39 research outputs found

    Impact of Smoking on Development and Progression of Periodontal Disease

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    PuÅ”enje se smatra rizičnim čimbenikom za nastanak i progresiju parodontne bolesti. Svrha je rada bila odrediti prevalenciju puÅ”enja u uzorku ispitivanih pacijenata koji boluju od parodontitisa, utvrditi utjecaj puÅ”enja na razvoj i progresiju parodontne bolesti i usporediti parodontni status puÅ”ača i nepuÅ”ača. Ispitano je dvjesto pacijenata, pola kojih je bilo puÅ”ača a pola nepuÅ”ača, te su podijeljeni u četiri dobne skupine: do 19, 20-35, 35 65 i 66 i viÅ”e, i klasificirani prema spolu. Parodontni status vrjednovan je Community Periodontal Indexom (CPI) i Loss of Attachment Indexom (LA), te Klein-Palmerovim (KEP) Indexom. Prema rezultatima CPI-a, nepuÅ”ači imaju statistički znatno veću prevalenciju zdrava parodonta od skupine puÅ”ača, u kojih je zabilježena veća prevalencija plitkih i dubokih parodontnih džepova. Prevalencija parodontnih bolesti u svih ispitanih pacijenata iznosila je 41%. U skupini puÅ”ača 60% ispitanika imalo je parodontnu bolest, a 25% ispitanika u skupini nepuÅ”ača. Prema rezultatima LA indeksa, postoji statistički znatnije veća prevalencija gubitka epitelnoga pričvrstka veća od 3mm u skupini ispitanika - puÅ”ača nego u skupini ispitanika nepuÅ”ača. Prema rezultatima KEP-indeksa, ispitanici puÅ”ači imaju statistički znatno viÅ”e karijesa i ekstrakcija nego nepuÅ”ači, a u broju liječenih zuba nije bilo statistički znatne razlike. Rezultati pokazuju da broj cigareta konzumiran u danu ne utječe na razvoj parodontne bolesti, no svi ostali rezultati pokazuju da su prevalencija i stupanj parodontne bolesti statistički znatno veći u ispitivanoj skupini puÅ”ača nego u ispitivanoj skupini nepuÅ”ača iste dobi i spola.Smoking is considered to be a risk factor for onset and progression of periodontal disease. The aim was to determine the prevalence of smoking in the sample, subject to examination among the patients that suffer from periodontal diseases, to identify the impact of smoking on development and progression of periodontal disease, and to compare the periodontal status between smokers and non-smokers. Two hundred patients, half of which were smokers an the other half non-smokers, were examined, and divided in four age groups: up to 1, 20-35, 36-65, and 66 and up, and further classified by gender. Periodontal status was evaluated by use of the Community Periodontal Index (CPI), the Loss of Attachment Index (LA), and Klein-Palmer (KEP) Index. Following CPI, the non-smokers were found to have statistically significantly higher prevalence of healthy periodontium that the smokers, in whom a higher prevalence of shallow and deep pockets. Prevalence of periodontal disease in all of the examined patients was 42%. In the group of smokers 60% of examinees were found to have periodontal disease, and 25% of examinees in the group of non smokers. Following LA index, there was statistically significantly higher prevalence of loss of atachment greater than 3 mm in the group of patients who were smokers, than in the group of non-smokers. Following KEP-index, the smokers examined had statistically significantly more caries and extracions than non-smokers,whereas there were no differences in the number of teeth cured. Results showed that the number of cigarttes consumed per day does not affect the development of periodontal disease, but all of the other results showed that the prevalence and severity of periodontal diseases among the examined group of smokers was statistically significantly higher than in the examined group of non-smokers of the same age and sex

    Occlusal Interferences in Localised and Generalized Periodontitis

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    Značaj okuzijskih zapreka u razvoju i u terapiji parodontnih bolesti i poremećaja iznimno je kontroverzan. JoÅ” uvijek su u najstručnijim krugovima znanstvenika aktualne rasprave o povezanosti zapreka i okluzijske traume i o njihovoj ulozi u parodontnoj bolesti. Svrha rada bila je istražiti postoji li statistički znatna razlika u pojavnosti okluzijskih zapreka ( na radnoj i balansnoj strani) između skupine pacijenata s lokaliziranim parodontitisom i skupine pacijenata s generaliziranim parodontitisom. Ispitanici su bili pacijenti s parodontnom bolesti, koji su klasificirani prema Extent and Severity Indexu (ESI) na ispitivanu skupinu lokaliziranih parodontitisa i ispitivanu skupinu generaliziranih parodontitisa. Kretnje na laterotruzijskoj strani/kontakti u interkaninom području tijekom protruzijske kretnje bilježene su plavim artikulacijskim papirom debljine 12Āµ, a kontakti na mediotruzijskoj strani/kontakti u lateralnim područjima tijekom protruzijske kretnje bilježeni su crvenim artikulacijskim papirom debljine 12Āµ. U obje ispitivane skupine 45,12% ispitanika imalo je zapreke na radnoj strani, a 48,78% ispitanika imalo je zapreke na balansnoj strani. U skupini lokaliziranoga parodontitisa 33,33% ispitanika imalo je zapreke na radnoj strani, a 50,81% ispitanika imalo ih je u skupini generaliziranoga parodontitisa. Zapreke na balansnoj strani postojale su u 52,38% ipitanika u skupini lokaliziranoga parodontitisa, a 47,54% ispitanika imalo ih je u skupini generaliziranoga parodontitisa. Hi-kvadrat testom utvrđeno je da ne postoji statistički znatna razlika između pojavnosti okluzijskih zapreka u skupini ispitanika s lokaliziranim parodontitisom u usporedbi sa skupinom ispitanika s generaliziranim parodontitisom. Iako nema statistički znatne razlike, postoji tendencija razlike u frekvencijama (p = 0,054) te je vidljivo da u skupini ispitanika s generaliziranim parodontitisom postoji viÅ”e slučajeva bez zapreka na balansnoj strani (52,45%) u odnosu prema skupini ispitanika s lokaliziranim parodontitisom (47,61%). Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da ne postoji statistički znatna razlika u pojavnosti okluzijskih zapreka u skupini ispitanika s lokaliziranim parodontitisom i u skupini ispitanika s generaliziranim parodontitisom.The significance of occlusal interference in the development and therapy of periodontal disease is very controversial. There are still very vivid discussions going on between experts whether or not interferences cause occlusal trauma, and wath is its role in periodontal disease. The aim of the study was to investigate whether there i statistically significant difference in the manifestation of occlusal interferences (working side and balancing side) among a group of patients sufferig from localised periodontitis and a group of patients with generalized periodontitis. Examinees were patients with periodontal disease, classified according to Extent and Severity Index (ESI) into a group with localised periodontitis and a group with generalized peiodontitis. Movements on the laterotrusion side/contacts in the intercanine segment in protrusion were marked with blue articulation paper 12Āµ thick, while contacts on the mediotrusion side/contacts in lateral segments during protrusion were marked with red articulation paper (12Āµ thick). Of al patients, there were 45.12% with working side interferences, and 48.78% with balancing side interferences in both examined groups. 33.33% of the examinees in the group with localised periodontitis had working side interferences, and 50.81% of the examinees in the group with generalized periodontitis. Balancing side interferences were found in 52.38% of patients in the group with localised periodontitis, and 47.54% of patients in the group with generalized periodontitis. Chi-square test showed that there was statistically significant difference between manifestation of occlusal interferences in the group of patients with localised periodontitis compared to manifestation of articulation interferences in the group of patients with generalized periodontitis (chi-square = 3.561; p = 0.313). Although there was no statistically significant difference, there was a tendency to difference in frequencies (p = 0.054), and it is shown that in the group of patients with generalized periodontitis there were more cases with no balancing side interferences on any side (52.45%), compared to the group of patients with localised periodontitis (47.61%). Results showed that there was no difference in manfestation of occlusal interferences in localised peiodontitis compared to generalized periodontitis

    Impact of Smoking on Development and Progression of Periodontal Disease

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    PuÅ”enje se smatra rizičnim čimbenikom za nastanak i progresiju parodontne bolesti. Svrha je rada bila odrediti prevalenciju puÅ”enja u uzorku ispitivanih pacijenata koji boluju od parodontitisa, utvrditi utjecaj puÅ”enja na razvoj i progresiju parodontne bolesti i usporediti parodontni status puÅ”ača i nepuÅ”ača. Ispitano je dvjesto pacijenata, pola kojih je bilo puÅ”ača a pola nepuÅ”ača, te su podijeljeni u četiri dobne skupine: do 19, 20-35, 35 65 i 66 i viÅ”e, i klasificirani prema spolu. Parodontni status vrjednovan je Community Periodontal Indexom (CPI) i Loss of Attachment Indexom (LA), te Klein-Palmerovim (KEP) Indexom. Prema rezultatima CPI-a, nepuÅ”ači imaju statistički znatno veću prevalenciju zdrava parodonta od skupine puÅ”ača, u kojih je zabilježena veća prevalencija plitkih i dubokih parodontnih džepova. Prevalencija parodontnih bolesti u svih ispitanih pacijenata iznosila je 41%. U skupini puÅ”ača 60% ispitanika imalo je parodontnu bolest, a 25% ispitanika u skupini nepuÅ”ača. Prema rezultatima LA indeksa, postoji statistički znatnije veća prevalencija gubitka epitelnoga pričvrstka veća od 3mm u skupini ispitanika - puÅ”ača nego u skupini ispitanika nepuÅ”ača. Prema rezultatima KEP-indeksa, ispitanici puÅ”ači imaju statistički znatno viÅ”e karijesa i ekstrakcija nego nepuÅ”ači, a u broju liječenih zuba nije bilo statistički znatne razlike. Rezultati pokazuju da broj cigareta konzumiran u danu ne utječe na razvoj parodontne bolesti, no svi ostali rezultati pokazuju da su prevalencija i stupanj parodontne bolesti statistički znatno veći u ispitivanoj skupini puÅ”ača nego u ispitivanoj skupini nepuÅ”ača iste dobi i spola.Smoking is considered to be a risk factor for onset and progression of periodontal disease. The aim was to determine the prevalence of smoking in the sample, subject to examination among the patients that suffer from periodontal diseases, to identify the impact of smoking on development and progression of periodontal disease, and to compare the periodontal status between smokers and non-smokers. Two hundred patients, half of which were smokers an the other half non-smokers, were examined, and divided in four age groups: up to 1, 20-35, 36-65, and 66 and up, and further classified by gender. Periodontal status was evaluated by use of the Community Periodontal Index (CPI), the Loss of Attachment Index (LA), and Klein-Palmer (KEP) Index. Following CPI, the non-smokers were found to have statistically significantly higher prevalence of healthy periodontium that the smokers, in whom a higher prevalence of shallow and deep pockets. Prevalence of periodontal disease in all of the examined patients was 42%. In the group of smokers 60% of examinees were found to have periodontal disease, and 25% of examinees in the group of non smokers. Following LA index, there was statistically significantly higher prevalence of loss of atachment greater than 3 mm in the group of patients who were smokers, than in the group of non-smokers. Following KEP-index, the smokers examined had statistically significantly more caries and extracions than non-smokers,whereas there were no differences in the number of teeth cured. Results showed that the number of cigarttes consumed per day does not affect the development of periodontal disease, but all of the other results showed that the prevalence and severity of periodontal diseases among the examined group of smokers was statistically significantly higher than in the examined group of non-smokers of the same age and sex

    Historical introgression of the downy mildew resistance gene Rpv12 from the Asian species Vitis amurensis into grapevine varieties.

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    The Amur grape (Vitis amurensis Rupr.) thrives naturally in cool climates of Northeast Asia. Resistance against the introduced pathogen Plasmopara viticola is common among wild ecotypes that were propagated from Manchuria into Chinese vineyards or collected by Soviet botanists in Siberia, and used for the introgression of resistance into wine grapes (Vitis vinifera L.). A QTL analysis revealed a dominant gene Rpv12 that explained 79% of the phenotypic variance for downy mildew resistance and was inherited independently of other resistance genes. A Mendelian component of resistanceā€“a hypersensitive response in leaves challenged with P. viticolaā€“was mapped in an interval of 0.2 cM containing an array of coiled-coil NB-LRR genes on chromosome 14. We sequenced 10-kb genic regions in the Rpv12+ haplotype and identified polymorphisms in 12 varieties of V. vinifera using next-generation sequencing. The combination of two SNPs in single-copy genes flanking the NB-LRR cluster distinguished the resistant haplotype from all others found in 200 accessions of V. vinifera, V. amurensis, and V. amurensis x V. vinifera crosses. The Rpv12+ haplotype is shared by 15 varieties, the most ancestral of which are the century-old ā€˜Zarja severaā€™ and ā€˜Michurinetsā€™. Before this knowledge, the chromosome segment around Rpv12+ became introgressed, shortened, and pyramided with another downy mildew resistance gene from North American grapevines (Rpv3) only by phenotypic selection. Rpv12+ has an additive effect with Rpv3+ to protect vines against natural infections, and confers foliar resistance to strains that are virulent on Rpv3+ plants

