827 research outputs found

    A Possible Application of Three-Dimensional Modeling for Deep Lakes Hydrothermal Studies

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    Several phenomena relating to the ecology of deep lakes and reservoirs depend on the hydrothermal processes and circulation patterns in the specific site which are influenced by seasonal natural events as well as by urban and industrial pollutants sources. Moreover, the planning, design and control of cooling systems and/or pollutant effluents require predictive mathematical models in order to simulate the local and mesoscale effects of pollutants under normal and extreme environmental conditions and for the adoption of the most economical design parameters and control strategies. In this respect a multi-layer three-dimensional model (TRIMDI) has been recently investigated for use in ecological studies under complex geographic situations or when multiple releases result in interaction with the boundaries of the receiving water body

    Field-amplified sample injection and sweeping micellar electrokinetic chromatography in analysis of glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid in wheat

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    Glyphosate, a widely used herbicide, has been classified as probably carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). In the present study a method based on Field-Amplified Sample Injection and Sweeping Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography (FASI sweep-MEKC) has been developed and validated for determination of glyphosate and its microbial metabolite aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) in wheat flour. The method involved a preliminary solid phase extraction for cleanup of the aqueous extracts from wheat flour, based sequentially on C18 and strong anion exchange cartridges, followed by derivatization using 9-fluorenylmethylchloroformate. Optimization of sample cleanup and derivatization procedure was carried out by a HPLC-UV method, whereas FASI sweep-MEKC was applied for achieving the sensitivity necessary for analysis of real samples. To this regard, optimum conditions involved the use of an extended path fused-silica capillary (80 cm total length, 50 μm, i.d.) filled with a high concentration buffer (sodium phosphate 100 mM, pH 2.2). Electrokinetic sampling was carried out at −10 kV with injection time of 700 s and the separation of the loaded analytes was performed under MEKC conditions using sodium phosphate buffer 50 mM at pH 2.2, supplemented with sodium dodecyl sulfate, 100 mM. The method was validated for linearity, precision, accuracy and sensitivity, showing that using conventional UV detection (210 nm) the achieved limit of quantitation (LOQ) values for both the analytes were widely lower than those set by Authorities. In particular, LOQ for glyphosate and AMPA were found to be 5 and 2.5 ng/mL, respectively, corresponding to 0.1 and 0.05 mg/kg, in wheat flour. The method, applied to commercially available real samples (wheat flour from different manufacturers) and to an experimental sample obtained by cv. Svevo wheat, can be considered as a convenient alternative to the existing approaches in analysis of complex matrices

    An overview on dietary polyphenols and their biopharmaceutical classification system (Bcs)

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    Polyphenols are natural organic compounds produced by plants, acting as antioxidants by reacting with ROS. These compounds are widely consumed in daily diet and many studies report several benefits to human health thanks to their bioavailability in humans. However, the digestion process of phenolic compounds is still not completely clear. Moreover, bioavailability is dependent on the metabolic phase of these compounds. The LogP value can be managed as a simplified measure of the lipophilicity of a substance ingested within the human body, which affects resultant absorption. The biopharmaceutical classification system (BCS), a method used to classify drugs intended for gastrointestinal absorption, correlates the solubility and permeability of the drug with both the rate and extent of oral absorption. BCS may be helpful to measure the bioactive constituents of foods, such as polyphenols, in order to understand their nutraceutical potential. There are many literature studies that focus on permeability, absorption, and bioavailability of polyphenols and their resultant metabolic byproducts, but there is still confusion about their respective LogP values and BCS classifi-cation. This review will provide an overview of the information regarding 10 dietarypolyphenols (ferulic acid, chlorogenic acid, rutin, quercetin, apigenin, cirsimaritin, daidzein, resveratrol, ellagic acid, and curcumin) and their association with the BCS classification

    Difference frequency laser spectroscopy of the nu3 fundamental band of NH<sup> + </sup><sub>2</sub>

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    The nu3 band of NH + 2 in the X-tilde 3B1 ground electronic state was observed in direct absorption with a tunable difference frequency laser spectrometer in the 3 µ region, using velocity modulation detection. NH + 2 and NH + 3 ions were generated in an ac discharge of He and NH3, or of He, N2, and H2. Fifty-three rovibrational transitions were measured and fit to a triplet A-reduced Hamiltonian to determine rotational, centrifugal distortion, and spin–rotation constants. The band origin was found to be nu0=3359.932 cm^−1, in excellent agreement with a recent calculation of Jensen, Bunker, and McLean. Indirect evidence from the spectrum suggested that NH + 2 is quasilinear, but selection rules prevented a determination of the A rotational constant

    Assessing the effects of Bt maize on the non-target pest Rhopalosiphum maidis by demographic and life-history measurement endpoints

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    The most commercialized Bt maize plants in Europe were transformed with genes which express a truncated form of the insecticidal delta-endotoxin (Cry1Ab) from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) specifically against Lepidoptera. Studies on the effect of transgenic maize on non-target arthropods have mainly converged on beneficial insects. However, considering the worldwide extensive cultivation of Bt maize, an increased availability of information on their possible impact on non-target pests is also required. In this study, the impact of Bt-maize on the non-target corn leaf aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis, was examined by comparing biological traits and demographic parameters of two generations of aphids reared on transgenic maize with those on untransformed near-isogenic plants. Furthermore, free and bound phenolics content on transgenic and near-isogenic plants were measured. Here we show an increased performance of the second generation of R. maidis on Bt-maize that could be attributable to indirect effects, such as the reduction of defense against pests due to unintended changes in plant characteristics caused by the insertion of the transgene. Indeed, the comparison of Bt-maize with its corresponding near-isogenic line strongly suggests that the transformation could have induced adverse effects on the biosynthesis and accumulation of free phenolic compounds. In conclusion, even though there is adequate evidence that aphids performed better on Bt-maize than on non-Bt plants, aphid economic damage has not been reported in commercial Bt corn fields in comparison to non-Bt corn fields. Nevertheless, Bt-maize plants can be more easily exploited by R. maidis, possibly due to a lower level of secondary metabolites present in their leaves. The recognition of this mechanism increases our knowledge concerning how insect-resistant genetically modified plants impact on non-target arthropods communities, including tritrophic web interactions, and can help support a sustainable use of genetically modified crops

