322 research outputs found

    Neuroprediction and A.I. in Forensic Psychiatry and Criminal Justice: A Neurolaw Perspective

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    Advances in the use of neuroimaging in combination with A.I., and specifically the use of machine learning techniques, have led to the development of brain-reading technologies which, in the nearby future, could have many applications, such as lie detection, neuromarketing or brain-computer interfaces. Some of these could, in principle, also be used in forensic psychiatry. The application of these methods in forensic psychiatry could, for instance, be helpful to increase the accuracy of risk assessment and to identify possible interventions. This technique could be referred to as ‘A.I. neuroprediction,’ and involves identifying potential neurocognitive markers for the prediction of recidivism. However, the future implications of this technique and the role of neuroscience and A.I. in violence risk assessment remain to be established. In this paper, we review and analyze the literature concerning the use of brain-reading A.I. for neuroprediction of violence and rearrest to identify possibilities and challenges in the future use of these techniques in the fields of forensic psychiatry and criminal justice, considering legal implications and ethical issues. The analysis suggests that additional research is required on A.I. neuroprediction techniques, and there is still a great need to understand how they can be implemented in risk assessment in the field of forensic psychiatry. Besides the alluring potential of A.I. neuroprediction, we argue that its use in criminal justice and forensic psychiatry should be subjected to thorough harms/benefits analyses not only when these technologies will be fully available, but also while they are being researched and developed

    Structure-property-function relationships in triple helical collagen hydrogels

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    In order to establish defined biomimetic systems, type I collagen was functionalised with 1,3-Phenylenediacetic acid (Ph) as aromatic, bifunctional segment. Following investigation on molecular organization and macroscopic properties, material functionalities, i.e. degradability and bioactivity, were addressed, aiming at elucidating the potential of this collagen system as mineralization template. Functionalised collagen hydrogels demonstrated a preserved triple helix conformation. Decreased swelling ratio and increased thermo-mechanical properties were observed in comparison to state-of-the-art carbodiimide (EDC)-crosslinked collagen controls. Ph-crosslinked samples displayed no optical damage and only a slight mass decrease (∼ 4 wt.-%) following 1-week incubation in simulated body fluid (SBF), while nearly 50 wt.-% degradation was observed in EDC-crosslinked collagen. SEM/EDS revealed amorphous mineral deposition, whereby increased calcium phosphate ratio was suggested in hydrogels with increased Ph content. This investigation provides valuable insights for the synthesis of triple helical collagen materials with enhanced macroscopic properties and controlled degradation. In light of these features, this system will be applied for the design of tissue-like scaffolds for mineralized tissue formation

    A Redox-Responsive Hyaluronic Acid-Based Hydrogel for Chronic Wound Management

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    Polymer-based hydrogels have been widely applied for chronic wound therapeutics, due to their well-acclaimed wound exudate management capability. At the same time, there is still an unmet clinical need for simple wound diagnostic tools to assist clinical decision-making at the point of care and deliver on the vision of patient-personalised wound management. To explore this challenge, we present a one-step synthetic strategy to realise a redox-responsive, hyaluronic acid (HA)-based hydrogel that is sensitive to wound environment-related variations in glutathione (GSH) concentration. By selecting aminoethyl disulfide (AED) as a GSH-sensitive crosslinker and considering GSH concentration variations in active and non-self-healing wounds, we investigated the impact of GSH induced AED cleavage on hydrogel dimensions, aiming to build GSH-size relationships for potential point-of-care wound diagnosis. The hydrogel was also found to be non-cytotoxic and aided L929 fibroblast growth and proliferation over seven days in vitro. Such a material offers a very low-cost tool for the visual detection of a target analyte that varies dependent on the status of the cells and tissues (wound detection), and may be further exploited as an implant for fibroblast growth and tissue regeneration (wound repair)

    In-situ crosslinked wet spun collagen triple helices with nanoscale-regulated ciprofloxacin release capability

