491 research outputs found

    Eastern Illinois State College - Fifty Years of Public Service

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    This book is a narrative of the Eastern Illinois State College at Charleston, Illinois. I t does not attempt to interpret Eastern\u27s role in our national educational development. The writer has not used the story of Eastern as a means for expounding educational doctrine, and he hopes that his own pedagogical theories have not intruded themselves in these pages. The book has been written for the former \u27students and teachers of Eastern and for the present and future sons and daughters of the school. Those who come to Eastern in the years ahead may find in these pages some hint of the forces and personalities which have made the school and some understanding of the school\u27s traditions. Eastern is a good school and here, at least in part, is why.https://thekeep.eiu.edu/eiu_history/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Aspetti dell'alimentazione di alcune specie di selaci del Canale di Sicilia

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    I Selaci occupano gli ultimi livelli delle reti trofiche marine: si tratta infatti di carnivori che, spesso, predano risorse utili anche all'uomo. Numerose specie demersali (squali, razze e torpedini) si alimentano, infatti, con organismi di interesse commerciale come Aristeidi, Peneidi, Cefalopodi e Pesci ossei. Le abitudini alimentari dei Selaci demersali del Canale di Sicilia sono quasi completamente sc onosciute; esistono in letteratura i lavori di Capapé relativi alle acque tunisine, che si limitano ad una descrizione puramente qualitativa delle diete ma che hanno tuttavia evidenziato preferenze verso Crostacei Decapodi, Cefalopodi e Teleostei. Lo studio dei contenuti stomacali dei Selaci può fornire dunque elementi utili alla comprensione delle reti trofiche demersali, all'indagine sull'esistenza di competizione tra le diverse specie e allo studio dell'interferenza con prede di valore commerciale

    Clinical outcomes of endurant II stent-graft for infrarenal aortic aneurysm repair: Comparison of on-label versus off-label use

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    PURPOSE We aimed to compare the outcomes of the Endurant II (Medtronic) stent-graft used under instructions for use versus off-label in high-risk patients considered unfit for conventional surgery. METHODS Data from patients treated with the Endurant II stent-graft between December 2012 and March 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. Sixty-four patients were included. Patients were assigned to group A if treated under instructions for use (n=34, 53%) and to group B if treated off-label (n=30, 47%). Outcome measures included perioperative mortality and morbidity, survival, freedom from reintervention, endoleak incidence, in-hospital length of stay, and mean stent-graft component used. Mean follow-up was 22.61±12 months (median, 21.06 months; range, 0–43 months). RESULTS One perioperative mortality (1.6%) and one perioperative complication (1.6%) occurred in group B. At two months follow-up, one iliac limb occlusion (1.6%) occurred in group A. No type I/III endoleaks were recorded. A type II endoleak was identified in three cases (4.7%). Overall survival at three years was 89% (97% for group A, 82% for group B; P = 0.428). Reintervention-free survival at three years was 97% for both groups (P = 0.991). A longer in-hospital stay was observed in group B (P = 0.012). CONCLUSION The Endurant II (Medtronic) new generation device was safe in off-label setting at mid-term follow-up. The off-label use of the Endurant II (Medtronic) is justified in patients considered unfit for conventional surgery. Larger studies are required in this subgroup of patients

    Can the plasma PD-1 levels predict the presence and efficiency of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in patients with metastatic melanoma?

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    Background: The immune response in melanoma patients is locally affected by presence of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), generally divided into brisk, nonbrisk, and absent. Several studies have shown that a greater presence of TILs, especially brisk, in primary melanoma is associated with a better prognosis and higher survival rate. Patients and Methods: We investigated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) the correlation between PD-1 levels in plasma and the presence/absence of TILs in 28 patients with metastatic melanoma. Results: Low plasma PD-1 levels were correlated with brisk TILs in primary melanoma, whereas intermediate values correlated with the nonbrisk TILs, and high PD-1 levels with absent TILs. Although the low number of samples did not allow us to obtain a statistically significant correlation between the plasma PD-1 levels and the patients' overall survival depending on the absence/presence of TILs, the median survival of patients having brisk type TILs was 5 months higher than that of patients with absent and nonbrisk TILs. Conclusions: This work highlights the ability of measuring the plasma PD-1 levels in order to predict the prognosis of patients with untreated metastatic melanoma without a BRAF mutation at the time of diagnosis

    Structural characterization of carboxyatractyloside and acaricidal activity of natural ent-kaurene diterpenoids isolated from Chamaeleon gummifer against Tetranychus urticae

