44,248 research outputs found

    Phenomenology of The Left-Right Twin Higgs Model

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    The twin Higgs mechanism has recently been proposed to solve the little hierarchy problem. We study the implementation of the twin Higgs mechanism in left-right models. At TeV scale, heavy quark and gauge bosons appear, with rich collider phenomenology. In addition, there are extra Higgses, some of which couple to both the Standard Model fermion sector and the gauge sector, while others couple to the gauge bosons only. We present the particle spectrum, and study the general features of the collider phenomenology of this class of model at the Large Hadron Collider.Comment: 41 pages, version appears in PR

    Local Density of States and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectral Function of an Inhomogeneous D-wave Superconductor

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    Nanoscale inhomogeneity seems to be a central feature of the d-wave superconductivity in the cuprates. Such a feature can strongly affect the local density of states (LDOS) and the spectral weight functions. Within the Bogoliubov-de Gennes formalism we examine various inhomogeneous configurations of the superconducting order parameter to see which ones better agree with the experimental data. Nanoscale large amplitude oscillations in the order parameter seem to fit the LDOS data for the underdoped cuprates. The one-particle spectral function for a general inhomogeneous configuration exhibits a coherent peak in the nodal direction. In contrast, the spectral function in the antinodal region is easily rendered incoherent by the inhomogeneity. This throws new light on the dichotomy between the nodal and antinodal quasiparticles in the underdoped cuprates.Comment: 5 pages, 9 pictures. Phys. Rev. B (in press

    Charmonium spectral functions in pˉA\bar p A collision

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    We study the in-medium propagation of low-lying charmonium states: J/ΨJ/\Psi, Ψ\Psi(3686), and Ψ\Psi(3770) in a pˉ\bar p Au 1010 GeV collision. This energy regime will be available for the PANDA experiment. The time evolution of the spectral functions of the charmonium states is studied with a BUU type transport model. We observe a substantial effect of the medium in the dilepton spectrum.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Presented at Excited QCD 2017, Sintra, Portuga

    Monte Carlo simulations of bosonic reaction-diffusion systems

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    An efficient Monte Carlo simulation method for bosonic reaction-diffusion systems which are mainly used in the renormalization group (RG) study is proposed. Using this method, one dimensional bosonic single species annihilation model is studied and, in turn, the results are compared with RG calculations. The numerical data are consistent with RG predictions. As a second application, a bosonic variant of the pair contact process with diffusion (PCPD) is simulated and shown to share the critical behavior with the PCPD. The invariance under the Galilean transformation of this boson model is also checked and discussion about the invariance in conjunction with other models are in order.Comment: Publishe

    The Decay of Debris Disks around Solar-Type Stars

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    We present a Spitzer MIPS study of the decay of debris disk excesses at 24 and 70 μ\mum for 255 stars of types F4 - K2. We have used multiple tests, including consistency between chromospheric and X-ray activity and placement on the HR diagram, to assign accurate stellar ages. Within this spectral type range, at 24 μ\mum, 13.6±2.8%13.6 \pm 2.8 \% of the stars younger than 5 Gyr have excesses at the 3σ\sigma level or more, while none of the older stars do, confirming previous work. At 70 μ\mum, 22.5±3.6%22.5 \pm 3.6\% of the younger stars have excesses at ≥ \ge 3 σ\sigma significance, while only 4.7−2.2+3.74.7^{+3.7}_{-2.2}% of the older stars do. To characterize the far infrared behavior of debris disks more robustly, we double the sample by including stars from the DEBRIS and DUNES surveys. For the F4 - K4 stars in this combined sample, there is only a weak (statistically not significant) trend in the incidence of far infrared excess with spectral type (detected fractions of 21.9−4.3+4.8%^{+4.8}_{-4.3}\%, late F; 16.5−3.3+3.9%^{+3.9}_{-3.3}\%, G; and 16.9−5.0+6.3%^{+6.3}_{-5.0}\%, early K). Taking this spectral type range together, there is a significant decline between 3 and 4.5 Gyr in the incidence of excesses with fractional luminosities just under 10−510^{-5}. There is an indication that the timescale for decay of infrared excesses varies roughly inversely with the fractional luminosity. This behavior is consistent with theoretical expectations for passive evolution. However, more excesses are detected around the oldest stars than is expected from passive evolution, suggesting that there is late-phase dynamical activity around these stars.Comment: 46 pages. 7 figures. Accepted to Ap

    Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov Inhomogeneous Superconducting State and Phase Transitions Induced by Spin Accumulation in a Ferromagnet-dx2−y2 d_{x^{2}-y^{2}}-Wave Superconductor-Ferromagnet Tunnel Junction

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    Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) inhomogeneous superconducting (SC) state, first- and second-order phase transitions, and quantum criticality induced by spin accumulation in a ferromagnet-dx2−y2d_{x^{2}-y^{2}}-wave superconductor-ferromagnet tunnel junction are theoretically predicted. A complex phase diagram in the temperature-bias voltage plane is determined. It is found that the phase transitions from the homogeneous BCS state to the inhomogeneous FFLO state, and from the FFLO state with the momentum q\mathbf{% q}'s azimuthal angle θq=0\theta_{\mathbf{q}}=0 to that with θq=π/4\theta_{% \mathbf{q}}=\pi /4, are of the first-order; while the transitions from all SC states to the normal state at critical voltages are of the second-order. A Lifshitz point, a bicritical point and a quantum critical point are identified.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Spin-Polarized Transport in Ferromagnet-Marginal Fermi Liquid Systems

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    Spin-polarized transport through a marginal Fermi liquid (MFL) which is connected to two noncollinear ferromagnets via tunnel junctions is discussed in terms of the nonequilibrium Green function approach. It is found that the current-voltage characteristics deviate obviously from the ohmic behavior, and the tunnel current increases slightly with temperature, in contrast to those of the system with a Fermi liquid. The tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) is observed to decay exponentially with increasing the bias voltage, and to decrease slowly with increasing temperature. With increasing the coupling constant of the MFL, the current is shown to increase linearly, while the TMR is found to decay slowly. The spin-valve effect is observed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, Phys. Rev. B 71, 064412 (2005

    Hamiltonian type Lie bialgebras

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    We first prove that, for any generalized Hamiltonian type Lie algebra LL, the first cohomology group H1(L,L⊗L)H^1(L,L \otimes L) is trivial. We then show that all Lie bialgebra structures on LL are triangular.Comment: LaTeX, 16 page
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