53 research outputs found

    Low frequency of germline E-cadherin mutations in familial and nonfamilial gastric cancer

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    Little is known about the relative contributions of genetic and environmental factors to the development of gastric cancer. Mutations in the cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin are recognized to be associated with the development of undifferentiated, diffuse and invasive gastric cancers. A recent study of two gastric cancer families has shown that germline mutations in the E-cadherin gene can be causative (Guilford P et al, Nature 1998; 26: 402–405). We have examined the E-cadherin gene for constitutive mutations in a systematic series of 106 gastric cancer patients, 10 with a family history of the disease and 96 sporadic cases. No pathogenic mutations were observed in any of the 106 patients. The results indicate that germline mutations in E-cadherin will not account for more than 3% of gastric cancers. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Hereditary risk factors for the development of gastric cancer in younger patients

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    BACKGROUND: It is believed that the development of gastric cancer (GC) before the age of 50 has a hereditary basis. Blood group A and history of gastric cancer in first-degree relatives have been shown to be risk factors for GC. METHODS: In this case-control study, we enrolled patients with GC who were diagnosed before the age of 50. Patients who were diagnosed as having GC were selected. A total of 534 cases were found; of these, 44 diagnosed before the age of 50 were included in the case group. For the control group, 22 males and 22 females were randomly selected from the remaining subjects, who had diagnoses of GC after the age of 50. All the surviving patients and family members of the dead patients were interviewed about the history of cancer in the family and the age at which other family members developed cancer. The blood group of each subject was also obtained. RESULTS: forty-four cases under 50 years old (mean age: 36.2 years) and forty-four controls (mean age: 67.1 years) were enrolled in the study. At the time of the study, 59.1% of the study group and 50% of the control group were alive (P value = NS). In the study group, 68.1%, 13.6%, 13.6% and 4.5% had blood groups O, A, B and AB, respectively. In the control group the corresponding figures were 27.7%, 63.6%, 6.8% and 4.5%. First or second-degree relatives with cancer, including gastric (the most frequent), breast, lung, gynecological and hematological malignancies, were noted in 54.5% of the cases and 11.4% of the controls (p < 0.01). Family histories of cancer were accepted as valid provided that they were based on valid medical documents. CONCLUSIONS: It seems that the development of GC before the age of 50 is likely to be accompanied by familial susceptibility. Interestingly, our study showed a significant correlation between blood group O and the development of gastric cancer under the age of 50

    Current account composition and the sustainability of external debt

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    none2noneG. Rossini ; P. ZanghieriG. Rossini ; P. Zanghier

    A simple test of the role of foreign direct investment in the Feldstein- Horioka puzzle

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    The purpose of this article is to test the dependency of domestic investment on domestic saving in the Feldstein-Horioka spirit. Its innovation is to use a definition of investment that does not include foreign direct investment. It does so since FDI should not be considered in the intertemporal budget constraint of a recipient country and therefore should not be related to domestic saving in a meaningful way. Once it adopts, as the dependent variable, pure domestic investment the result is a weakened relationship between internal saving and investment.

    X - Workshop - Tecnologie per la Musica - Audio Digitale e Musica Elettronica

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    Nel mondo delle arti, la musica è tra quelle che più intimamente si confronta con i mezzi che la scienza e la tecnica mettono a disposizione. Oggi i musicisti possono avvalersi di strumenti rivoluzionari per la creazione di forme sonore inedite e lo sviluppo di linguaggi o di prassi esecutive originali - strumenti che consentono un profondo rinnovamento in campo estetico musicale. D’altro canto, l’impatto delle odierne tecnologie sulla fruizione musicale è paragonabile a quella che la stampa ha avuto sull’opera letteraria. Le tecniche di registrazione hanno abbattuto le frontiere del tempo e le telecomunicazioni hanno annullato quelle delle distanze, mentre le tecnologie d’amplificazione e restituzione del suono hanno mutato profondamente la stessa consistenza spaziale dell’ascolto musicale. La rivoluzione digitale poi disegna nuovissimi orizzonti da esplorare. Mediante la scomposizione in simboli logico-matematici essa apre infatti le porte ad una interazione intima con il segnale musicale. Questa scomposizione configura inedite possibilità di analisi e sintesi, che non riguardano semplicemente gli atomi sonori, ma che si estendono in certo modo sia alla fenomenologia della percezione sia ai contenuti stessi della musica, ovvero ai tessuti formali di cui il segnale è materia. Applicazioni come la compressione dei segnali, il restauro delle registrazioni, la spazializzazione del suono, l’archiviazione e la ricerca automatica dei brani in base ai contenuti, sono alcuni esempi tecnici concreti. In un contesto come questo, profondamente innestato nel mondo dell’ICT, le tecnologie propongono alla musica nuove prospettive, d’ordine culturale, sociale ed economico. Sono previsti interventi che toccano aspetti innovativi e tradizionali delle tecnologie per la musica. All'edizione 2011 interverranno esperti del mondo accademico, artistico e industriale tra i quali: Giovanni Costantini, Massimiliano Todisco, Octavio Floreal – Università di Roma Tor Vergata – “Interazione fra arti e tecnologie: Variazioni cronotopico-musicali da - ll nuovo mondo (*)”. Stefano Daino – DSP-Quattro, Roma – “Analisi delle tecnologie per lo sviluppo di applicativi e plug-in Digital Audio sulle piattaforme Apple MacOS X”. Angelo Farina, Leonardo Scopece – Università di Parma; Rai Centro Ricerche e Innovazione Tecnologica, Torino, – “Nuovo sistema di ripresa e riproduzione in multicanale: 3D VMS (3D Virtual Microphone System)”. Marco Moschetti Korg – Italy, “Sintesi wavetable su architetture embedded: streaming delle forme d'onda da memoria flash”. Giorgio Nottoli – Conservatorio Santa Cecilia di Roma – “Localizzazione delle elaborazioni del suono nello spazio acustico, una polifonia di specchi: studio di alcune composizioni per strumento e live electronics”. Claudio Pinchi – Costruttore organi, Roma – “La costruzione oggi della più complessa macchina da musica di ieri: l'organo”. Piero Schiavoni – Conservatorio Santa Cecilia di Roma – “Un approccio pratico per la transcodifica Ambisonic nei sistemi di amplificazione” Giovanni Stochino – superLinear, Roma – “Amplificatori Audio di Potenza a Bassissima Distorsione”. Alessandro Travaglini – Fox International Channels Italy – “Sound Design nella comunicazione audiovisiva”
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