1,341 research outputs found

    Color, Spin and Flavor Diffusion in Quark-Gluon Plasmas

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    In weakly interacting quark-gluon plasmas diffusion of color is found to be much slower than the diffusion of spin and flavor because color is easily exchanged by the gluons in the very singular forward scattering processes. If the infrared divergence is cut off by a magnetic mass, mmagαsTm_{mag}\sim \alpha_sT, the color diffusion is Dcolor(αsln(1/αs)T)1D_{color}\sim (\alpha_s\ln(1/\alpha_s)T)^{-1}, a factor αs\alpha_s smaller than spin and flavor diffusion. A similar effect is expected in electroweak plasmas above MWM_W due to W±W^\pm exchanges. The color conductivity in quark-gluon plasmas and the electrical conductivity in electroweak plasmas are correspondingly small in relativistic heavy ion collisions and the very early universe.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Tkachenko modes of vortex lattices in rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We calculate the in-plane modes of the vortex lattice in a rotating Bose condensate from the Thomas-Fermi to the mean-field quantum Hall regimes. The Tkachenko mode frequency goes from linear in the wavevector, kk, for lattice rotational velocities, Ω\Omega, much smaller than the lowest sound wave frequency in a finite system, to quadratic in kk in the opposite limit. The system also supports an inertial mode of frequency 2Ω\ge 2\Omega. The calculated frequencies are in good agreement with recent observations of Tkachenko modes at JILA, and provide evidence for the decrease in the shear modulus of the vortex lattice at rapid rotation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Bose-Einstein Condensation Temperature of a Homogeneous Weakly Interacting Bose Gas : PIMC study

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    Using a finite-temperature Path Integral Monte Carlo simulation (PIMC) method and finite-size scaling, we have investigated the interaction-induced shift of the phase transition temperature for Bose-Einstein condensation of homogeneous weakly interacting Bose gases in three dimensions, which is given by a proposed analytical expression Tc=Tc0{1+c1an1/3+[c2ln(an1/3)+c2]a2n2/3+O(a3n)}T_{c} = T_{c}^{0}\{1 + c_{1}an^{1/3}+[c'_{2}\ln(an^{1/3})+c''_{2}]a^{2}n^{2/3} +O(a^{3}n)\}, where Tc0T_{c}^{0} is the critical temperature for an ideal gas, aa is the s-wave scattering length, and nn is the number density. We have used smaller number densities and more time slices than in the previous PIMC simulations [Gruter {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 79}, 3549 (1997)] in order to understand the difference in the value of the coefficient c1c_{1} between their results and the (apparently) other reliable results in the literature. Our results show that {(TcTc0)/Tc0}/(an1/3)\{(T_{c}-T_{c}^{0})/T_{c}^{0}\}/(an^{1/3}) depends strongly on the interaction strength an1/3an^{1/3} while the previous PIMC results are considerably flatter and smaller than our results. We obtain c1c_{1} = 1.32 ±\pm 0.14, in agreement with results from recent Monte Carlo methods of three-dimensional O(2) scalar ϕ4\phi^{4} field theory and variational perturbation theory

    Viscosities of Quark-Gluon Plasmas

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    The quark and gluon viscosities are calculated in quark-gluon plasmas to leading orders in the coupling constant by including screening. For weakly interaction QCD and QED plasmas dynamical screening of transverse interactions and Debye screening of longitudinal interactions controls the infrared divergences. For strongly interacting plasmas other screening mechanisms taken from lattice calculations are employed. By solving the Boltzmann equation for quarks and gluons including screening the viscosity is calculated to leading orders in the coupling constant. The leading logarithmic order is calculated exactly by a full variational treatment. The next to leading orders are found to be very important for sizable coupling constants as those relevant for the transport properties relevant for quark-gluon plasmas created in relativistic heavy ion collisions and the early universe.Comment: 12 pages + 6 figures, report LBL-3492

