8 research outputs found

    Determination of physicochemical pollutants in wastewater and some food crops grown along Kakuri Brewery wastewater channels, Kaduna State, Nigeria

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    Wastewater samples near Brewery industry and food/crop samples grown along stream were collected from the Kakuri wastewater channel near the Brewery, Kaduna metropolis. The Samples were collected between the periods of January 2017 to March 2017, to ascertain the level of the following parameters; pH, temperature, turbidity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), Biological oxygen demand (BOD5), dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity, total dissolved solid (TDS), sulphate, nitrate, and phosphate. Moreover, heavy metals (cobalt, chromium, iron, manganese, nickel cadmium and lead, were determined. The levels of pH, conductivity, temperature, nitrate, sulphate, phosphate, TDS, DO, BOD5 and COD were higher than the maximum permissible limits set by Federal Environmental Protection Agencies (FEPA) Nigeria. The level of heavy metals in the wastewater and food samples were higher than limits set by the World Health Organization maximum contaminant levels and that of Food Agricultural Organisation (FAO). The high levels of heavy metals in the food samples suggests that the wastewater used for the irrigation of these food/crop samples within the study area can be tagged as polluted and is not suitable for irrigation of crops. Thus, the wastewater around the Brewery channel is highly polluted. Both Industrial and Domestic wastewater should be properly disposed and recycled

    Physicochemical and bacteriological quality of water collected from dams and rivers along gold mining sites in Zamfara State

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    The physicochemical properties of water such as pH, temperature, conductivity, total dissolved solids, total suspended solid, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, chloride, turbidity, hardness, sulphate, chemical oxygen demand and biochemical oxygen of the three major dams and rivers in Zamfara State were analyzed using standard analytical methods. The influence of seasonal variability on the parameters was also considered. Bacteriological assessment was also conducted to determine the bacteria load of the water bodies. The total bacterial counts obtained during the wet season (3.6 x 106 to 8.9 x 106) were generally higher than those obtained in the dry (2.4 x105 to 7.9 x 105). The microbial values recorded in the dam which ranged from (2.4 x105 to 7.4 x 106) and rivers (5.2 x105 to 8.9 x 106) water body represent high bacteria load compared to the recommended standards for drinking water (WHO, 2008; EPA, 2010; USEPA, 2002). The result of the physicochemical parameters revealed marked variations and non-uniform distribution from one season to another for two years of study. The results further showed that pH, temperature, EC, TDS, TSS, alkalinity, DO, BOD, COD, Cl, and SO4 have values that fall below the USEPA standard limit for drinking water with exception of turbidity (88.67 mg/l) that has a value higher than the recommended standard limit. Analysis of variance on the data collected revealed that there were significant difference (P < 0.05) between the parameters based on locations and seasons. Multiple range test conducted on the parameters also showed a significant difference between the wet and dry seasons. A combined mean of the parameters further revealed a significant different between the years

    Assessments of physicochemical properties and heavy metals content in soils from selected solid waste dumpsites in Kaduna Metropolis, Kaduna Atate, Nigeria

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    Representative samples of the solid wastes were collected from three dumpsites in Kaduna metropolis respectively using standard sampling methods. Control samples were obtained at about 200m from the dumpsites. Physical and chemical properties of these samples were assessed after extraction. Classical and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric methods were used for the analysis. Results obtained were subjected to statistical analysis for the range, mean & standard deviation. The results indicates that Fe has the highest concentration of 4935.0 mg/kg and the least was Ni with 28.1mg/kg. Likewise, the contamination status of metals shows that, Pb has the status of 5.0 as the highest while Cr has 0.5 as the least. The results of the physicochemical parameters obtained were within the permissible limits specified by Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) for micro and macro nutrients, while the heavy metals content were above the limits specified by World Health Organization (WHO) and FAO for soils

    Linear polarization studies of the corrosion inhibition of aluminium using leaves extract of Alcalypha wilkesiana

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    An electrochemical investigation was conducted to evaluate the corrosion behavior of Aluminum in 1M Hydrochloric acid medium. Corrosion currents were determined using the linear polarization technique. Tafel slopes, 尾a and 尾c were also determined by Tafel polarization measurements. The effect of Extracts of Alcalypha wilkesiana on the Aluminum corrosion behavior was observed in electrolyte solutions at room temperature. The results showed a lower corrosion rate (CR) in the Alcalypha wilkesiana solution (AS), having a CR of 14.26 mm/yr against that of the blank solution (BS) with a CR of 22.61 mm/yr. The calculated inhibition efficiency was 37 %