58,406 research outputs found

    Hilbert's 16th Problem for Quadratic Systems. New Methods Based on a Transformation to the Lienard Equation

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    Fractionally-quadratic transformations which reduce any two-dimensional quadratic system to the special Lienard equation are introduced. Existence criteria of cycles are obtained

    Radiation-Induced "Zero-Resistance State" and the Photon Assisted Transport

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    We demonstrate that the radiation induced "zero-resistance state" observed in a two-dimensional electron gas is a result of the non-trivial structure of the density of states of the systems and the photon assisted transport. A toy model of a structureless quantum tunneling junction where the system has oscillatory density of states catches most of the important features of the experiments. We present a generalized Kubo-Greenwood conductivity formula for the photon assisted transport in a general system, and show essentially the same nature of the transport anomaly in a uniform system.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Please send comment to [email protected]. This version added a paragraph to discuss the implication of negative conductanc

    Transition from Quantum to Classical Information in a Superfluid

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    Whereas the entropy of any deterministic classical system described by a principle of least action is zero, one can assign a "quantum information" to quantum mechanical degree of freedom equal to Hausdorff area of the deviation from a classical path. This raises the question whether superfluids carry quantum information. We show that in general the transition from the classical to quantum behavior depends on the probing length scale, and occurs for microscopic length scales, except when the interactions between the particles are very weak. This transition explains why, on macroscopic length scales, physics is described by classical equations.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Vibration Induced Non-adiabatic Geometric Phase and Energy Uncertainty of Fermions in Graphene

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    We investigate geometric phase of fermion states under relative vibrations of two sublattices in graphene by solving time-dependent Sch\"{o}dinger equation using Floquet scheme. In a period of vibration the fermions acquire different geometric phases depending on their momenta. There are two regions in the momentum space: the adiabatic region where the geometric phase can be approximated by the Berry phase and the chaotic region where the geometric phase drastically fluctuates in changing parameters. The energy of fermions due to vibrations shows spikes in the chaotic region. The results suggest a possible dephasing mechanism which may cause classical-like transport properties in graphene.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure
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