45 research outputs found

    Defects in Jackiw-Teitelboim Quantum Gravity

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    We classify and study defects in 2d Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity. We show these are holographically described by a deformation of the Schwarzian theory where the reparametrization mode is integrated over different coadjoint orbits of the Virasoro group. We show that the quantization of each coadjoint orbit is connected to 2d Liouville CFT between branes with insertions of Verlinde loop operators. We also propose an interpretation for the exceptional orbits. We use this perspective to solve these deformations of the Schwarzian theory, computing their partition function and correlators. In the process, we define two geometric observables: the horizon area operator Φh\Phi_h and the geodesic length operator L(γ)L(\gamma). We show this procedure is structurally related to the deformation of the particle-on-a-group quantum mechanics by the addition of a chemical potential. As an example, we solve the low-energy theory of complex SYK with a U(1) symmetry and generalize to the non-abelian case.Comment: 66 pages, v4: clarifications added, typos corrected, matches published versio

    Liouville quantum gravity -- holography, JT and matrices

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    We study two-dimensional Liouville gravity and minimal string theory on spaces with fixed length boundaries. We find explicit formulas describing the gravitational dressing of bulk and boundary correlators in the disk. Their structure has a striking resemblance with observables in 2d BF (plus a boundary term), associated to a quantum deformation of SL(2,R)SL(2,\mathbb{R}), a connection we develop in some detail. For the case of the (2,p)(2,p) minimal string theory, we compare and match the results from the continuum approach with a matrix model calculation, and verify that in the large pp limit the correlators match with Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity. We consider multi-boundary amplitudes that we write in terms of gluing bulk one-point functions using a quantum deformation of the Weil-Petersson volumes and gluing measures. Generating functions for genus zero Weil-Petersson volumes are derived, taking the large pp limit. Finally, we present preliminary evidence that the bulk theory can be interpreted as a 2d dilaton gravity model with a sinhΦ\sinh \Phi dilaton potential.Comment: 77 pages, v4: corrected several signs and prefactors in sections 5, 7 and 8, and a short comment at the end of section 4, added references, matches published versio

    Solvable Models of Quantum Black Holes: A Review on Jackiw-Teitelboim Gravity

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    We review recent developments in Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity. This is a simple solvable model of quantum gravity in two dimensions (that arises e.g. from the s-wave sector of higher dimensional gravity systems with spherical symmetry). Due to its solvability, it has proven to be a fruitful toy model to analyze important questions such as the relation between black holes and chaos, the role of wormholes in black hole physics and holography, and the way in which information that falls into a black hole can be recovered.Comment: Invited review article for Living Reviews in Relativity, v2: typos fixed and references adde

    Shockwave S-matrix from Schwarzian Quantum Mechanics

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    Schwarzian quantum mechanics describes the collective IR mode of the SYK model and captures key features of 2D black hole dynamics. Exact results for its correlation functions were obtained in JHEP {\bf 1708}, 136 (2017) [arXiv:1705.08408]. We compare these results with bulk gravity expectations. We find that the semi-classical limit of the out-of-time-order (OTO) four-point function exactly matches with the scattering amplitude obtained from the Dray-'t Hooft shockwave S\mathcal{S}-matrix. We show that the two point function of heavy operators reduces to the semi-classical saddle-point of the Schwarzian action. We also explain a previously noted match between the OTO four point functions and 2D conformal blocks. Generalizations to higher-point functions, and applications, are discussed.Comment: 37 pages, 6 figures; v3 typos fixe

    Phases of N N \mathcal{N} = 2 Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models

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    Abstract We study N N \mathcal{N} = 2 supersymmetric Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) models with com- plex fermions at non-zero background charge. Motivated by multi-charge supersymmetric black holes, we propose a new N N \mathcal{N} = 2 SYK model with multiple U(1) symmetries, integer charges, and a non-vanishing supersymmetric index, realizing features not present in known SYK models. In both models, a conformal solution with a super-Schwarzian mode emerges at low temperatures, signalling the appearance of nearly AdS2/BPS physics. However, in contrast to complex SYK, the fermion scaling dimension depends on the background charge in the conformal limit. For a critical charge, we find a high to low entropy phase transition in which the conformal solution ceases to be valid. This transition has a simple interpretation– the fermion scaling dimension violates the unitarity bound. We offer some comments on a holographic interpretation for supersymmetric black holes

    Towards a 2d QFT analog of the SYK model

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    We propose a 2D QFT generalization of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, which we argue preserves most of its features. The UV limit of the model is described by NN copies of a topological Ising CFT. The full interacting model exhibits conformal symmetry in the IR and an emergent pseudo-Goldstone mode that arises from broken reparametrization symmetry. We find that the effective action of the Goldstone mode matches with the 3D AdS gravity action, viewed as a functional of the boundary metric. We compute the spectral density and show that the leading deviation from conformal invariance looks like a TTˉT \bar{T} deformation. We comment on the relation between the IR effective action and Liouville CFT.Comment: 2+27 pages, 4 figures; v2: ref adde