1,508 research outputs found

    CytoPred: a server for prediction and classification of cytokines

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    Cytokines are messengers of immune system. They are small secreted proteins that mediate and regulate the immune system, inflammation and hematopoiesis. Recent studies have revealed important roles played by the cytokines in adjuvants as therapeutic targets and in cancer therapy. In this paper, an attempt has been made to predict this important class of proteins and classify further them into families and subfamilies. A PSI-BLAST+Support Vector Machine-based hybrid approach is adopted to develop the prediction methods. CytoPred is capable of predicting cytokines with an accuracy of 98.29%. The overall accuracy of classification of cytokines into four families and further classification into seven subfamilies is 99.77 and 97.24%, respectively. It has been shown by comparison that CytoPred performs better than the already existing CTKPred. A user-friendly server CytoPred has been developed and available at http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/cytopred

    Prediction and classification of chemokines and their receptors

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    Chemokines are low molecular mass cytokine-like proteins that orchestrate myriads of immune functions like leukocyte trafficking, T cell differentiation, angiogenesis, hematopeosis and mast cell degranulation. Chemokines also play a role as HIV-1 inhibitor and act as potent natural adjuvant in antitumor immunotherapy. Receptors for these molecules are all seven-pass transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptors that are intimately involved with chemokines in a wide array of physiological and pathological conditions. These receptors also have a major role as co-receptors for HIV-1 entry into target cells. Therefore, chemokine receptors have proven to be excellent targets for small molecule in pharmaceutical industry. The immense importance of chemokines and their receptors motivated us to develop a support vector machine-based method ChemoPred to predict this important class of proteins and further classify them into subfamilies. ChemoPred is capable of predicting chemokines and chemokine receptors with an accuracy of 95.08% and 92.19%, respectively. The overall accuracy of classification of chemokines into three subfamilies was 96.00% and that of chemokine receptors into three families was 92.87%. The server ChemoPred is freely available at www.imtech.res.in/raghava/chemopred

    Pair Correlation Functions and a Free-Energy Functional for the Nematic Phase

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    In this paper we have presented the calculation of pair correlation functions in a nematic phase for a model of spherical particles with the long-range anisotropic interaction from the mean spherical approximation(MSA) and the Percus-Yevick (PY) integral equation theories. The results found from the MSA theory have been compared with those found analytically by Holovko and Sokolovska (J. Mol. Liq. 82\bf 82, 161(1999)). A free energy functional which involves both the symmetry conserving and symmetry broken parts of the direct pair correlation function has been used to study the properties of the nematic phase. We have also examined the possibility of constructing a free energy functional with the direct pair correlation function which includes only the principal order parameter of the ordered phase and found that the resulting functional gives results that are in good agreement with the original functional. The isotropic-nematic transition has been located using the grand thermodynamic potential. The PY theory has been found to give nematic phase with pair correlation function harmonic coefficients having all the desired features. In a nematic phase the harmonic coefficient of the total pair correlation function h(x1,x2)h({\bf x_1},{\bf x_2}) connected with the correlations of the director transverse fluctuations should develop a long-range tail. This feature has been found in both the MSA and PY theories.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, Accepted in J. Chem. Phy

    Cross Cultural Leadership in Higher Educational Institutions – A Study with Special Reference to Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

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    This paper focuses on need and role of a Leader by exploring which one would be the most suited Leadership style in the cross cultural context for Higher Educational Institutions in Oman. The Leadership style explored and studied in this paper is - Transformational and Distributive Leadership styles. The paper highlights the Leadership roles of Heads of the institution for transformation in the cross cultural context. Keywords: Cross cultural context, Transformational and Distributive Leadershi

