3,565 research outputs found


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    Lecce stone belongs to the group of Miocene limestone and is distributed in many areas of the Salento peninsula. The great part of the historical buildings, both religious and civil, in this area have been constructed with this porous and soft material. In the past, various methods and recipes have been used to protect the surfaces and ensure their longevity. However, these ancient "recipes" are unidentified, because these techniques were known only by the artisans who used them [2]. For this purpose, selected religious and civil buildings in the territory of the province of Lecce, made of Lecce stone, not yet restored and possibly treated with some of these unknown recipes because of their good conservation state, were studied and the presence of surface treatments was investigated. Samples were analysed by Py/GC-MS with and without thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation using tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH). The results of the analyses showed that these buildings have been protected with different natural products. Moreover, for the first time, chemical biomarkers demonstrating the use of prickly pear leaves (Opuntia ficus indica [3]) as protective surface finishes have been identified

    Practical implementation of diffused sensing elements for TDR-based monitoring of rising damp in building structures

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    This paper describes the operating and technical details of the practical implementation of an innovative time domain reflectometry (TDR)-system for monitoring rising damp in building structures. The proposed system employs wire-like, passive, diffused sensing elements (SE's) that are embedded, at the time of construction or renovation, inside the walls of the building to be monitored. The SE's remain permanently inside the wall, ready to be interrogated when necessary

    Accuracy improvement in the TDR-based localization of water leaks

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    A time domain reflectometry (TDR)-based system for the localization of water leaks has been recently developed by the authors. This system, which employs wire-like sensing elements to be installed along the underground pipes, has proven immune to the limitations that affect the traditional, acoustic leak-detection systems. Starting from the positive results obtained thus far, in this work, an improvement of this TDR-based system is proposed. More specifically, the possibility of employing a low-cost, water-absorbing sponge to be placed around the sensing element for enhancing the accuracy in the localization of the leak is addressed. To this purpose, laboratory experiments were carried out mimicking a water leakage condition, and two sensing elements (one embedded in a sponge and one without sponge) were comparatively used to identify the position of the leak through TDR measurements. Results showed that, thanks to the water retention capability of the sponge (which maintains the leaked water more localized), the sensing element embedded in the sponge leads to a higher accuracy in the evaluation of the position of the leak

    Moisture content measurements through TDR: A metrological assessment for industrial applications

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    In this paper a metrological assessment on the accuracy provided by a Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)-based method for the estimation of moisture content of granular materials is proposed. In particular, comparative moisture content measurements are carried out through two different TDR instruments: an inexpensive portable unit and a high-performance unit. The main goals are first to assess a robust procedure for TDR moisture monitoring (in particular for sand-like materials), and second to provide a deep metrological analysis for minimizing and characterizing error contributions. This feature is particularly important when considering the proposed measurement procedures for industrial applications, where both accuracy and low cost must be guaranteed

    On the use of dielectric spectroscopy for quality control of vegetable oils

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    Quality control of vegetable oils is becoming more stringent, and related laws are being enforced especially for avoiding adulteration. As a result, there is a substantial need for methods of analysis that could provide real-time in-situ monitoring, especially for quality control purposes during production process. In this regard, the present paper investigates the possibility of monitoring qualitative characteristics of vegetable oils through microwave dielectric spectroscopy, which is a highly versatile investigative approach. In particular, the Cole & Cole frequency-domain dielectric parameters are known to be strongly related to the compositional characteristics of various substances. This way, starting from traditional Time Domain Reflectometry measurements performed on oils, the corresponding frequency domain information is retrieved. Successively, through a minimization routine, the Cole & Cole parameters of each considered oil are extrapolated. Results show that different dielectric characteristics can be associated with different oils. It is important to point out that the characteristics of the proposed procedure can be automated and, therefore, it may represent a promising solution for practical monitoring applications

    Noninvasive patch resonator-based measurements on cultural heritage materials

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    In this work, a noninvasive microwave-based system for monitoring water content in stone materials used in Cultural Heritage structures is presented. By placing a planar resonator in contact with the considered stone sample, through reflection scattering parameter measurements, it is possible to associate the resonant frequency of the resonator to the moisture content of the stone sample. In this way, an experimental relationship between resonant frequency and moisture content can be obtained. Experimental tests are carried out on two types of materials, namely gentile and carparo stones: which are typically found in Cultural Heritage structures in Southern Italy and they are particularly affected by deterioration and decay phenomena. Measurements were performed for five levels of water content of the stone samples, and the empirical relationship between each considered level of water content and the corresponding measured quantity were derived. The obtained results demonstrate that this solution appears robust

