396 research outputs found

    General flux to a trap in one and three dimensions

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    The problem of the flux to a spherical trap in one and three dimensions, for diffusing particles undergoing discrete-time jumps with a given radial probability distribution, is solved in general, verifying the Smoluchowski-like solution in which the effective trap radius is reduced by an amount proportional to the jump length. This reduction in the effective trap radius corresponds to the Milne extrapolation length.Comment: Accepted for publication, in pres

    Distribution of the Oscillation Period in the Underdamped One Dimensional Sinai Model

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    We consider the Newtonian dynamics of a massive particle in a one dimemsional random potential which is a Brownian motion in space. This is the zero temperature nondamped Sinai model. As there is no dissipation the particle oscillates between two turning points where its kinetic energy becomes zero. The period of oscillation is a random variable fluctuating from sample to sample of the random potential. We compute the probability distribution of this period exactly and show that it has a power law tail for large period, P(T)\sim T^{-5/3} and an essential singluarity P(T)\sim \exp(-1/T) as T\to 0. Our exact results are confirmed by numerical simulations and also via a simple scaling argument.Comment: 9 pages LateX, 2 .eps figure

    On the distribution of the Wigner time delay in one-dimensional disordered systems

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    We consider the scattering by a one-dimensional random potential and derive the probability distribution of the corresponding Wigner time delay. It is shown that the limiting distribution is the same for two different models and coincides with the one predicted by random matrix theory. It is also shown that the corresponding stochastic process is given by an exponential functional of the potential.Comment: 11 pages, four references adde

    Integer Partitions and Exclusion Statistics

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    We provide a combinatorial description of exclusion statistics in terms of minimal difference pp partitions. We compute the probability distribution of the number of parts in a random minimal pp partition. It is shown that the bosonic point p=0 p=0 is a repulsive fixed point for which the limiting distribution has a Gumbel form. For all positive pp the distribution is shown to be Gaussian.Comment: 16 pages, 4 .eps figures include

    A PBW basis for Lusztig's form of untwisted affine quantum groups

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    Let g \mathfrak{g} be an untwisted affine Kac-Moody algebra over the field K K \, , and let Uq(g) U_q(\mathfrak{g}) be the associated quantum enveloping algebra; let Uq(g) \mathfrak{U}_q(g) be the Lusztig's integer form of Uq(g) U_q(\mathfrak{g}) \, , generated by q q -divided powers of Chevalley generators over a suitable subring R R of K(q) K(q) \, . We prove a Poincar\'e-Birkhoff-Witt like theorem for Uq(g) \mathfrak{U}_q(\mathfrak{g}) \, , yielding a basis over R R made of ordered products of q q -divided powers of suitable quantum root vectors.Comment: 22 pages, AMS-TeX C, Version 2.1c. This is the author's final version, corresponding to the printed journal versio

    Unified Solution of the Expected Maximum of a Random Walk and the Discrete Flux to a Spherical Trap

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    Two random-walk related problems which have been studied independently in the past, the expected maximum of a random walker in one dimension and the flux to a spherical trap of particles undergoing discrete jumps in three dimensions, are shown to be closely related to each other and are studied using a unified approach as a solution to a Wiener-Hopf problem. For the flux problem, this work shows that a constant c = 0.29795219 which appeared in the context of the boundary extrapolation length, and was previously found only numerically, can be derived explicitly. The same constant enters in higher-order corrections to the expected-maximum asymptotics. As a byproduct, we also prove a new universal result in the context of the flux problem which is an analogue of the Sparre Andersen theorem proved in the context of the random walker's maximum.Comment: Two figs. Accepted for publication, Journal of Statistical Physic

    Fotonima stimulirana desorpcija vodikovih iona iz poluvodičkih površina: dokazi izravnih i posrednih procesa

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    Photon-stimulated desorption of positive hydrogen ions from hydrogenated diamond and GaAs surfaces have been studied for incident photon energies around core-level binding energies of substrate atoms. In the case of diamond surfaces, the comparison between the H+ yield and the near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) for electrons of selected kinetic energies reveals two different processes leading to photodesorption: an indirect process involving secondary electrons from the bulk and a direct process involving core-level excitations of surface carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen. The comparison of H+ photodesorption and electron photoemission as the function of photon energy from polar and non-polar GaAs surfaces provides clear evidence for direct desorption processes initiated by ionisation of corresponding core levels of bonding atoms.Proučavali smo fotonima stimuliranu desorpciju pozitivnih iona vodika iz hidrogeniziranih površina dijamanta i GaAs, za fotone energije oko energija vezanja unutarnjih elektrona atoma podloge. U slučaju površine dijamanta, usporedba prinosa H+ i fine strukture blizu-rubne apsorpcije X-zračenja (NEXAFS) za elektrone odabranih kinetičkih energija otkriva dva različita procesa koji uzrokuju fotodesorpciju: posredan proces uz sudjelovanje sekundarnih elektrona iz osnovnog materijala, i izravan proces uzrokovan uzbudom unutarnjih elektrona površinskih atoma ugljika vezanih na vodik. Usporedba fotodesorpcije H+ i emisije elektrona u ovisnosti o energiji fotona iz polarnih i nepolarnih površina GaAs daje jasne dokaze za izravne procese desorpcije uzrokovane ionizacijom odgovarajućih unutarnjih stanja veznih atoma

    Universality of the Wigner time delay distribution for one-dimensional random potentials

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    We show that the distribution of the time delay for one-dimensional random potentials is universal in the high energy or weak disorder limit. Our analytical results are in excellent agreement with extensive numerical simulations carried out on samples whose sizes are large compared to the localisation length (localised regime). The case of small samples is also discussed (ballistic regime). We provide a physical argument which explains in a quantitative way the origin of the exponential divergence of the moments. The occurence of a log-normal tail for finite size systems is analysed. Finally, we present exact results in the low energy limit which clearly show a departure from the universal behaviour.Comment: 4 pages, 3 PostScript figure

    Universal Asymptotic Statistics of Maximal Relative Height in One-dimensional Solid-on-solid Models

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    We study the probability density function P(hm,L)P(h_m,L) of the maximum relative height hmh_m in a wide class of one-dimensional solid-on-solid models of finite size LL. For all these lattice models, in the large LL limit, a central limit argument shows that, for periodic boundary conditions, P(hm,L)P(h_m,L) takes a universal scaling form P(hm,L)(12wL)1f(hm/(12wL))P(h_m,L) \sim (\sqrt{12}w_L)^{-1}f(h_m/(\sqrt{12} w_L)), with wLw_L the width of the fluctuating interface and f(x)f(x) the Airy distribution function. For one instance of these models, corresponding to the extremely anisotropic Ising model in two dimensions, this result is obtained by an exact computation using transfer matrix technique, valid for any L>0L>0. These arguments and exact analytical calculations are supported by numerical simulations, which show in addition that the subleading scaling function is also universal, up to a non universal amplitude, and simply given by the derivative of the Airy distribution function f(x)f'(x).Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure