5,186 research outputs found

    A Simulation of the LISA Data Stream from Galactic White Dwarf Binaries

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    Gravitational radiation from the galactic population of white dwarf binaries is expected to produce a background signal in the LISA frequency band. At frequencies below 1 mHz, this signal is expected to be confusion-limited and has been approximated as gaussian noise. At frequencies above about 5 mHz, the signal will consist of separable individual sources. We have produced a simulation of the LISA data stream from a population of 90k galactic binaries in the frequency range between 1 - 5 mHz. This signal is compared with the simulated signal from globular cluster populations of binaries. Notable features of the simulation as well as potential data analysis schemes for extracting information are presented.Comment: Submitted to QC

    LISA Response Function and Parameter Estimation

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    We investigate the response function of LISA and consider the adequacy of its commonly used approximation in the high-frequency range of the observational band. We concentrate on monochromatic binary systems, such as white dwarf binaries. We find that above a few mHz the approxmation starts becoming increasingly inaccurate. The transfer function introduces additional amplitude and phase modulations in the measured signal that influence parameter estmation and, if not properly accounted for, lead to losses of signal-to-noise ratio.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, amaldi 5 conference proceeding

    Angular Resolution of the LISA Gravitational Wave Detector

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    We calculate the angular resolution of the planned LISA detector, a space-based laser interferometer for measuring low-frequency gravitational waves from galactic and extragalactic sources. LISA is not a pointed instrument; it is an all-sky monitor with a quadrupolar beam pattern. LISA will measure simultaneously both polarization components of incoming gravitational waves, so the data will consist of two time series. All physical properties of the source, including its position, must be extracted from these time series. LISA's angular resolution is therefore not a fixed quantity, but rather depends on the type of signal and on how much other information must be extracted. Information about the source position will be encoded in the measured signal in three ways: 1) through the relative amplitudes and phases of the two polarization components, 2) through the periodic Doppler shift imposed on the signal by the detector's motion around the Sun, and 3) through the further modulation of the signal caused by the detector's time-varying orientation. We derive the basic formulae required to calculate the LISA's angular resolution ΔΩS\Delta \Omega_S for a given source. We then evaluate ΔΩS\Delta \Omega_S for two sources of particular interest: monchromatic sources and mergers of supermassive black holes. For these two types of sources, we calculate (in the high signal-to-noise approximation) the full variance-covariance matrix, which gives the accuracy to which all source parameters can be measured. Since our results on LISA's angular resolution depend mainly on gross features of the detector geometry, orbit, and noise curve, we expect these results to be fairly insensitive to modest changes in detector design that may occur between now and launch. We also expect that our calculations could be easily modified to apply to a modified design.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, RevTex 3.0 fil

    LISA, binary stars, and the mass of the graviton

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    We extend and improve earlier estimates of the ability of the proposed LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) gravitational wave detector to place upper bounds on the graviton mass, m_g, by comparing the arrival times of gravitational and electromagnetic signals from binary star systems. We show that the best possible limit on m_g obtainable this way is ~ 50 times better than the current limit set by Solar System measurements. Among currently known, well-understood binaries, 4U1820-30 is the best for this purpose; LISA observations of 4U1820-30 should yield a limit ~ 3-4 times better than the present Solar System bound. AM CVn-type binaries offer the prospect of improving the limit by a factor of 10, if such systems can be better understood by the time of the LISA mission. We briefly discuss the likelihood that radio and optical searches during the next decade will yield binaries that more closely approach the best possible case.Comment: ReVTeX 4, 6 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Phys Rev

    Testing Alternative Theories of Gravity using LISA

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    We investigate the possible bounds which could be placed on alternative theories of gravity using gravitational wave detection from inspiralling compact binaries with the proposed LISA space interferometer. Specifically, we estimate lower bounds on the coupling parameter \omega of scalar-tensor theories of the Brans-Dicke type and on the Compton wavelength of the graviton \lambda_g in hypothetical massive graviton theories. In these theories, modifications of the gravitational radiation damping formulae or of the propagation of the waves translate into a change in the phase evolution of the observed gravitational waveform. We obtain the bounds through the technique of matched filtering, employing the LISA Sensitivity Curve Generator (SCG), available online. For a neutron star inspiralling into a 10^3 M_sun black hole in the Virgo Cluster, in a two-year integration, we find a lower bound \omega > 3 * 10^5. For lower-mass black holes, the bound could be as large as 2 * 10^6. The bound is independent of LISA arm length, but is inversely proportional to the LISA position noise error. Lower bounds on the graviton Compton wavelength ranging from 10^15 km to 5 * 10^16 km can be obtained from one-year observations of massive binary black hole inspirals at cosmological distances (3 Gpc), for masses ranging from 10^4 to 10^7 M_sun. For the highest-mass systems (10^7 M_sun), the bound is proportional to (LISA arm length)^{1/2} and to (LISA acceleration noise)^{-1/2}. For the others, the bound is independent of these parameters because of the dominance of white-dwarf confusion noise in the relevant part of the frequency spectrum. These bounds improve and extend earlier work which used analytic formulae for the noise curves.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Classical & Quantum Gravit

