58 research outputs found

    Effect of crystalline and amorphic phenol on characteristics of peptidases and glycosidases in chironomid larvae

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    The effects of crystalline and amorphous phenol (0.5 mmol/L) on the characteristics of glycosidases, as well as casein-lytic and hemoglobin-lytic peptidases, which function in the whole body of chironomid larvae Chironomus sp. were studied. Crystalline phenol decreased the activity of glycosidases in comparison to the control in the temperature range 0–50 ºС, amorphous phenol – in the temperature range 0–70 ºС. The temperature optimum of glycosidases in whole body of chironomid larvae in control and experiment corresponds to 50 ºС. The activity of glycosidases in comparison to the control decreased in the pH range 5–11 (to a greater extent in the case of the lower fraction). Amorphous phenol increased the activity of casein-lytic peptidases in comparison to the control in the temperature range of 30–50 ºС, hemoglobin-lytic peptidases – in the temperature range of 0–60 ºС. The degree of the increase of enzyme activity in the temperature optimum zone of casein-lytic and hemoglobin-lytic peptidases was different: the level of enzyme activity in the experiment was higher than in the control by 2.3 and 1.8 times, respectively. The temperature optimum of the studied peptidases of chironomid larvae, regardless of the experimental conditions, corresponds to 40 °C. Crystalline phenol did not actually affect the Q10 values of glycosidases in the temperature range 0–50 °C. Amorphous phenol decreased the Q10 values at a temperature of 40–50 °C. The Q10 values of casein-lytic peptidases increased in most cases, the Q10 values of hemoglobin-lytic peptidases decreased in the presence of amorphous phenol. The process of protein hydrolysis was characterized by a break in the Arrhenius plot at 20 °C. The values of Еact in the range 0–20 °С were lower than in the zone of higher temperatures. The Еact values of the process of casein hydrolysis by peptidases of all tissues of chironomid larvae in the presence of amorphous phenol in both temperature zones increased. The Еact values of the process of hemoglobin hydrolysis by peptidases of all tissues of chironomid larvae in the presence of amorphous phenol in both temperature zones decreased. The Еact values of the process of starch hydrolysis in the presence of crystalline phenol decreased. The amorphous phenol changed the Еact values in different directions. They slightly increased in the presence of the phenol upper fraction, but they decreased in the presence of the phenol lower fraction. The data obtained indicate a significant effect of crystalline and amorphous phenol not only on activity, but also on the characteristics of peptidases and glycosidases that function in the whole body of chironomid larvae

    Flimma: a federated and privacy-aware tool for differential gene expression analysis

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    Aggregating transcriptomics data across hospitals can increase sensitivity and robustness of differential expression analyses, yielding deeper clinical insights. As data exchange is often restricted by privacy legislation, meta-analyses are frequently employed to pool local results. However, the accuracy might drop if class labels are inhomogeneously distributed among cohorts. Flimma (https://exbio.wzw.tum.de/flimma/) addresses this issue by implementing the state-of-the-art workflow limma voom in a federated manner, i.e., patient data never leaves its source site. Flimma results are identical to those generated by limma voom on aggregated datasets even in imbalanced scenarios where meta-analysis approaches fail

    Новые виды и наиболее интересные находки для флоры Урала и прилегающих территорий

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    The article provides information about rare and newly described species for the flora of the Urals and adjacent territories, namely: Astragalus saphronovae Kulikov, Atraphaxis decipiens Jaub. et Spach., Carex amgunensis F. Schmidt, Galium densiflorum Ledeb., Jovibarba globifera (L.) J. Parn., Najas minor All., Potamogeton nodosus Poir., Pseudorchis albida (L.) Á. Löve et D. Löve, Salix myrsinites L., Veronica agrestis L. Essays include the information on the species ecology and short taxonomic notes. © 2021 Altai State University. All rights reserved.The work was supported by the state assignments: АААА-А19-119031290052-1 “Sosudistye rasteniia Evrazii: sistematika, flora, rastitelʹnye resursy” [“Vascular plants of Eurasia: systematics, flora, plant resources”], АААА-А18-118011990151-7 “Izucheniye, sokhraneniye i rasshireniye bioraznoobraziya rasteniy v prirode i pri introduktsii na Yuzh nom Urale i Priuralye” [“Study, conservation and expansion of plant biodiversity in nature and during introduction in the Southern Urals and the Cis- and Trans-Urals region”], AAAA-A17-117050400146-5 “Otsenka prostranstvennovremennoy izmenchivosti bioraznoobraziya i usloviy yego formirovaniya na Severe Zapadnoy Sibiri v svyazi s izmeneniyem klimata i osvoyeniyem neftegazovykh resursov” [“Assessment of the spatio-temporal variability of biodiversity and the conditions for its formation in the north of Western Siberia in connection with climate change and the development of oil and gas resources”], and by “Programmoy povysheniya konkurentosposobnosti Uralskogo federalnogo universiteta” [“The program for improving the competitiveness of the Ural Federal University”] (the decree no. 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, contract no. 02.A03.21.0006)

    Начало программы мультиорганного посмертного донорства и трансплантации в Республике Саха (Якутия)

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    The article is devoted to the main aspects of organization of multiorgan donation from donors with brain death in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Transplant services  to the population of this region have been in place since 2001, and until  2016 only kidney transplants or liver fragments from a living related donor have  been performed. The presence of an effective postmortem donation program will  allow to meet the high demand of this region for high-tech assistance by organ transplantation.Статья посвящена основным аспектам организации мультиорганных изъятий у доноров со смертью головного мозга в Республике Саха (Якутия). Трансплантологическая помощь населению данного  региона оказывается с 2001 года, и до 2016 года выполнялись исключительно пересадки почки  или фрагмента печени от живого родственного донора. Наличие эффективной программы  посмертного донорства позволит соответствовать высокой потребности данного региона в  высокотехнологичной помощи методом трансплантации органов

    The impact of investment in the housing on economic growth

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    The urgency of the discussed issue is caused by the need to increase the investment in the real sector of the Russian economy as a factor of economic growth; not completely formed structure of the Russian investment market. The main aim of the study is to justify the importance of increasing the investment in the housing sector as a factor of economic growth, based on economic restructuring. The methods used in the study: analysis and synthesis, system analysis, methods of statistical and economic analysis, investment growth theory, method of mathematical modeling. The results: The problems of real capital investment are discussed. The authors have studied the influence of investment decisions of households, particularly in housing on the growth of the national economy. It was shown that housing, as a part of the primary vital human needs, is a powerful stimulus for the development of the national economy. Conclusions: The increase of investment in housing and social infrastructure sector, associated with it, can become a multiplier of many related industries, regions development and one of the foundations of economic growth

    The impact of investment in the housing on economic growth

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    The urgency of the discussed issue is caused by the need to increase the investment in the real sector of the Russian economy as a factor of economic growth; not completely formed structure of the Russian investment market. The main aim of the study is to justify the importance of increasing the investment in the housing sector as a factor of economic growth, based on economic restructuring. The methods used in the study: analysis and synthesis, system analysis, methods of statistical and economic analysis, investment growth theory, method of mathematical modeling. The results: The problems of real capital investment are discussed. The authors have studied the influence of investment decisions of households, particularly in housing on the growth of the national economy. It was shown that housing, as a part of the primary vital human needs, is a powerful stimulus for the development of the national economy. Conclusions: The increase of investment in housing and social infrastructure sector, associated with it, can become a multiplier of many related industries, regions development and one of the foundations of economic growth