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    Plant-borne secondary metabolites are attracting high interest for their potential use in agricultural applications, with special reference to the control of arthropod pests. In the present work, the structural elucidation of glycosylated diterpenoid carboxyatractyloside (2) isolated from the roots of Chamaeleon gummifer Cass. (Asteraceae) is reported by means of spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques. Complete identification occurred thanks to one- and two-dimensional NMR experiments, assigning the single protons and carbons, and the stereochemistry by the NOESY correlations. Carboxyatractyloside (2), together with two ent-kaurenes atractyloside (1) and atractyligenin (3), extracted from the roots of C. gummifer, have been tested for their acaricidal and oviposition inhibition activity against the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) Notably, compounds 1–3 were toxic to T. urticae, leading to significant mortality, oviposition inhibition, reduced hatchability of eggs, and natality inhibition. However, at the lowest dose (12.5 μg cm− 2) compound 2 was the most effective, leading to mortality > 60% after 5 days exposure, inhibiting oviposition by > 70% and egg hatching by 33%; it also reduced natality by 80%. Overall, these compounds represent valuable candidates to develop novel acaricides for crop protection. Further research on how to develop stable formulations for field use, as well as on non-target effects of these compounds on pollinators and mite biocontrol agents, is ongoing

    Beyond evidence-based data: Scientific rationale and tumor behavior to drive sequential and personalized therapeutic strategies for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma

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    The recent advances in identification of the molecular mechanisms related to tumorigenesis and angiogenesis, along with the understanding of molecular alterations involved in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) pathogenesis, has allowed the development of several new drugs which have revolutionized the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC). This process has resulted in clinically significant improvements in median overall survival and an increasing number of patients undergoes two or even three lines of therapy. Therefore, it is necessary a long-term perspective of the treatment: Planning a sequential and personalized therapeutic strategy to improve clinical outcome, the potential to achieve long-term response, and to preserve quality of life (QOL), minimizing treatment-related toxicity and transforming mRCC into a chronically treatable condition. Because of the challenges still encountered to draw an optimal therapeutic sequence, the main focus of this article will be to propose the optimal sequencing of existing, approved, oral targeted agents for the treatment of mRCC using evidencebased data along with the knowledge available on the tumor behavior and mechanisms of resistance to anti-angiogenic treatment to provide complementary information and to help the clinicians to maximize the effectiveness of targeted agents in the treatment of mRCC

    Adhesive root hairs facilitate Posidonia oceanica seedling settlement on rocky substrates

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    Posidonia oceanica, the dominant Mediterranean seagrass, has been historically described as a species typically growing on mobile substrates whose development requires precursor communities. During more than 10 years of direct observations, we noticed that P. oceanica seedlings were often firmly anchored to rocky reefs, even at exposed sites. Thus, we analysed the ultrastructural features of seedling root systems to identify specific traits that may represent adaptations for early seedling anchorage on rocky bottoms. Subapical sections of adventitious roots were obtained from 2-3 months old specimens collected in the field and were observed at SEM revealing an extensive coverage of adhesive root hairs with a maximum length of 2400 μm. Hairs were provided with an enlarged tips with a maximum width of 78.3 μm, which extended the contact area between the hair tip and the substrate. To test whether adhesive root hairs may facilitate P. oceanica seedlings establishment on rocky substrates, a manipulative experiment was performed. 360 seedlings were reared for 5 months in a land-based culture facility under simulated natural hydrodynamic conditions to identify suitable substrates for early seedling anchorage. Two main substrate features were investigated: firmness (i.e., sand vs. rock) and complexity (i.e., size of interstitial spaces between rocks). Anchorage was strongly influenced by substrate firmness and occurred only on rocks through adhesion by sticky root hairs. Percentage of anchored seedlings on rocks was as high as 89%. The minimum force required to dislodge plantlets attached to rocky substrates reached 23.8 N, which would potentially allow many plantlets to overcome winter storms in the field. The ability of rocky substrates to retain seedlings increased with their complexity. The interstitial spaces between rocks provided appropriate microsites for seedling settlement, as seeds were successfully retained and a suitable substrate for anchorage was available. Adhesive root hairs allowed fast and strong seedling anchorage to consolidated substrates when the root system was not yet developed. This mechanism could favour plant recruitment on rocky substrates with respect to mobile ones, in contrast with traditional paradigms. Such an adaptation leads to hypothesize a new microsite driven bottleneck in P. oceanica seedling survival linked to substrate features