    Annual modulation of the Galactic binary confusion noise bakground and LISA data analysis

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    We study the anisotropies of the Galactic confusion noise background and its effects on LISA data analysis. LISA has two data streams of the gravitational waves signals relevant for low frequency regime. Due to the anisotropies of the background, the matrix for their confusion noises has off-diagonal components and depends strongly on the orientation of the detector plane. We find that the sky-averaged confusion noise level S(f)\sqrt {S(f)} could change by a factor of 2 in three months, and would be minimum when the orbital position of LISA is either around the spring or autumn equinox.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    LISA data analysis: The monochromatic binary detection and initial guess problems

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    We consider the detection and initial guess problems for the LISA gravitational wave detector. The detection problem is the problem of how to determine if there is a signal present in instrumental data and how to identify it. Because of the Doppler and plane-precession spreading of the spectral power of the LISA signal, the usual power spectrum approach to detection will have difficulty identifying sources. A better method must be found. The initial guess problem involves how to generate {\it a priori} values for the parameters of a parameter-estimation problem that are close enough to the final values for a linear least-squares estimator to converge to the correct result. A useful approach to simultaneously solving the detection and initial guess problems for LISA is to divide the sky into many pixels and to demodulate the Doppler spreading for each set of pixel coordinates. The demodulated power spectra may then be searched for spectral features. We demonstrate that the procedure works well as a first step in the search for gravitational waves from monochromatic binaries.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Estimating the detectable rate of capture of stellar mass black holes by massive central black holes in normal galaxies

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    The capture and subsequent inspiral of stellar mass black holes on eccentric orbits by central massive black holes, is one of the more interesting likely sources of gravitational radiation detectable by LISA. We estimate the rate of observable events and the associated uncertainties. A moderately favourable mass function could provide many detectable bursts each year, and a detection of at least one burst per year is very likely given our current understanding of the populations in cores of normal spiral galaxies.Comment: 3 pages 2-column revtex Latex macro. No figures. Classical and Quantum Gravity, accepte

    Prospects for gravitational-wave observations of neutron-star tidal disruption in neutron-star/black-hole binaries

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    For an inspiraling neutron-star/black-hole binary (NS/BH), we estimate the gravity-wave frequency f_td at the onset of NS tidal disruption. We model the NS as a tidally distorted, homogeneous, Newtonian ellipsoid on a circular, equatorial geodesic around a Kerr BH. We find that f_td depends strongly on the NS radius R, and estimate that LIGO-II (ca. 2006-2008) might measure R to 15% precision at 140 Mpc (about 1 event/yr under current estimates). This suggests that LIGO-II might extract valuable information about the NS equation of state from tidal-disruption waves.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 2 EPS figures. Revised slightly, corrected typo

    Parity violating spin-two gauge theories

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    Nonlinear covariant parity-violating deformations of free spin-two gauge theory are studied in n>2 spacetime dimensions, using a linearized frame and spin-connection formalism, for a set of massless spin-two fields. It is shown that the only such deformations yielding field equations with a second order quasilinear form are the novel algebra-valued types in n=3 and n=5 dimensions already found in some recent related work concentrating on lowest order deformations. The complete form of the deformation to all orders in n=5 dimensions is worked out here and some features of the resulting new algebra-valued spin-two gauge theory are discussed. In particular, the internal algebra underlying this theory on 5-dimensional Minkowski space is shown to cause the energy for the spin-two fields to be of indefinite sign. Finally, a Kaluza-Klein reduction to n=4 dimensions is derived, giving a parity-violating nonlinear gauge theory of a coupled set of spin-two, spin-one, and spin-zero massless fields.Comment: 17 page
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