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    The design of antibacterial-releasing coatings or wrapping materials with controlled drug release capability is a promising strategy to minimise risks of infection and medical device failure in vivo. Collagen fibres have been employed as medical device building block, although they still fail to display controlled release capability, competitive wet-state mechanical properties, and retained triple helix organisation. We investigated this challenge by pursuing a multiscale design approach integrating drug encapsulation, in-situ covalent crosslinking and fibre spinning. By selecting ciprofloxacin (Cip) as a typical antibacterial drug, wet spinning was selected as a triple helix-friendly route towards Cip-encapsulated collagen fibres; whilst in–situ crosslinking of fibre-forming triple helices with 1,3–phenylenediacetic acid (Ph) was hypothesised to yield Ph-Cip π-π stacking aromatic interactions and enable controlled drug release. Higher tensile modulus and strength were measured in Ph–crosslinked fibres compared to state-of-the-art carbodiimide–crosslinked controls. Cip-encapsulated Ph-crosslinked fibres revealed decreased elongation at break and significantly-enhanced drug retention in vitro with respect to Cip-free variants and carbodiimide-crosslinked controls, respectively. This multiscale manufacturing strategy provides new insight aiming at wet spun collagen triple helices with nanoscale-regulated tensile properties and drug release capability

    EOQ inventory model for perishable products under uncertainty

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    Perishable products require accurate inventory control models as their effect on operations management can be critical. This assumption is particularly relevant in highly uncertain and dynamic markets, as for the ones generated by the pandemic era. This paper presents an inventory control model for perishable items with a demand rate variable over time, and dependent on the inventory rate. The model also considers the potential for backlogging and lost sales. Imperfect product quality is included, and deterioration is modelled as a time-dependent variable. The framework envisages the possibility to define variables affected by uncertainty in terms of probability distribution functions, which are then jointly managed via a Monte Carlo simulation. This paper is intended to provide an analytical formulation to deal with uncertainty and time-dependent inventory functions to be used for a variety of perishable products. The formulation is designed to support decision-making for the identification of the optimal order quantity. A numerical example exemplifies the outcomes of the paper and provides a cost-based sensitivity analysis to understand the role of main parameters

    Biomimetic wet-stable fibres via wet spinning and diacid-based crosslinking of collagen triple helices

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    One of the limitations of electrospun collagen as bone-like fibrous structure is the potential collagen triple helix denaturation in the fibre state and the corresponding inadequate wet stability even after crosslinking. Here, we have demonstrated the feasibility of accomplishing wet-stable fibres by wet spinning and diacid-based crosslinking of collagen triple helices, whereby fibre ability to act as bone-mimicking mineralisation system has also been explored. Circular dichroism (CD) demonstrated nearly complete triple helix retention in resulting wetspun fibres, and the corresponding chemically crosslinked fibres successfully preserved their fibrous morphology following 1-week incubation in phosphate buffer solution (PBS). The presented novel diacid-based crosslinking route imparted superior tensile modulus and strength to the resulting fibres indicating that covalent functionalization of distant collagen molecules is unlikely to be accomplished by current state-of-the-art carbodiimide-based crosslinking. To mimic the constituents of natural bone extra cellular matrix (ECM), the crosslinked fibres were coated with carbonated hydroxyapatite (CHA) through biomimetic precipitation, resulting in an attractive biomaterial for guided bone regeneration (GBR), e.g. in bony defects of the maxillofacial region

    Influence of 4-vinylbenzylation on the rheological and swelling properties of photo activated collagen hydrogels

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    Covalent functionalisation of collagen has been shown to be a promising strategy to adjust the mechanical properties of highly swollen collagen hydrogels. At the same time, secondary interactions between for example, amino acidic terminations or introduced functional groups also play an important role and are often challenging to predict and control. To explore this challenge, 4-vinylbenzyl chloride (4VBC) and methacrylic anhydride (MA) were reacted with type I collagen, and the swelling and rheological properties of resulting photo-activated hydrogel systems investigated. 4VBC-based hydrogels showed significantly increased swelling ratio, in light of the lower degree of collagen functionalisation, with respect to methacrylated collagen networks, whilst rheological storage moduli were found to be comparable between the two systems. To explore the role of benzyl groups in the mechanical properties of the 4VBC-based collagen system, model chemical force microscopy (CFM) was carried out in aqueous environment with an aromatised probe against an aromatised gold-coated glass slide. A marked increase in adhesion force (F: 0.11±0.01 nN) was measured between aromatised samples, compared to the adhesion force observed between the non-modified probe and a glass substrate (F: 2.64±1.82 nN). These results suggest the formation of additional and reversible π-π stacking interactions in aromatic 4VBC-based networks and explain the remarkable rheological properties of this system in comparison to MA-based hydrogels

