8 research outputs found

    Female asylum seekers with musculoskeletal pain: the importance of diagnosis and treatment of hypovitaminosis D

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    BACKGROUND: Hypovitaminosis D is well known in different populations, but may be under diagnosed in certain populations. We aim to determine the first diagnosis considered, the duration and resolution of symptoms, and the predictors of response to treatment in female asylum seekers suffering from hypovitaminosis D. METHODS: Design: A pre- and post-intervention observational study. Setting: A network comprising an academic primary care centre and nurse practitioners. Participants: Consecutive records of 33 female asylum seekers with complaints compatible with osteomalacia and with hypovitaminosis D (serum 25-(OH) vitamin D <21 nmol/l). Treatment intervention: The patients received either two doses of 300,000 IU intramuscular cholecalciferol as well as 800 IU of cholecalciferol with 1000 mg of calcium orally, or the oral treatment only. Main outcome measures: We recorded the first diagnosis made by the physicians before the correct diagnosis of hypovitaminosis D, the duration of symptoms before diagnosis, the responders and non-responders to treatment, the duration of symptoms after treatment, and the number of medical visits and analgesic drugs prescribed 6 months before and 6 months after diagnosis. Tests: Two-sample t-tests, chi-squared tests, and logistic regression analyses were performed. Analyses were performed using SPSS 10.0. RESULTS: Prior to the discovery of hypovitaminosis D, diagnoses related to somatisation were evoked in 30 patients (90.9%). The mean duration of symptoms before diagnosis was 2.53 years (SD 3.20). Twenty-two patients (66.7%) responded completely to treatment; the remaining patients were considered to be non-responders. After treatment was initiated, the responders' symptoms disappeared completely after 2.84 months. The mean number of emergency medical visits fell from 0.88 (SD 1.08) six months before diagnosis to 0.39 (SD 0.83) after (P = 0.027). The mean number of analgesic drugs that were prescribed also decreased from 1.67 (SD 1.5) to 0.85 (SD 1) (P = 0.001). CONCLUSION: Hypovitaminosis D in female asylum seekers may remain undiagnosed, with a prolonged duration of chronic symptoms. The potential pitfall is a diagnosis of somatisation. Treatment leads to a rapid resolution of symptoms, a reduction in the use of medical services, and the prescription of analgesic drugs in this vulnerable population

    Low Vitamin B12 levels among newly-arrived refugees from Bhutan, Iran and Afghanistan: a multicentre Australian study

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    Extent: 6p.Background: Vitamin B12 deficiency is prevalent in many countries of origin of refugees. Using a threshold of 5% above which a prevalence of low Vitamin B12 is indicative of a population health problem, we hypothesised that Vitamin B12 deficiency exceeds this threshold among newly-arrived refugees resettling in Australia, and is higher among women due to their increased risk of food insecurity. This paper reports Vitamin B12 levels in a large cohort of newly arrived refugees in five Australian states and territories. Methods: In a cross-sectional descriptive study, we collected Vitamin B12, folate and haematological indices on all refugees (n = 916; response rate 94% of eligible population) who had been in Australia for less than one year, and attended one of the collaborating health services between July 2010 and July 2011. Results: 16.5% of participants had Vitamin B12 deficiency (<150 pmol/L). One-third of participants from Iran and Bhutan, and one-quarter of participants from Afghanistan had Vitamin B12 deficiency. Contrary to our hypothesis, low Vitamin B12 levels were more prevalent in males than females. A higher prevalence of low Vitamin B12 was also reported in older age groups in some countries. The sensitivity of macrocytosis in detecting Vitamin B12 deficiency was only 4.6%. Conclusion: Vitamin B12 deficiency is an important population health issue in newly-arrived refugees from many countries. All newly-arrived refugees should be tested for Vitamin B12 deficiency. Ongoing research should investigate causes, treatment, and ways to mitigate food insecurity, and the contribution of such measures to enhancing the health of the refugee communities.Jill Benson, Christine Phillips, Margaret Kay, Murray T. Webber, Alison J. Ratcliff, Ignacio Correa-Velez, Michelle F. Lorime