    MIcrogreens: Functional food with antiproliferative cancer properties influenced by light

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    The anti-proliferative/pro-oxidant efficacy of green pea, soybean, radish, Red Rambo radish, and rocket microgreens, cultivated under either fluorescent lighting (predominant spectral peaks in green and orange) or combination light-emitting diode (LED, predominant spectral peak in blue) was investigated using Ewing sarcoma lines, RD-ES and A673, respectively. All aqueous microgreen extracts significantly reduced cell proliferation (cancer prevention effect) to varying extents in two-dimensional sarcoma cell cultures. The effect of the polyphenol fraction in the aqueous food matrix was unrelated to total polyphenol content, which differed between species and light treatment. Only Pisum sativum (LED-grown) extracts exercised anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects in both three-dimensional RD-ES and A673 spheroids (early tumor progression prevention), without cytotoxic effects on healthy L929 fibroblasts. A similar anti-tumor effect of Red Rambo radish (LED and fluorescent-grown) was evident only in the RD-ES spheroids. Aside from the promising anti-tumor potential of the polyphenol fraction of green pea microgreens, the latter also displayed favorable growth quality parameters, along with radish, under both light treatments over the 10 day cultivation period

    Are supplements safe? Effects of gallic and ferulic acids on in vitro cell models

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    Polyphenols display health-promoting properties linked to their biological activities. They are initially absorbed in the small intestine, then they are largely metabolized in the colon, whereupon they are able to exert systemic effects. The health-promoting properties of polyphenols have led to the development of food supplements, which are also largely consumed by healthy people, even if data on their safety are still yet lacking. In the present paper, the content of gallic acid and ferulic acid was analyzed in two supplements, and shown to be higher than the relative contents found in fruit and flour. To evaluate the effects of these phenolic compounds on epithelial intestinal tissue, gallic and ferulic acids were added to a new in vitro model of the intestinal wall at different concentrations. The effects on viability, proliferation and migration of these compounds were respectively tested on three different cell lines (Caco2, L929 and U937), as well as on a tridimensional intestinal model, composed of a mucosal layer and a submucosa with fibroblasts and monocytes. Results indicated that gallic and ferulic acids can exert toxic effects on in vitro cell models at high concentrations, suggesting that an excessive and uncontrolled consumption of polyphenols may induce negative effects on the intestinal wall

    Deriving Natural Background Levels of Arsenic at the Meso-Scale Using Site-Specific Datasets: An Unorthodox Method

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    Arsenic is found in groundwater above regulatory limits in many countries and its origin is often from natural sources, making the definition of Natural Background Levels (NBLs) crucial. NBL is commonly assessed based on either dedicated small-scale monitoring campaigns or large-scale national/regional groundwater monitoring networks that may not grab local-scale heterogeneities. An alternative method is represented by site-specific monitoring networks in contaminated/polluted sites under remediation. As a main drawback, groundwater quality at these sites is affected by human activities. This paper explores the potential for groundwater data from an assemblage of site-specific datasets of contaminated/polluted sites to define NBLs of arsenic (As) at the meso-scale (order of 1000 km2). Common procedures for the assessment of human influence cannot be applied to this type of dataset due to limited data homogeneity. Thus, an \u201cunorthodox\u201d method is applied involving the definition of a consistent working dataset followed by a statistical identification and critical analysis of the outliers. The study was conducted in a highly anthropized area (Ferrara, N Italy), where As concentrations often exceed national threshold limits in a shallow aquifer. The results show that site-specific datasets, if properly pre-treated, are an effective alternative for the derivation of NBLs when regional monitoring networks fail to catch local-scale variability

    Two-year observations of the Jupiter polar regions by JIRAM on board Juno

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    We observed the evolution of Jupiter's polar cyclonic structures over two years between February 2017 and February 2019, using polar observations by the Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper, JIRAM, on the Juno mission. Images and spectra were collected by the instrument in the 5‐μm wavelength range. The images were used to monitor the development of the cyclonic and anticyclonic structures at latitudes higher than 80° both in the northern and the southern hemispheres. Spectroscopic measurements were then used to monitor the abundances of the minor atmospheric constituents water vapor, ammonia, phosphine and germane in the polar regions, where the atmospheric optical depth is less than 1. Finally, we performed a comparative analysis with oceanic cyclones on Earth in an attempt to explain the spectral characteristics of the cyclonic structures we observe in Jupiter's polar atmosphere

    Ambipolar charge injection and transport in a single pentacene monolayer island

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    Electrons and holes are locally injected in a single pentacene monolayer island. The two-dimensional distribution and concentration of the injected carriers are measured by electrical force microscopy. In crystalline monolayer islands, both carriers are delocalized over the whole island. On disordered monolayer, carriers stay localized at their injection point. These results provide insight into the electronic properties, at the nanometer scale, of organic monolayers governing performances of organic transistors and molecular devices.Comment: To be published in Nano Letter