conjecture that these generalized simply laced graphs and associated link matrices may characterize generalizations of Cartan-Lie and affine Kac-Moody algebras

    The Fermion Generations Problem in the Gust in the Free World-Sheet Fermion Formulation

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    In the framework of the four dimensional heterotic superstring with free fermions we present a revised version of the rank eight Grand Unified String Theories (GUST) which contain the SU(3)HSU(3)_H-gauge family symmetry. We also develop some methods for building of corresponding string models. We explicitly construct GUST with gauge symmetry G=SU(5)×U(1)×(SU(3)×U(1))H G = SU(5) \times U(1)\times (SU(3) \times U(1))_H and G=SO(10)×(SU(3)×U(1))HG = SO(10)\times (SU(3) \times U(1))_H or E(6)×SU(3)HE(6)\times SU(3)_H E(8)\subset E(8) and consider the full massless spectrum for our string models. We consider for the observable gauge symmetry the diagonal subgroup GsymmG^{symm} of the rank 16 group G×GG \times G SO(16)×SO(16)\subset SO(16) \times SO(16) or E(8)×E(8)\subset E(8) \times E(8). We discuss the possible fermion matter and Higgs sectors in these theories. We study renormalizable and nonrenormolizable contributions to the superpotential. There has to exist "superweak" light chiral matter (mHf<MWm_H^f < M_W) in GUST under consideration. The understanding of quark and lepton mass spectra and family mixing leaves a possibility for the existence of an unusually low mass breaking scale of the SU(3)HSU(3)_H family gauge symmetry (some TeV).Comment: 68 page