    Mifepristone for cervical ripening and induction of labour

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    Background: The study was aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Mifepristone for induction of labour and in improving the Bishop score at term. The study also aimed to assess induction delivery interval and maternal and fetal outcomes with Mifepristone.Methods: The study was carried out on 200 pregnant females with 2 study groups of 100 each. Group A females received tablet Mifepristone 400mg and   Group B females received placebo. Results: Time interval between induction to onset of labour was 28 hours 54 min and 42 hours 18 min respectively in cases and control group. Mean induction delivery interval was 35 hours 38 min and 49 hours 52 minutes respectively in cases and control group. LSCS rate was less with Mifepristone group.Conclusions: This study showed that treatment with Mifepristone is a simple and effective method of inducing labour in women with term pregnancy with unripe cervix. The use of Mifepristone provides an interesting new alternative to classic uterotonic agents when induction is necessary. The potential advantage of Mifepristone over PGs or oxytocin requires further evaluation in scarred uterus

    Marine fisheries of the north-east coast of India during 2008

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    The north-east region of India comprises of the states of West Bengal and Orissa. There are about 100 landing centres distributed in these two coastal states, of which most of them record seasonal fishing. The estimated marine fish landings in this region was 4.83 lakh t in 2008, which formed about 15% of the total ‘all India landings’

    Effect of counseling on breast feeding practices

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    Background: National Family Health Survey-3 data show that the initiation of breastfeeding within 1 h is only24.5%, whereas the exclusive breastfeeding rates in children <6 month is only 46.4%. Objective: The present studywas planned to assess the effect of counseling on breast feeding practices, especially early initiation and sustainedexclusive breast feeding (EBF). Method: Cases were pregnant mothers attending antenatal clinic of Kamla RajaHospital (KRH) (n = 154). Control group comprises of mothers who delivered at government maternity hospitalother than KRH (n = 140). The cases were enrolled using structured proforma with written consent. All mothers incase group were counseled antenataly for advantages of early initiation of breastfeeding and helped to initiate breastfeeding immediately after birth and again counseled at discharge, on follow-up at the end of 1st month and 3rd monthfor EBF. The effect was evaluated at end of 1st, 3rd and 6th month in terms of breast feeding practices. Counselingskills used were according to infant and young child feeding practice guidelines. At the end of 3rd month, group andindividual counseling was done in case group. In control group, the breast feeding practices were recorded at 1, 3and 6 month after delivery without any counseling. Results: There was significant increase in early initiation andEBF since birth in case group than in control group with odds ratio of 26. On follow-up at the end of 1st month,83% (p = 0.001) mothers were practicing EBF in case group, which increased to 86% (p = 0.01) and to 97%(p = 0.006) at the end of 3rd and 6th month, respectively. Effect of counseling in case group for EBF was more inprimiparous (78%, 81%, 91%) than in multiparous (48%, 55%, 61%) (p = 0.001, 0.006 and 0.0004 at end of 1st,3rd and 6th month respectively). On comparing group and individual counseling given at end of 3rd month, the effectevident at 6th month shows, respectively; group counseling was more effective (99%) than individual counseling(95%, p = 0.002). Conclusion: Counseling before delivery and at regular intervals was of utmost importance forearly initiation and sustained exclusive breastfeeding. This influenced primiparous mothers more. Group counselinghad more impact than individual counseling

    Maturity determination of red and white pulp dragon fruit

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    There is a huge potential for dragon fruits grown in India but insufficient information may hamper its production and postharvest handling. The aim of this study was to investigate the right harvest time and maturity indices for red and white pulp dragon fruit. Growth and developmental studies were undertaken using destructive (total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity and TSS: acid ratio) and non-destructive methods (fruit weight, specific gravity, peel colour and heat units). Fruits were collected at seven intervals (7, 14, 21, 26, 31, 36 and 41 days after flowering) to assess the right maturity. All these methods were used to standardize the optimum maturity and right time for the harvest of red and white pulp dragon fruit. Harvesting dragon fruits between 31-36 days after flowering (DAF) was found ideal for optimum maturity and quality. Both red and white pulp fruits harvested at 31 DAF showed better quality in terms of physic-chemical and sensory attributes