15 research outputs found

    ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH Influence of Resident Salmonella on Contamination of Broiler Flocks

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    ABSTRACT An epidemiological survey was made of 5329 samples from 10 poultry operations to determine the relationship between total poultry farm environment and incidences of Salmonella contamination of broiler flocks. Samples were analyzed from walls, drinkers, feeders, litter, insects, water, chicks, broilers, and feed to determine the effect of common sanitary practices on Salmonella contamination of flocks

    Experimental infection with Mycoplama galliseptioum in chikens, turkeys, laying hens and chick embryos

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    Le pouvoir pathogène de la souche Mycoplasma gallisepticum R est exacerbé par 10 passages successifs sur poulets exempts d’organismes patho gènes spécifiés (EOPS). La souche réisolée MGR P10 est inoculée à des pou lets et des dindonneaux EOPS, des poules pondeuses conventionnelles et des embryons de poule de 19 jours d’incubation. Les symptômes et lésions observés chez ces hôtes révèlent le tropisme respiratoire et le fort pouvoir pathogène de la souche MGR P10. Un léger décrochement de la courbe de ponte est enregistré chez les poules pondeuses et une mortalité impor tante et rapide est observée après inoculation à l’embryon de 19 jours. Le pouvoir de diffusion de la souche est également mis en évidence.The Mycoplasma gallisepticum R strain is serially passaged ten times through specific pathogen free (SPF) chickens in order to exacerbate its potential pathogenicity. The recovered MGR P10 strain is inoculated in SPF chickens and turkeys, commercial laying fowl and nineteen-day-old chick embryos. The inoculation induces general and respiratory symptoms in the different hosts. Mortality occurs in the chicks hatched from inoculated embryos. A drop in egg production is observed in the laying hens. The strain is also shown to be able to spread from bird to bird

    Characterization of a new coronavirus strain of poultry infections bronchitis

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    Un coronavirus a été isolé chez des poules pondeuses présentant des signes cliniques sévères évoquant la bronchite infectieuse aviaire, maladie contre laquelle, elles avaient été immunisées avec un vaccin préparé à partir du sérotype dominant Massachusetts ; ce virus présente des dif férences antigéniques avec les sérotypes Massachusetts et Connecticut ainsi qu’avec les quatre sérotypes « variants » isolés par l’Institut de Doom aux Pays-Bas. La maladie a été reproduite chez le poulet et la poule : les symptômes respiratoires ont été sévères dans les deux cas et la chute de ponte a été intense et persistante chez les pondeuses. Le fait de développer une prophylaxie médicale adaptée est discuté.A coronavirus was isolated in an infectious bronchitis (IB) vaccinated (Massachusetts strain) layers flock showing severe IB-like clinical signs. The isolate is antigenically different from the Massachusetts and the Connecticut serotypes and from the four « variant » serotypes isolated by the Doom Institute in Holland. The disease was reproduced in chickens and layers. Respiratory signs were severe in both groups. In layers, egg drop was intense and long-lasting. The eventual need for a suitable medical prophylaxy is discussed

    Efficacy of live B1 or Ulster 2C Newcastle disease vaccines simultaneously vaccinated with inactivated oil adjuvant vaccine for protection of Newcastle disease virus in broiler chickens

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    Two hundred, one-day-old broiler chicks were divided into groups 1, 2 and 3 containing 60, 70 and 70 chicks, respectively. The groups were divided into subgroups of 10 chicks that were vaccinated according to the following scheme: group 1 unvaccinated control, group 2 vaccinated subcutaneously at 1 day old with inactivated oil adjuvant vaccine (IOAV) in combination with live B1 vaccine. Group 3 was vaccinated in the same mode as group 2 with IOAV and live Ulster 2C vaccine. All birds were challenged when they were 28 days old. Mortality rate, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were monitored before and after challenge. All the chickens in group 1 died, indicating that there was no disease resistance of this unvaccinated control group of chickens. Conversely, the monitored disease resistance of chickens in groups 2 and 3 was 68.57% ± 18.64 and 88.57% ± 9.00, respectively (P < 0.05). The morbidity of chickens in groups 2 and 3 was 37.89% ± 14.36 and 14.76% ± 12.40, respectively (P < 0.05). The body weight gain, feed intake and FCR of group 3 were significantly better than those of group 2 (P < 0.05) during 1–42 days old. The simultaneous vaccination with B1 or Ulster 2C and IOAV of 1-day-old chicks gave some protection of 28-day-old broilers without a booster vaccination

    Application of the Elisa test to serum antibodies research in avian infections bronchitis, after vaccination and challenge

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    Un test Elisa a été mis au point pour détecter les anticorps de la Bron chite Infectieuse dans les sérums de poule. Ce test fait appel à la phos phatase alcaline comme enzyme. L'utilisation de ce test à une plus large échelle, en comparaison avec les techniques sérologiques préexistantes, fait l’objet de la discussion.An enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) is described to detect antibodies to avian infections bronchitis virus in chicken sera Alkaline phosphatase is employed as the enzyme. Using this test to a greater scale comparatively with other current serologic technics is discussed