    Musculoskeletal pain in female asylum seekers and hypovitaminosis D3

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    Résumé de l'article L'hypovitaminose D3 est bien connue et courante chez la population âgée en Occident. Toutefois, elle est probablement sous-diagnostiquée chez les jeunes femmes immigrantes, bien qu'elle soit bien documentée, principalement en Angleterre dans la population Indo-Pakistanaise. Lorsque ce déficit est diagnostiqué, le traitement substitutif est simple et bon marché. Nous avons suspecté une haute prévalence chez de jeunes femmes requérantes d'asile, surtout chez celles provenant de cultures différant quant à l'exposition solaire et la diète. Nous publions donc une série de 11 cas de patientes avec une hypovitaminose D symptomatique issues de la consultation générale de la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire. Toutes les patientes présentaient une anamnèse d'une faible exposition solaire et de douleurs osseuses diffuses, d'une fatigue, d'une faiblesse musculaire ou des modifications de la marche. Toutefois, les premiers diagnostics évoqués par les médecins étaient une possible somatisation (3 patientes), des douleurs dorso-lombaires chroniques (4 patientes) et des symptômes somatiques multiples et inexpliqués (3 patientes). Le diagnostic a été posé d'emblée chez une patiente seulement. La durée moyenne des plaintes avant la pose du diagnostic était de 38 mois et 5 jours. Avec le traitement de cholecalciférol et de calcium, les symptômes disparaissaient entre 1 et 3 mois, chez une patiente ils ont duré sept mois. Le taux moyen de 250H vitamine D3 était de 10.9 nmol/l (IR 21-131). Le taux moyen de calcium était de 2.19 mmol/l (2.15-2.55) et quatre patientes présentaient une hypocalcémie. Nous pensons donc que les femmes requérantes d'asile sont à risque d'une durée prolongée de symptômes, de part la possible haute prévalence de cette condition et la difficulté chez les médecins à la reconnaître. Le diagnostic d'hypovitaminose devrait être recherché chez les femmes requérantes d'asile souffrant de douleurs musculo-squelettiques de longue durée. Le premier diagnostic souvent évoqué, dans un contexte psychosocial souvent difficile, était de l'ordre d'un trouble somatoforme douloureux ou de somatisations. Toutefois, les douleurs liées à l'hypovitaminose D3 sont relativement bien définies ; elles sont symétriques, osseuses, débutent souvent dans la région lombaire pour ensuite s'étendre au bassin, aux membres inférieures proximalement et à la cage thoracique. Le traitement substitutif est simple, peu onéreux et il serait judicieux d'initier d'autres études pour évaluer le besoin d'une substitution de routine dans la population présentée. Abstract: Deficiency of vitamin D, which can lead to osteomalacia, is common in elderly patients in Western countries. However, it is still widely underdiagnosed in young immigrant women, even though the condition has been extensively reported in the immigrant Indo- Asian population in the United Kingdom since the 1960s. A recent study reports an average 59 months before diagnosis was established, and another study found a prevalence of 78% of hypovitaminosis D3 (compared with 58% in controls) in an Indo-Asian population attending a UK rheumatology clinic. When recognised, hypovitaminosis D3 is easily treatable. A study on osteomalacic myopathy in veiled Arabic women in Denmark found that muscle strength returned to normal (except in maximal voluntary con-traction) after six months' treatment. We expected to see this disease in female asylum seekers, especially in those from societies with different customs regarding exposure to sunlight and diet We report 11 cases of symptomatic hypovitaminosis D3 in female asylum seekers (table 1). We focus on the pathology encountered by the primary care doctors caring for these 11 patients, the length of time between the appearance of symptoms, and the establishment of the diagnosis of hypovitaminosis D3 as well as the women's response to treatment by the improvement of a wide range of clinical symptoms-bone pain, muscular weakness, and fatigue