    Effect of Mammalian Tissue Source on the Molecular and Macroscopic Characteristics of UV-Cured Type I Collagen Hydrogel Networks

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    The tissue source of type I collagen is critical to ensure scalability and regulation-friendly clinical translation of new medical device prototypes. However, the selection of a commercial source of collagen that fulfils both aforementioned requirements and is compliant with new manufacturing routes is challenging. This study investigates the effect that type I collagen extracted from three different mammalian tissues has on the molecular and macroscopic characteristics of a new UV-cured collagen hydrogel. Pepsin-solubilised bovine atelocollagen (BA) and pepsin-solubilised porcine atelocollagen (PA) were selected as commercially available raw materials associated with varying safety risks and compared with in-house acid-extracted type I collagen from rat tails (CRT). All raw materials displayed the typical dichroic and electrophoretic characteristics of type I collagen, while significantly decreased lysine content was measured on samples of PA. Following covalent functionalisation with 4-vinylbenzyl chloride (4VBC), BA and CRT products generated comparable UV-cured hydrogels with significantly increased averaged gel content (G ≥ 97 wt.%), while the porcine variants revealed the highest swelling ratio (SR = 2224 ± 242 wt.%) and an order of magnitude reduction in compression modulus (Ec = 6 ± 2 kPa). Collectively, these results support the use of bovine tissues as a chemically viable source of type I collagen for the realisation of UV-cured hydrogels with competitive mechanical properties and covalent network architectures

    Compositional and in Vitro Evaluation of Nonwoven Type I Collagen/Poly-dl-lactic Acid Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration

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    Poly-dl-lactic acid (PDLLA) was blended with type I collagen to attempt to overcome the instantaneous gelation of electrospun collagen scaffolds in biological environments. Scaffolds based on blends of type I collagen and PDLLA were investigated for material stability in cell culture conditions (37 °C; 5% CO2) in which post-electrospinning glutaraldehyde crosslinking was also applied. The resulting wet-stable webs were cultured with bone marrow stromal cells (HBMSC) for five weeks. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR) and biochemical assays were used to characterise the scaffolds and the consequent cell-scaffold constructs. To investigate any electrospinning-induced denaturation of collagen, identical PDLLA/collagen and PDLLA/gelatine blends were electrospun and their potential to promote osteogenic differentiation investigated. PDLLA/collagen blends with w/w ratios of 40/60, 60/40 and 80/20 resulted in satisfactory wet stabilities in a humid environment, although chemical crosslinking was essential to ensure long term material cell culture. Scaffolds of PDLLA/collagen at a 60:40 weight ratio provided the greatest stability over a five-week culture period. The PDLLA/collagen scaffolds promoted greater cell proliferation and osteogenic differentiation compared to HMBSCs seeded on the corresponding PDLLA/gelatine scaffolds, suggesting that any electrospinning-induced collagen denaturation did not affect material biofunctionality within 5 weeks in vitro

    A system-approach for recoverable spare parts management using the discreteweibull distribution

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    Optimal spare parts management strategies allow sustaining a system's availability, while ensuring timely and effective maintenance. Following a systemic perspective, this paper starts from the Multi-Echelon Technique for Recoverable Item Control (METRIC) to investigate the potential use of a Weibull distribution for modelling items' demand in case of failure. Adapting the analytic formulation of METRIC through a Discrete Weibull distribution, this study originally proposes a METRIC-based model (DW-METRIC) to be used for modelling the stochastic demand in multi-item systems, in order to ensure process sustainability. The DW-METRIC has been tested in a case study related to an industrial plant constituted by 98 items in a passive redundancy configuration. Comparing the results via a simulation model, the outcomes of the study allow defining applicability criteria for the DW-METRIC, in those settings where the DW-METRIC offers more accurate estimations than the traditional METRIC
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