    Critical Current Peaks at 3BΦ3B_{\Phi} in Superconductors with Columnar Defects: Recrystalizing the Interstitial Glass

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    The role of commensurability and the interplay of correlated disorder and interactions on vortex dynamics in the presence of columnar pins is studied via molecular dynamics simulations. Simulations of dynamics reveal substantial caging effects and a non-monotonic dependence of the critical current with enhancements near integer values of the matching field BϕB_{\phi} and 3Bϕ3B_{\phi} in agreement with experiments on the cuprates. We find qualitative differences in the phase diagram for small and large values of the matching field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures (3 color

    Decay of polarons and molecules in a strongly polarized Fermi gas

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    The ground state of an impurity immersed in a Fermi sea changes from a polaron to a molecule as the interaction strength is increased. We show here that the coupling between these two states is strongly suppressed due to a combination of phase space effects and Fermi statistics, and that it vanishes much faster than the energy difference between the two states, thereby confirming the first order nature of the polaron-molecule transition. In the regime where each state is metastable, we find quasiparticle lifetimes which are much longer than what is expected for a usual Fermi liquid. Our analysis indicates that the decay rates are sufficiently slow to be experimentally observable.Comment: Version accepted in PRL. Added discussion of three-body losses to deeply bound molecular state

    Viscosity and Thermal Relaxation for a resonantly interacting Fermi gas

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    The viscous and thermal relaxation rates of an interacting fermion gas are calculated as functions of temperature and scattering length, using a many-body scattering matrix which incorporates medium effects due to Fermi blocking of intermediate states. These effects are demonstrated to be large close to the transition temperature TcT_c to the superfluid state. For a homogeneous gas in the unitarity limit, the relaxation rates are increased by nearly an order of magnitude compared to their value obtained in the absence of medium effects due to the Cooper instability at TcT_c. For trapped gases the corresponding ratio is found to be about three due to the averaging over the inhomogeneous density distribution. The effect of superfluidity below TcT_c is considered to leading order in the ratio between the energy gap and the transition temperature.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Two-particle renormalizations in many-fermion perturbation theory: Importance of the Ward identity

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    We analyze two-particle renormalizations within many-fermion perturbation expansion. We show that present diagrammatic theories suffer from lack of a direct diagrammatic control over the physical two-particle functions. To rectify this we introduce and prove a Ward identity enabling an explicit construction of the self-energy from a given two-particle irreducible vertex. Approximations constructed in this way are causal, obey conservation laws and offer an explicit diagrammatic control of singularities in dynamical two-particle functions.Comment: REVTeX4, 4 pages, 2 EPS figure

    Single-particle and collective excitations in a charged Bose gas at finite temperature

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    The main focus of this work is on the predictions made by the dielectric formalism in regard to the relationship between single-particle and collective excitation spectra in a gas of point-like charged bosons at finite temperature TT below the critical region of Bose-Einstein condensation. Illustrative numerical results at weak coupling (rs=1r_s = 1) are presented within the Random Phase Approximation. We show that within this approach the single-particle spectrum forms a continuum extending from the transverse to the longitudinal plasma mode frequency and leading to a double-peak structure as TT increases, whereas the density fluctuation spectrum consists of a single broadening peak. We also discuss the momentum distribution and the superfluidity of the gas.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Shear viscosity of neutron matter from realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions

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    The calculation of transport properties of Fermi liquids, based on the formalism developed by Abrikosov and Khalatnikov, requires the knowledge of the probability of collisions between quasiparticles in the vicinity of the Fermi surface. We have carried out a numerical study of the shear viscosity of pure neutron matter, whose value plays a pivotal role in determining the stability of rotating neutron stars, in which these processes are described using a state-of-the-art nucleon-nucleon potential model. Within our approach medium modifications of the scattering cross section are consistently taken into account, through an effective interaction obtained from the matrix elements of the bare interaction between correlated states. Inclusion of medium effects lead to a large increase of the viscosity at densities larger than 0.1\sim 0.1 fm^{-3}.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Corrected typo