1,417 research outputs found


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    Pengarusutamaan gender memberikan hak pada perempuan untuk memiliki kesetaraan dan tidak lagi dalam situasi ketidakadilan, salah satunya peran dan partisispasi dalam program pemberdayaan sebagai upaya mencapai kesetaraan, kesederajatan dan keadilan dalam kehidupan rumah tangga. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan karakteristik perempuan, peran perempuan dalam keluarga dan dalam program pemberdayaan perempuan terhadap kontribusi pemenuhan kebutuhan rumah tangga. Menggunakan data kuantitatif yang didukung dengan data kualitatif dengan melakukan survey dengan membagikan kuesioner terhadap perempuan kepala keluarga dari tiga kecamatan di kota Palopo yang melibatkan 50 responden. Data kuantitatif diolah dengan SPSS for windows. Uji regresi ditujukan untuk melihat dampak dari peran perempuan yang terlibat pada program pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam berkontribusi pada sumbangan ekonomi keluarga. Hasil penelitian ini, menunjukan tidak terdapat pengaruh nyata dilihat dari karakteristik responden yang terlibat pada program pemberdayaan perempuan kepala keluarga. Data kualitatif mengkonfirmasi meskipun tidak secara langsung, program pemberdayaan perempuan kepala keluarga berhasil memberikan kesempatan pada perempuan untuk memperoleh penghasilan tambahan bagi keluarga. Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan perempuan, perempuan kepala keluarga, pengarusutamaan gender, Program pemberdayaa

    How bees and foams respond to curved confinement:Level set boundary representations in the Surface Evolver

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    We investigate the equilibrium properties of a single area-minimising bubble trapped between two narrowly-separated parallel curved plates. We begin with the simple case of a bubble trapped between concentric spherical plates. We develop a model that shows that the surface tension energy of the bubble is lower when confined between spherical plates as compared to a bubble trapped between flat plates. We confirm our findings by comparing against Surface Evolver simulations. Next, we derive a simple model for a bubble between arbitrarily curved parallel plates. The energy is found to be higher when the local Gaussian curvature of the plates is negative and lower when the curvature is positive. To check the validity of the model we consider a bubble trapped between concentric tori. In the toroidal case we find that the sensitivity of the bubble's energy to the local curvature acts as a geometric potential capable of driving bubbles from regions with negative to positive curvature

    Curvature driven motion of a bubble in a toroidal Hele-Shaw cell

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    We investigate the equilibrium properties of a single area-minimizing bubble trapped between two narrowly separated parallel curved plates. We begin with the case of a bubble trapped between concentric spherical plates. We develop a model which shows that the surface energy of the bubble is lower when confined between spherical plates than between flat plates. We confirm our findings by comparing against Surface Evolver simulations. We then derive a simple model for a bubble between arbitrarily curved parallel plates. The energy is found to be higher when the local Gaussian curvature of the plates is negative and lower when the curvature is positive. To check the validity of the model, we consider a bubble trapped between concentric tori. In the toroidal case, we find that the sensitivity of the bubble’s energy to the local curvature acts as a geometric potential capable of driving bubbles from regions with negative to positive curvature

    Epidemiological features of aplastic anaemia in Pakistan

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    Objective: To complete the data on the demographic features of patients diagnosed to have aplastic anemia at a single institution over a 7.5 years period. Methods: Demographic information was retrieved from the patients medical records retrospectively as well as prospectively of those patients who presented with features of aplastic anaemia. Their diagnosis was confirmed by performing a complete blood count and bone marrow trephine. Results: One hundred and forty four patients were diagnosed to have aplastic anemia; there were 106 males and 38 females. Their ages ranged from 2 to 75 years, with a median of 17 years, 112 (77.7%) patients were below the age of 30 years. Severe aplastic anemia (SAA) was seen in 74 (51.4%), very severe (VSAA) in 24 (16.7%) and non-severe aplastic anemia (NSAA) in 46(31.9%) patients. No obvious cause could be established for 74.3%. Thirteen patients admitted using drugs known to cause AA and one was a radiographer (9%). Out of 44 patients tested, 7 (15.9%) were found to have either hepatitis B virus markers or antibody to hepatitis C at the time of diagnosis of AA. However it was difficult to establish a cause and effect relationship with either drugs or viruses. Conclusion: Aplastic anaemia is found to occur mostly severe aplastic anaemia (JPMA 51:443,2001)

    A note on q-rings

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    Cyclosporin induced fatal rhabdomyolysis in a young patient with acquired aplastic anemia: a case report

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    Cyclosporin is used as an immunosuppressive agent in the management of a variety of autoimmune disorders1 and in patients of organ transplant to suppress host immunity and prevent rejection.2 It is now well established that acquired aplastic anemia is secondary to immune mediated destruction of stem cells in the bone marrow3 and hence Cyclosporin is used as a first line immunosuppressive drug alone or in combination with anti lymphocyte globulin in the management of aplastic anemia.1 Rhabdomyolysis is a rare side effect of Cyclosporin.4 Here we describe a case of fatal rhabdomyolysis in a young patient who received cyclosporin for treatment of aplastic anemia

    Prevalence of hepatitis C virus in lymphoproliferative disorders

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    Objective: To study the prevalence of hepatitis C virus in lymphoproliferative disorders. Methods: A case control prospective study was performed on 143 patients with lymphoproliferative disorders and 29 patients with non-hematological malignancies were taken as controls. All the patients in both groups were analyzed for various risk factors for infection with hepatitis C virus and were tested for the presence of hepatitis C virus antibody (anti HCV), cryoglobulins and rheumatoid factor antibody. Hepatitis C viremia was documented by detection of HCV RNA by polymerase chain reaction. Results: There was no significant difference for risk factors for hepatitis C virus infection in both the groups except for the increase in number of surgical procedures being carried out in the control group. There was no significant difference in the presence of rheumatoid factor antibody in both the groups and cryoglobulins were not positive in any individual. Five percent patients with lymphoproliferative disorders and 3.4% with non-hematological malignancies were positive for anti HCV. HCV RNA was detected in 29.2% cases and 31.0% in controls. Conclusion: There was no association between hepatitis C virus infection and lymphoproliferative disorder in our population. However, further studies are required from this region to establish any causal relationship between hepatitis C virus infection and lymphoproliferative disorde

    Impaired splenic function in systemic amyloidosis: diagnostic importance of peripheral blood film

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    We describe case of a 40 year old male, who went on to developed systemic amyloidosis 3 years after the diagnosis of chronic renal failure. The diagnosis of systemic amyloidosis was suspected upon a routine examination of periheral blood film showing features of hyposlenism. We would like to highlight the importance of examination of pheripheral blood film in patients with renal failure for the diagnosis of extensive systemic amyloidosis which occasionally leads to functional hyposplenism, recognized by the presence of abnormal red cell morphology and reduced splenic uptake on isotope scan1

    About fuzzy fixed point theorem in the generalized fuzzy fractal space.

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    The Banach fixed point theorem has applications in several branches of science. Many authors prove this theorem in different types of fuzzy metric spaces and fuzzy fractal spaces. The aim of this paper is to prove the Banach fixed point theorem in a new generalized space called multi fuzzy fractal space