    Diffused capacitance-based sensing for hydric control and watering optimization

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    Soil moisture measurements are essential especially in the agricultural field, where it is crucial to guarantee that the optimal amount of water is provided to the cultivations. Most soil moisture measurement systems are local sensors; hence, a multitude of sensors must be distributed all over the field to obtain a comprehensive picture of the soil condition. Starting from these considerations, the present work addresses the feasibility of employing diffused sensing elements (in a wire-like configuration) for sensing soil moisture variations, based on capacitance measurements. To this purpose, for a preliminary validation of the proposed methodology, several experiments were carried out, thus identifying the suitable setup configurations and the potential of the method

    An inverse validation for detecting pipe leaks with a TDR-based method

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    Recently, an innovative system based on time domain reflectometry (TDR) for the individuation of leaks in underground pipes has been proposed and validated. Starting from the results obtained so far, the present works aims at further investigating the practical applicability of the aforementioned system. In particular, the goal of this work is to assess the system in the detection of two close leaks (i.e. leakages that may occur on the same length of pipe). To this purpose, an experimental setup was arranged: two "leakage conditions" were imposed, and the position of the leaks were considered as unknown and calculated through the dedicated developed algorithm. Results show that, differently from traditional leak detection methods (in which the presence of a leak may "mask" the presence of other leaks), the TDR-based system successfully individuates and correctly localizes the presence of two leaks

    An Augmented Reality-Based Solution for Monitoring Patients Vitals in Surgical Procedures

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    In this work, an augmented reality (AR) system is proposed to monitor in real time the patient's vital parameters during surgical procedures. This system is characterised metrologically in terms of transmission error rates and latency. These specifications are relevant for ensuring real-time response. The proposed system automatically collects data from the equipment in the operating room (OR), and displays them in AR. The system was designed, implemented and validated through experimental tests carried out using a set of Epson Moverio BT-350 AR glasses to monitor the output of a respiratory ventilator and a patient monitor in the OR


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    The ancient Latin city of Gabii is situated 18 km (11.2 miles) to the east of Rome (Central Italy) along the modern Via Prenestina. Gabii was a renowned city in Roman times, particularly during the Republican period and there are various influences in the site that can be identified in Roman culture itself. Gabii is also one of the most significant and important archaeological sites in the territory of the Municipality of Rome and due to its characteristics, it represents today an extraordinary research context. From the excavations carried out in the past it is possible to see how, under the soil, the main structures and buildings of the ancient city are still largely preserved. Among the various testimonies of the past, the tombs, and the micro and macro remains that these contain, represent an opportunity to investigate such practices in the context of Early Iron Age and Orientalizing Latium. In particular, the finds from the Area D baby burials of Gabii enriched the existing dataset so far significantly, allowing us to explore funerary ritual behavior in a more systematic way. This work reports the results of the detailed examination of four tombs (Tombs 30, 50, 51 and 52) of archaeological site. The field strategy for the excavation of the tombs was geared from the start towards both the systematic retrieval of archaeobotanical and zooarchaeological remains and the sampling for organic residue analysis. Aiming for total recovery, the sediments from the tomb fills were sifted in their entirety as their stratigraphic excavation progressed, and samples were taken for flotation. This careful screening allowed for the detection of concentrations of organic material that represent plant and/or animal depositions. The excavation and removal of the grave goods was carried out following strict protocols for residue sampling, minimizing the risk of organic contamination. Samples were analysed by High Temperature Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (HTGC/MS) and Gas chromatography/Combustion/Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS). For each burial, a subset of vessels including both closed and open shapes was selected, such as cups, open bowl without foot, amphoretta, amphora with dots, Kantharos, plate on a foot, olla, and olpe in bucchero. The results demonstrate the still largely unexploited potential of this sort of integrated studies, encouraging us to expand the application of chemical methods to contexts from other well–controlled excavations
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