36 research outputs found

    Strategie temporanee post-disastro nei territori fragili italiani

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    La sessione speciale si inscrive nell'ambito delle iniziative proposte dalla rete di giovani ricercatori "TEMP Una rete interdisciplinare e interuniversitaria che si propone di indagare, mediante un confronto ampio e molteplice, il tema della temporaneità post-emergenza nel territori fragili italiani nella sua complessità e multidimensionalità. Dunque, specifica attenzione è rivolta al contesto italiano e tra le varie emergenze che connotano questi territori, si fa riferimento alle conseguenze determinate dal frequenti fenomeni sismici, eventi che hanno la forza di sovvertire dinamiche spaziali e territoriali consolidate. L'immediata risposta emergenziale allevento apre ad un intervallo temporale che concentra forze pubbliche, economiche e socio- culturali responsabili di nuove gerarchie di necessità, nuovi assetti territoriali e geografie instabili In questo contesto, il consolidato approccio settoriale all'emergenza -prima emergenza, secondo emergenza e ricostruzione-si dimostra sempre più inadatto a fronteggiare la complessità dell'attuale policrisi che vede inedite e molteplici interrelazioni e concatenazioni tra differenti rischi, catastrofi ed emergenze. Ciò richiede continue azioni elastiche e preventive di pianificazione strategica che possano guidare la trasformazione nel lungo periodo

    Lower-limb amputees can reduce the energy cost of walking when assisted by an Active Pelvis Orthosis

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    Exoskeletons could compete with active prostheses as effective aids to reduce the increased metabolic demands faced by lower-limb amputees during locomotion. However, little evidence of their efficacy with amputees has been provided so far. In this paper, a portable hip exoskeleton has been tested with seven healthy subjects and two transfemoral amputees, with the final goal to verify whether a hip flexion-extension assistance could be effective in reducing the metabolic cost of walking. The metabolic power of the participants was estimated through indirect calorimetry during alternated repetitions of three treadmill-based walking conditions: without the exoskeleton (NoExo), with the exoskeleton in zero-torque mode (ExoTM) and with the exoskeleton providing hip flexion-extension assistance (ExoAM). The results showed that the exoskeleton reduced the net metabolic power of the two amputees in ExoAM with respect to NoExo, by 5.0% and 3.4%. With healthy subjects, a 5.5±3.1% average reduction in the metabolic power was observed during ExoAM compared to ExoTM (differences were not statistically significant), whereas ExoAM required 3.9±3.0% higher metabolic power than NoExo (differences were not statistically significant). These results provide initial evidence of the potential of exoskeletal technologies for assisting lower-limb amputees, thereby paving the way for further experimentations

    Robot-mediated overground gait training for transfemoral amputees with a powered bilateral hip orthosis: a pilot study

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    Background: Transfemoral amputation is a serious intervention that alters the locomotion pattern, leading to secondary disorders and reduced quality of life. The outcomes of current gait rehabilitation for TFAs seem to be highly dependent on factors such as the duration and intensity of the treatment and the age or etiology of the patient. Although the use of robotic assistance for prosthetic gait rehabilitation has been limited, robotic technologies have demonstrated positive rehabilitative effects for other mobility disorders and may thus offer a promising solution for the restoration of healthy gait in TFAs. This study therefore explored the feasibility of using a bilateral powered hip orthosis (APO) to train the gait of community-ambulating TFAs and the effects on their walking abilities. Methods: Seven participants (46–71 years old with different mobility levels) were included in the study and assigned to one of two groups (namely Symmetry and Speed groups) according to their prosthesis type, mobility level, and prior experience with the exoskeleton. Each participant engaged in a maximum of 12 sessions, divided into one Enrollment session, one Tuning session, two Assessment sessions (conducted before and after the training program), and eight Training sessions, each consisting of 20 minutes of robotically assisted overground walking combined with additional tasks. The two groups were assisted by different torque-phase profiles, aiming at improving symmetry for the Symmetry group and at maximizing the net power transferred by the APO for the Speed group. During the Assessment sessions, participants performed two 6-min walking tests (6mWTs), one with (Exo) and one without (NoExo) the exoskeleton, at either maximal (Symmetry group) or self-selected (Speed group) speed. Spatio-temporal gait parameters were recorded by commercial measurement equipment as well as by the APO sensors, and metabolic efficiency was estimated via the Cost of Transport (CoT). Additionally, kinetic and kinematic data were recorded before and after treatment in the NoExo condition. Results: The one-month training protocol was found to be a feasible strategy to train TFAs, as all participants smoothly completed the clinical protocol with no relevant mechanical failures of the APO. The walking performance of participants improved after the training. During the 6mWT in NoExo, participants in the Symmetry and Speed groups respectively walked 17.4% and 11.7% farther and increased walking speed by 13.7% and 17.9%, with improved temporal and spatial symmetry for the former group and decreased energetic expenditure for the latter. Gait analysis showed that ankle power, step width, and hip kinematics were modified towards healthy reference levels in both groups. In the Exo condition metabolic efficiency was reduced by 3% for the Symmetry group and more than 20% for the Speed group. Conclusions: This study presents the first pilot study to apply a wearable robotic orthosis (APO) to assist TFAs in an overground gait rehabilitation program. The proposed APO-assisted training program was demonstrated as a feasible strategy to train TFAs in a rehabilitation setting. Subjects improved their walking abilities, although further studies are required to evaluate the effectiveness of the APO compared to other gait interventions. Future protocols will include a lighter version of the APO along with optimized assistive strategies


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    Reproducibility of the aqueductal CSF signal intensity on a gradient echo cine-MR sequence exploiting through plane inflow enhancement was tested in 11 patients with normal or dilated ventricles. Seven patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) syndrome were investigated with the sequence before and after CSF shunting. Two patients exhibiting central flow void within a hyperintense aqueductal CSF improved after surgery and the flow void disappeared after shunting. One patient with increased maximum and minimum aqueductal CSF signal as compared to 18 healthy controls also improved and the aqueductal CSF signal was considerably decreased after shunting. Three patients with aqueductal CSF values similar to those in the controls did not improve, notwithstanding their maximum aqueductal CSF signals decreasing slightly after shunting. No appreciable aqueductal CSF flow related enhancement consistent with non-communicating hydrocephalus was found in the last NPH patient who improved after surgery. Cine-MR with inflow technique yields a reproducible evaluation of flow-related aqueductal CSF signal changes which might help in identifying shunt responsive NPH patients. These are likely to be those with hyperdynamic aqueductal CSF or aqueductal obstruction

    BAEP and autopsy findings in Wallenberg syndrome

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    BAEPs were recorded in a 70-year-old man who had developed symptoms indicative of Wallenberg syndrome. He died, of extracerebral causes, shortly after hospitalization and an autopsy study was done on the brainstem lesions. Right ear stimulation disclosed BAEP abnormalities, but gave no indication of the level of the ischemic disorder. Histopathological examination showed a typical right dorsolateral medullary infarct. A detailed study of the acoustic pathways demonstrated their anatomical integrity. These findings confirm the uncertainty that still exists as to the exact location and type of generators of BAEP components. They suggest, moreover, that BAEPs can give objective evidence of functional impairment of brainstem acoustic structures even in the absence of persistent anatomical damage