35 research outputs found
Laparoscopic versus Open Appendectomy: Where Are We Now?
Rezumat Apendicectomia prin abord laparoscopic versus abord deschis: pentru ce optãm? Scop: Deaei avantajele procedurilor laparoscopice au fost intens studiate pe parcursul ultimelor douã decenii, apendicectomia laparoscopicã nu a putut fi desemnatã ca procedurã standard de tratament din cauza unor dezavantaje de tipul timpilor operatori aei al costurilor crescute. Obiectivul studiului nostru este de a reevalua rezultatele pe termen lung ale abordului laparoscopic versus cel chirurgical deschis pentru aceastã patologie pe baza datelor actuale. Metode: Datele pacienåilor supuaei apendicectomiei între ianuarie 2012 aei iulie 2012 au fost analizate prospectiv. Datele demografice ale pacienåilor, durata procedurii, perioada de internare, nevoia de analgezice, scorul VAS aei rata mortalitãåii au fost înregistrate. Rezultate: Din 241 de pacienåi, 120 (49.8%) au suferit intervenåie deschisã aei 121 (50.2%) au fost operaåi laparoscopic. Perioada intervenåiei a fost similarã între cele douã grupuri (p=0.855). Scorurile VAS dupã prima orã (p=0.001), dupã 6 (p=0.001) aei dupã 12 ore de la operaåie (p=0.028) au fost mai mari în grupul de apendicectomii prin abord deschis (p=0.001). Nu au existat diferenåe statistice vizând ratele de morbiditate între grupul prin abord deschis aei cel prin abord laparoscopic (p=0.617). Concluzii: Cele douã tehnici operatorii sunt similare în ceea ce priveaete perioada de internare, durata operaåiei aei complicaåiile postoperatorii. Apendicectomia laparoscopicã reduce nevoia de analgezice aei scorurile VAS; aceasta ar trebui prin urmare luatã în considerare ca standard de aur în tratamentul chirurgical al apendicitei acute. Cuvinte cheie: apendicitã, apendicectomie, procedurã laparoscopicã, abces abdominal, infecåia plãgii chirurgicale Abstract Purpose: Although the advantages of laparoscopic procedures has been well studied over the last two decade, laparoscopic appendectomy could not to be a standard therapy due to some disadvantages such as longer operative time and higher cost. The objective of our study is to re-evaluate the outcomes of laparoscopic versus open appendectomy with current data. Methods: Between January 2012 and July 2012, the data of the patients who had appendectomy were recorded prospectively. Patients' demographics, duration of procedure, length of hospital stay, need of analgesics, postoperative visual analogue scale scores and morbidity were assessed
Characterization of greater middle eastern genetic variation for enhanced disease gene discovery
The Greater Middle East (GME) has been a central hub of human migration and population admixture. The tradition of consanguinity, variably practiced in the Persian Gulf region, North Africa, and Central Asia1-3, has resulted in an elevated burden of recessive disease4. Here we generated a whole-exome GME variome from 1,111 unrelated subjects. We detected substantial diversity and admixture in continental and subregional populations, corresponding to several ancient founder populations with little evidence of bottlenecks. Measured consanguinity rates were an order of magnitude above those in other sampled populations, and the GME population exhibited an increased burden of runs of homozygosity (ROHs) but showed no evidence for reduced burden of deleterious variation due to classically theorized ‘genetic purging’. Applying this database to unsolved recessive conditions in the GME population reduced the number of potential disease-causing variants by four- to sevenfold. These results show variegated genetic architecture in GME populations and support future human genetic discoveries in Mendelian and population genetics
Corporate Governance and Firm Valuation in Colombia
This paper studies the separation of ownership and control of 108 listed companies in Colombia from 1996 to 2002, finding that voting rights are greater than cash flow rights because of indirect ownership across firms. The paper also examines the association of various ownership and control measures and separation ratios with a firms value and performance for the same sample of companies that traded their stock from 1998 to 2002. Large blockholders were found to exert a positive influence upon a firms valuation and performance, which validates the positive monitoring approach of large shareholders, but this relationship is not monotonic. The paper further reports results from a 2004 survey which suggests that Colombian firms have been slow to improve their corporate governance practices.En este trabajo se analiza la separación de la propiedad y el control de 108 empresas inscritas en bolsa en Colombia entre 1996 y 2002, y se descubre que los derechos de voto son mayores que los derechos referentes al flujo de caja debido a la propiedad indirecta entre empresas. También se analiza la relación de varias medidas de propiedad y control y las proporciones de separación con el valor y el desempeño de una empresa para la misma muestra de compañías que cotizaron sus acciones en bolsa entre 1998 y 2002. Se descubre que los tenedores de grandes bloques de acciones ejercen una influencia positiva en la valoración y el desempeño de una empresa. El trabajo además da cuenta de resultados de una encuesta efectuada en 2004 que sugiere que las empresas colombianas han mostrado cierta lentitud en el mejoramiento de sus prácticas de buena gestión empresarial
A reliable pancreaticojejunal anastomosis with V-Loc 180 wound closure device for soft pancreatic stump
WOS: 000335085400046PubMed ID: 24901167Background/Aims: Although mortality rates decreased in recent years, pancreaticoduodenectomy is still associated with high morbidity rates. Pancreatic fistula is the leading cause of morbidity after pancreaticojejunal anastomosis and commonly occurs in soft pancreas. The objective of this study is to compare outcomes of conventional modified invaginated end to side pancreaticojejunostomy with a new practical method using V-Loc (TM) 180 wound closure device in soft pancreas. Methodology: Between December 2011 and August 2013, a total of 90 pancreaticoduodenectomy procedures were performed in our hospital. 28 of them were defined as soft pancreas according to attending surgeon and included in this study. Patients were divided into two groups consecutively and analysed for postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) rate, length of stay, operation time, cost and particular duration of anastomosis. Pancreatic fistulas were classified according to International Study Group on Pancreatic Fistula (ISGPF) definition. Results: 1 grade A and 2 grade B fistulas appeared in V-Loc group (Group 1), whereas 1 grade A, 2 grade B and 1 grade C fistulas appeared in conventional anastomosis group (Group 2). Conclusions: Pancreaticojejunostomy with V-Loc suture is a convenient method in soft pancreas and can be performed safely