    Femmes et tabagisme: spécificités épidémiologiques et cliniques [Women and tobacco: epidemiological and clinical specificities]

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    Cigarette smoking amongst women is a major issue in daily clinical practice and in public health. Tobacco is the cause of gender specific diseases. From a psychosocial point of view, female smokers tend to be emotionally vulnerable and relationship sensitive. The risk of weight gain and depression must be anticipated and assessed throughout the smoking cessation process. Professionals involved in smoking cessation must be aware of these somatic and psychosocial specificities in order to be able to offer efficient smoking cessation treatments. Public health strategies must also be developed worldwide to control the expected dramatic impact of the female tobacco epidemic

    Cycles de vie d'une femme et tabac [The health consequences of smoking for women at different stages of their life].

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    Women who smoke underestimate the risks of smoking on their health, especially the impact of the anti-estrogenic and toxic effects of tobacco at the different stages of their life. The risk of female infertility related to tobacco is now well-proven, as is the risk of arterial and venous thrombotic event when tobacco is associated with oral contraception. Many foetal and maternal pathologies are linked to maternal smoking. Regarding post-menopausal women, smoking is associated with an increased osteoporotic and cardio-vascular risk. Doctors are at the first line to advise women and propose them help and assistance in their quit smoking process in a way adapted to their situation

    Diferenças de gênero na tendência de mortalidade por câncer de pulmão nas macrorregiões brasileiras Gender differences in lung cancer mortality trends in Brazilian macro regions

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    O câncer de pulmão é a primeira causa de óbito por câncer entre homens e a segunda entre mulheres no Brasil. Em países desenvolvidos, a mortalidade por este tipo de câncer vem declinando entre homens, mas não entre as mulheres. Este estudo analisou as tendências de mortalidade por câncer de pulmão no Brasil para homens e mulheres durante o período de 1979 a 2003 em todo o país e nas cinco macrorregiões. Foram calculadas taxas de mortalidade padronizadas por idade e específicas para os grupos etários de 40-59 e 60 anos e mais. As variações percentuais anuais estimadas (Estimated Annual Percent Change - EAPC) foram avaliadas para os períodos: 1979-1987, 1988-1995, 1996-2003. A mortalidade por câncer de pulmão em todo o período (1979-2003) aumentou em 29% entre homens e em 86% entre mulheres. Desagregando-se os dados, observou-se uma tendência inversa evidente na região Sudeste entre 1996 e 2003 para o grupo etário mais jovem com diminuição para homens (EAPC = - 2,1) e aumento para mulheres (EAPC = 3,2). Merece destaque a grande variação positiva nas tendências para mulheres na região Norte e Nordeste a partir de 1988 nos dois grupos etários estudados. Os resultados reforçam a necessidade de dar continuidade às ações de controle do tabagismo para os homens e de aperfeiçoar as estratégias voltadas para as mulheres.<br>Lung cancer is the first most frequent cause of cancer mortality among males and the second among females in Brazil. In developed countries the mortality due to this type of cancer is decreasing in men, but not in women. This study analyses mortality trends for lung cancer in Brazil in the 1979-2003 period, according to gender in the whole country as well as in the five geographic macro regions. Age-standardized mortality rates and mortality specific rates (40-59 and ³ 60 years old) were calculated. Estimated Annual Percentage Changes (EAPC) were assessed for the whole country and for each geographic macro region in three time periods: 1979-1987, 1988-1995, and 1996-2003. Lung cancer mortality showed an upward trend of 29% in men and 86% in women, during the entire period (1979-2003). When data were segregated, an evident inverse trend was observed in the Southeast region between 1996 and 2003 in the youngest age group, with a negative variation for men (EAPC = - 2.1) and a positive one for women (EAPC = 3.2). The highly positive variation in cancer mortality trends in women from the North and Northeast regions in both age groups as of 1988 is noteworthy. The results point toward the need to continue tobacco control measures among males and to improve strategies aimed at women