    Notable Radiophysicists and Radiochemists in Croatia by 1945

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    U ovome preglednom radu dan je uvid u život i rad doajena znanosti o zračenju i zaÅ”tite od zračenja u Hrvatskoj do 1945. godine. Efektivni počeci znanosti o zračenju, pa tako i zaÅ”tite od zračenja na području Hrvatske sežu čak do kraja 19. stoljeća. Fizičari i kemičari bili su među prvima mogućim žrtvama izloženosti ionizirajućem zračenju, pa su tako i bili prvi koji su upozoravali na Å”tetne učinke radijacije na žive organizme. Pretraživanje dostupnih arhiva i poznate literature nije samo rasvijetlilo život i rad doajena znanosti o zračenju već je omogućilo sistematičan uvid u do sada nepoznate detalje važne za povijest i razvoj znanosti o zračenju, zaÅ”tite od zračenja, kao i o medicinskoj fi zici. Sve to pokazuje da Hrvatska od samoga početka ne samo da slijedi najsuvremenije znanstvene spoznaje iz tih područja, već i njima aktivno pridonosi.Physicists and chemists were among the first potential victims of occupational exposure to ionising radiation and they were also the first to warn about the harmful effects of radiation on living organisms. This review presents the work of the first notable scientists in the field of radiation science in Croatia from the discovery of radiation (Henry Becquerel in 1896) to 1945. The beginning of radiation science and radiation protection in Croatia can be traced to the end of the 19th century. Our research of the archived material and literature not only gave a deeper insight to the life and work of some of these notable scientists, but also gave a glimpse of previously unknown facts and details important for the history and development of radiation science, radiation protection, as well as medical physics. Our research has shown that Croatian scientists not only kept pace with contemporary scientific knowledge but also made notable contributions from the very beginning

    Dose imbalance of DYRK1A kinase causes systemic progeroid status in Down syndrome by increasing the un-repaired DNA damage and reducing LaminB1 levels.

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    BACKGROUND: People with Down syndrome (DS) show clinical signs of accelerated ageing. Causative mechanisms remain unknown and hypotheses range from the (essentially untreatable) amplified-chromosomal-instability explanation, to potential actions of individual supernumerary chromosome-21 genes. The latter explanation could open a route to therapeutic amelioration if the specific over-acting genes could be identified and their action toned-down. METHODS: Biological age was estimated through patterns of sugar molecules attached to plasma immunoglobulin-G (IgG-glycans, an established "biological-ageing-clock") in nĀ =Ā 246 individuals with DS from three European populations, clinically characterised for the presence of co-morbidities, and compared to nĀ =Ā 256 age-, sex- and demography-matched healthy controls. Isogenic human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSCs) models of full and partial trisomy-21 with CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing and two kinase inhibitors were studied prior and after differentiation to cerebral organoids. FINDINGS: Biological age in adults with DS is (on average) 18.4-19.1 years older than in chronological-age-matched controls independent of co-morbidities, and this shift remains constant throughout lifespan. Changes are detectable from early childhood, and do not require a supernumerary chromosome, but are seen in segmental duplication of only 31 genes, along with increased DNA damage and decreased levels of LaminB1 in nucleated blood cells. We demonstrate that these cell-autonomous phenotypes can be gene-dose-modelled and pharmacologically corrected in hiPSCs and derived cerebral organoids. Using isogenic hiPSC models we show that chromosome-21 gene DYRK1A overdose is sufficient and necessary to cause excess unrepaired DNA damage. INTERPRETATION: Explanation of hitherto observed accelerated ageing in DS as a developmental progeroid syndrome driven by DYRK1A overdose provides a target for early pharmacological preventative intervention strategies. FUNDING: Main funding came from the "Research Cooperability" Program of the Croatian Science Foundation funded by the European Union from the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme Efficient Human Resources 2014-2020, Project PZS-2019-02-4277, and the Wellcome Trust Grants 098330/Z/12/Z and 217199/Z/19/Z (UK). All other funding is described in details in the "Acknowledgements"