287 research outputs found

    Jordan-Wigner Approach to Dynamic Correlations in 2D Spin-1/2 Models

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    We discuss the dynamic properties of the square-lattice spin-1/2 XY model obtained using the two-dimensional Jordan-Wigner fermionization approach. We argue the relevancy of the fermionic picture for interpreting the neutron scattering measurements in the two-dimensional frustrated quantum magnet Cs_2CuCl_4.Comment: Presented at 12-th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism, Ko\v{s}ice, 12-15 July 200

    Spin wave theory for antiferromagnetic XXZ spin model on a triangle lattice in the presence of an external magnetic field

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    Spin wave theory is applied to a quantum antiferromagnetic XXZ model on a triangle lattice in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field. The effect of the field is found to enhance the quantum fluctuation and to reduce the sublattice magnetization at the intermediate field strength in the anisotropic case. The possible implication to the field driven quantum phase transition from a spin solid to a spin liquid is discussed.Comment: 5 pages,4 figure

    Spin gaps and magnetic structure of NaxCoO2

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    We present two experiments that provide information on spin anisotropy and the magnetic structure of NaxCoO2. First, we report low-energy neutron inelastic scattering measurements of the zone-center magnetic excitations in the magnetically ordered phase of Na0.75CoO2. The energy spectra suggest the existence of two gaps, and are very well fitted by a spin-wave model with both in-plane and out-of-plane anisotropy terms. The gap energies decrease with increasing temperature and both gaps are found to have closed when the temperature exceeds the magnetic ordering temperature T_m~22 K. Secondly, we present neutron diffraction studies of Na0.85CoO2 with a magnetic field applied approximately parallel to the c axis. For fields in excess of ~8T a magnetic Bragg peak was observed at the (0,0,3) position in reciprocal space. We interpret this as a spin-flop transition of the A-type antiferromagnetic structure, and we show that the spin-flop field is consistent with the size of the anisotropy gap.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Direct observation of charge order in triangular metallic AgNiO2 by single-crystal resonant X-ray scattering

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    We report resonant X-ray scattering measurements on the orbitally-degenerate triangular metallic antiferromagnet 2H-AgNiO2 to probe the spontaneous transition to a triple-cell superstructure at temperatures below 365 K. We observe a strong resonant enhancement of the supercell reflections through the Ni K-edge. The empirically extracted K-edge shift between the crystallographically-distinct Ni sites of 2.5(3) eV is much larger than the value expected from the shift in final states, and implies a core-level shift of ~1 eV, thus providing direct evidence for the onset of spontaneous honeycomb charge order in the triangular Ni layers. We also provide band-structure calculations that explain quantitatively the observed edge shifts in terms of changes in the Ni electronic energy levels due to charge order and hybridization with the surrounding oxygens.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Ground states of a frustrated spin-1/2 antifferomagnet: Cs_2CuCl_4 in a magnetic field

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    We present detailed calculations of the magnetic ground state properties of Cs2_2CuCl4_4 in an applied magnetic field, and compare our results with recent experiments. The material is described by a spin Hamiltonian, determined with precision in high field measurements, in which the main interaction is antiferromagnetic Heisenberg exchange between neighboring spins on an anisotropic triangular lattice. An additional, weak Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interaction introduces easy-plane anisotropy, so that behavior is different for transverse and longitudinal field directions. We determine the phase diagram as a function of field strength for both field directions at zero temperature, using a classical approximation as a first step. Building on this, we calculate the effect of quantum fluctuations on the ordering wavevector and components of the ordered moments, using both linear spinwave theory and a mapping to a Bose gas which gives exact results when the magnetization is almost saturated. Many aspects of the experimental data are well accounted for by this approach.Comment: 13 Pages, 9 Figure

    Where is the spectral weight in magnetic neutron scattering in the cuprates?

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    We present estimates in the Hubbard and Heisenberg models for the spectral weight in magnetic neutron scattering experiments on the cuprates. With the aid of spin-wave theory and the time dependent Gutzwiller approximation we discuss how the spectral weight is distributed among the different channels and between high and low energies. In addition to the well known total moment sum rule we discuss sum rules for each component of the dynamical structure factor tensor which are peculiar for spin 1/2 systems. The various factors that reduce the spectral weight at the relevant energies are singled out and analyzed like: shielding factors, weight at electronic energies, multimagnon process etc. Although about 10% ~ 15% of the naively expected weight is detected in experiments after consideration of these factors the missing weight is within the experimental uncertainties. A large fraction of the spectral weight is hard to detect with present experimental conditions.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, submitted to PR

    Bose-Einstein Condensation of Magnons in Cs2CuCl4

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    We report on results of specific heat measurements on single crystals of the frustrated quasi-2D spin-1/2 antiferromagnet Cs_2CuCl_4 (T_N=0.595 K) in external magnetic fields B30 mK. Decreasing B from high fields leads to the closure of the field-induced gap in the magnon spectrum at a critical field B_c = 8.51 T and a magnetic phase transition is clearly seen below B_c. In the vicinity to B_c, the phase transition boundary is well described by the power-law T_c(B)\propto (B_c-B)^{1/\phi} with the measured critical exponent \phi\simeq 1.5. These findings are interpreted as a Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, experiment and theor

    Excitation spectra of the spin-1/2 triangular-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet

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    We use series expansion methods to calculate the dispersion relation of the one-magnon excitations for the spin-1/2 triangular-lattice nearest-neighbor Heisenberg antiferromagnet above a three-sublattice ordered ground state. Several striking features are observed compared to the classical (large-S) spin-wave spectra. Whereas at low energies the dispersion is only weakly renormalized by quantum fluctuations, significant anomalies are observed at high energies. In particular, we find roton-like minima at special wave-vectors and strong downward renormalization in large parts of the Brillouin zone, leading to very flat or dispersionless modes. We present detailed comparison of our calculated excitation energies in the Brillouin zone with the spin-wave dispersion to order 1/S calculated recently by Starykh, Chubukov, and Abanov [cond-mat/0608002]. We find many common features but also some quantitative and qualitative differences. We show that at temperatures as low as 0.1J the thermally excited rotons make a significant contribution to the entropy. Consequently, unlike for the square lattice model, a non-linear sigma model description of the finite-temperature properties is only applicable at extremely low temperatures.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    On the weak confinement of kinks in the one-dimensional quantum ferromagnet CoNb2O6

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    In a recent paper Coldea et al (2010 Science {\bf 327} 177) report observation of the weak confinement of kinks in the Ising spin chain ferromagnet CoNb2O6 at low temperatures. To interpret the entire spectra of magnetic excitations measured via neutron scattering, they introduce a phenomenological model, which takes into account only the two-kink configurations of the spin chain. We present the exact solution of this model. The explicit expressions for the two-kink bound-state energy spectra and for the relative intensities of neutron scattering on these magnetic modes are obtained in terms of the Bessel function.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures; v2: figures 1,3,4 replaced, few misprints correcte