    Beyond evidence-based data: Scientific rationale and tumor behavior to drive sequential and personalized therapeutic strategies for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma

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    none8noThe recent advances in identification of the molecular mechanisms related to tumorigenesis and angiogenesis, along with the understanding of molecular alterations involved in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) pathogenesis, has allowed the development of several new drugs which have revolutionized the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC). This process has resulted in clinically significant improvements in median overall survival and an increasing number of patients undergoes two or even three lines of therapy. Therefore, it is necessary a long-term perspective of the treatment: Planning a sequential and personalized therapeutic strategy to improve clinical outcome, the potential to achieve long-term response, and to preserve quality of life (QOL), minimizing treatment-related toxicity and transforming mRCC into a chronically treatable condition. Because of the challenges still encountered to draw an optimal therapeutic sequence, the main focus of this article will be to propose the optimal sequencing of existing, approved, oral targeted agents for the treatment of mRCC using evidencebased data along with the knowledge available on the tumor behavior and mechanisms of resistance to anti-angiogenic treatment to provide complementary information and to help the clinicians to maximize the effectiveness of targeted agents in the treatment of mRCC.openIncorvaia L.; Bronte G.; Bazan V.; Badalamenti G.; Rizzo S.; Pantuso G.; Natoli C.; Russo A.Incorvaia, L.; Bronte, G.; Bazan, V.; Badalamenti, G.; Rizzo, S.; Pantuso, G.; Natoli, C.; Russo, A

    Everolimus as first line therapy for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours: current knowledge and future perspectives

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    urpose Everolimus has been shown to be effective for advanced pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (pNETs), but its positioning in the therapeutic algorithm for pNETs is matter of debate. Methods With the aim to shed light on this point, we performed an up-to-date critical review taking into account the results of both retrospective and prospective published studies, and the recommendations of international guidelines. In addition, we performed an extensive search on the Clinical Trial Registries databases worldwide, to gather information on the ongoing clinical trials related to this specific topic. Results We identified eight retrospective published studies, two prospective published studies, and five registered clinical trials. Moreover, we analyzed the content of four wide-spread international guidelines. Conclusions Our critical review confirms the lack of high-quality data to recommend everolimus as the first line therapy for pNETs. The ongoing clinical trials reported in this review will hopefully help clinicians, in the near future, to better evaluate the role of everolimus as the first line therapy for pNETs. However, at the moment, there is already enough evidence to recommend everolimus as the first line therapy for patients with symptomatic malignant unresectable insulin-secreting pNETs, to control the endocrine syndrome regardless of tumour growth

    The alien vascular flora of the Pantelleria Island National Park (Sicily Channel, Italy): new insights into the distribution of some potentially invasive species

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    Pantelleria is a volcanic island located in the Sicily Channel (Italy), between Sicily and Tunisia. The island, designated a National Park in 2016, hosts an interesting vascular flora of over 600 species including 9 narrow endemics. The island’s incredible biodiversity is, however, at risk due to anthropogenic influences, climate change, and, recently, the presence and spread of alien plant species. The Pantelleria alien flora has never been thoroughly investigated, probably because many non-native species were not yet present or so widespread on the island. Now, however, with the increased general awareness of the risks associated with invasive alien species, documentation of the presence of non-native species has been steadily increasing. In this study, field and literature research was carried out to investigate the alien flora of the island. Here, we report the status of a number of non-native plants with known invasive potential. Cenchrus setaceus (=Pennisetum setaceum) is reported for the first time as naturalized in the island with clear invasive behaviour, while, particularly remarkable for their invasive potential are other studied plants such as: Acacia saligna, Ailanthus altissima, Boheravia coccinea, Carpobrotus edulis, Leucaena leucocephala subsp. glabrata, Malephora crocea, Melia azedarach, Nicotiana glauca, Opuntia ficus-indica, Parkinsonia aculeata, Washingtonia robusta and a few others less important at the moment, but to be monitored. Although most taxa showed a relatively limited distribution, the trend is to observe an increased invasiveness, which indicates that they can potentially become invasive in Pantelleria as well in the next years or decades. Their limited current distribution suggests that these species are in the early stages of the general invasion curve, when intervention is feasible and most likely to succeed. Therefore, it is most prudent to prioritize management for as many potentially problematic nonnatives as possible, which will contribute greatly to the conservation of native species and ecosystems of Pantelleria. Prevention and management of invasive non-native species—both future arrivals and those already present—are necessary to preserve the peculiar volcanic landscape of Pantelleria, which was shaped by man over the last millennia
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