1,685 research outputs found

    High temperature thermocouple design provides gas cooling without increasing overall size of unit

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    High temperature thermocouple uses a thermoelement of noncircular cross section with insulation of circular cross section to provide space for the flow of coolant gas down the probe

    Silicon solar cell monitors high temperature furnace operation

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    Silicon solar cell, attached to each viewpoint, monitors that incandescent emission from the hot interior of a furnace without interfering with the test assembly or optical pyrometry during the test. This technique can provide continuous indication of hot spots or provide warning of excessive temperatures in cooler regions

    Vapor deposition process provides new method for fabricating high temperature thermocouples

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    Fabrication techniques for high temperature thermocouples bind all components so that differential thermal expansion and contraction do not result in mechanical slippage and localized stress concentrations. Installation space is reduced or larger thermoelements and thicker insulation can be used to improve temperature measurement accuracy

    Multipurpose instrumentation cable provides integral thermocouple circuit

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    Multipurpose cable with an integral thermocouple circuit measures strain, vibration, pressure, throughout a wide temperature range. This cable reduces bulky and complex circuitry by eliminating separate thermocouples for each transducer

    Thoriated tungsten tube provides improved high temperature thermocouple sheath

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    Thermocouple tubing of thoriated tungsten with a very fine grain structure produces a small-diameter sheath capable of operating up to 5000 degrees R in a hydrogen and graphite environment. This tubing remains ductile and resists both grain growth and carbiding even after prolonged exposure to temperature

    Spectrophotometry of planets, asteroids and satellites from the international ultraviolet explorer satellite

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    A total of 14 8 hour I.U.E. observing sessions resulted in 39 spectra of 11 asteroids and 9 solar type stars as well as 57 spectra at various locations on the disk of Jupiter. The Jupiter observations include a total of 5 center to limb series of spectra at various latitudes and a North South series along the central meridian. In the range from 2000-3000 A, the planet shows a striking decrease in brightness at latitudes greater than about 30 degrees, and exhibits limb brightening at low latitudes and limb darkening at high latitudes. Preliminary results indicate that about 6 km-amagats of clean hydrogen are required above a haze of absorbing aerosols to reproduce the limb brightening observed at 2500 A in the equatorial regions. At higher latitudes, the aerosols extend to even higher levels of the atmosphere. Comparison of the Jovian data with detailed model calculations and the analyses of the asteroid spectra are still in progress with other support

    Self-replaceable thermocouple for molten steel bath - A concept

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    Thermocouple wires, consisting of tungsten-rhenium alloy protected by ablative ceramic coating, are wound on a reel and fed continuously into bath. Tests indicate accuracy and reliability are comparable to conventional devices

    Strategien zur Minimierung des Einsatzes kupferhaltiger Fungizide bei der Krautfäulebekämpfung im Ökologischen Kartoffelanbau – ein vom Bundesprogramm Ökologischer Landbau gefördertes Forschungsprojekt

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    Ziel des Projektes ist es, auf Basis der witterungsbedingten Epidemiebewertung, die Kupferaufwandmengen auf das absolut notwendige Maß zu begrenzen. Dazu werden verschiedene Strategien verfolgt. Zum einen soll durch eine Pflanzgutbeizung mit Kupferpräparaten das Auftreten von Primärbefall reduziert werden, um den Epidemiebeginn und somit auch den Spritzstart nach hinten verlagern zu können. Zum andern werden zur Kontrolle des Sekundärbefalls Applikationsstrategien erarbeitet, bei denen die Kupferaufwandmengen und die Spritzabstände variabel an den Infektionsdruck angepasst werden, um mit möglichst niedrigeren Mengen auszukommen

    Prognosegesteuerte Bekämpfungsstrategien im Ökologischen Kartoffelanbau- mögliche Kupfereinsparungspotentiale und Vergleich der Bekämpfungserfolge

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    Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes ÖKOSIMPHYT liegen mittlerweile dreijährige Versuchsergebnisse zur Bekämpfung der Kraut- und Knollenfäule (Phytophthora infestans) im Ökologischen Kartoffelanbau vor, in denen die Anwendung des neuen Prognosesystems ÖKOSIMPHYT im Freiland getestet wurde. Ziel des Projektes ist, durch eine zielgerichtete Applikation den Kupfereinsatz sowohl aus Bekämpfung- als auch aus ökologischer Sicht zu optimieren

    Strategien zur Reduzierung der Kupferaufwandmengen im ökologischen Kartoffelanbau – Projekt “ÖKO-SIMPHYT“

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    Potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans) is still an unsolved problem in organic farming. Up to now the disease can only be controlled by copper fungicides. Our project is aiming to reduce the application of copper-containing fungicides by introduc-tion of the new blight forecasting system “ÖKO-SIMPHYT” based on meteorological parameters. Primary stem infections should be reduced by seed treatment with copper fungicides thus to postpone the beginning of the blight epidemic as well as the start of spraying. To control secondary infections on the foliage, fungicide strategies should be elaborated to achieve best efficacy with reduced amounts of copper. Therefore copper amounts and spraying intervals should be adjusted to the infection pressure. Based on the biological and epidemiological conditions for primary and secondary infections the new developed potato blight forecast system ÖKO-SIMPHYT should be optimized